I'm down 85 pounds!

Sep 21, 2009

I'm losing weight slower than molasses in January, but I'm doing it!  

I'm now in a Size 18 (from a 26-28)! 


Back on Jenny Craig...

Aug 25, 2009

I stopped Jenny Craig for about a month, but still lost quite a bit of weight (about 10 pounds on my own).  But I'm giving it a try again for another couple of months for the extra help.  Yesterday's weigh-in was 222 pounds (with clothes).  I was 220 without clothes on my own scale.

Another 17 pounds until I enter the Century Club!!!


Down 80 pounds!!!

Aug 21, 2009

I'm down 80 pounds from my highest weight (303 to 223). WOOHOO!!!!

YAY for me!!!  It has NOT been easy or fast...but I made it (took me 1 year, 10 months...not good).

51 more pounds to go to my "happy" weight...172.  71 more pounds to my "ideal" weight...152.  Boy, that sounds like a lot.  I think I'll concentrate on 172 for now.

My short term goal though is to make it to the "Century Club" (100 pound loss).  Just 20 more pounds to go! 

I finally reached 225!

Aug 06, 2009

Well I FINALLY reached 225 pounds!  About a year later than I wanted...but at least I made it.  For some strange reason, 225 is the weight that just seems fat to me rather than obese.  That was my perspective when I was 303 pounds anyway.  Now that I'm here though, I still look obese.    But...at least I reached one of my milestones today.

I'm down 78 pounds now! 

Officially half way to my ultimate goal!

Jun 15, 2009

I've officially reached the half way mark to my ultimate goal of 152 pounds. I weighed in at 227 (without clothes) this morning! YAY!!!!!

I've lost 4.5 pounds of that in just the last two weeks! 

UPDATE:  Official Jenny Craig weigh-in WITH CLOTHES was 229.6 pounds



The Biggest Loser - Round 2

Jun 01, 2009

I finished off the last round of The Biggest Loser with a 12.5 pound loss.  Then gained a bit (half a pound) in the 2 week wait for this next round.

So my current weight is: 231.5 pounds.

My goal weight loss by August 31st is 15 pounds, which would bring me to 216.5 pounds.  That would be just under the weight I was when my husband asked me to marry him!  I was hoping I'd be at 217 already, but I haven't put in the effort needed either.  I just HAVE to do this, this time!

Restarting Jenny Craig today too after a bit of a break (2 weeks).


Just an update...

May 05, 2009

I'm not doing as well as I thought I'd do on my online weight loss challenge.  But then again, I'm not putting in the effort I should be either.  I am down 12 pounds though, which is better than nothing!

Week #1: -4 pounds
Week #2: -2 pounds
Week #3: -1 pound
Week #4: -1.5 pounds
Week #5: 0 pounds
Week #6: -1.5 pounds
Week #7: 0 pounds
Week #8: -1.5 pounds
Week #10: +1 pound
Week #11: -1.5 pounds

TOTAL: -12 pounds

Current weight: 231.0 pounds (without clothes)

Last Jenny Craig weigh-in (with clothes): 232.5 pounds


My progress so far...

Apr 20, 2009

This is how I'm doing on my online weight loss challenge so far:

Week #1: -4 pounds
Week #2: -2 pounds
Week #3: -1 pound
Week #4: -1.5 pounds
Week #5: 0 pounds
Week #6: -1.5 pounds
Week #7: 0 pounds
Week #8: -1.5 pounds

TOTAL: -11.5 pounds

Current weight:  231.5 pounds

I should be in the 220's by next week!

I also have an official Jenny Craig weigh-in later this afternoon too, so I might have a slightly different scale number.  But the above numbers are taken on my home scale without clothing.  UPDATE:  Official Jenny Craig weigh-in was 233.5 (WITH clothes).

Down 70 pounds!!!

Apr 06, 2009

I lost 10 pounds since the beginning of my online weight loss challenge...and 70 pounds from my highest weight of 303 pounds!  WOOHOO!!! 

My current weight is now 233 pounds.

(Last Jenny Craig weigh-in: 235.6, with clothes)

As for my online weight loss challenge, it's doing pretty good. I need to lose about 2.5 pounds a week now though to reach my goal.  I could be doing better. I need to step it up!

Week 1: -4 pounds
Week 2: -2 pounds
Week 3: -1 pound
Week 4: -1.5 pounds
Week 5: -0 pounds
Week 6: -1.5 pounds

TOTAL: 10 pounds

Still losing!

Mar 23, 2009

I'm doing good with my online weight loss challenge!

At the end of 4 weeks, I'm lost 8 1/2 pounds! WOOHOO!!!

Week 1: -4 pounds
Week 2: -2 pounds
Week 3: -1 pound
Week 4: -1.5 pounds

TOTAL: 8.5 pounds  
Current weight:  234.5 pounds

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Oct 06, 2004
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