pproval from Ins first and Ins. wanted consult with surgeon first and lots of notes, photos, proof of medical nece WHEW!!!!

8-11-03 I GOT MY LETTER OF APPROVAL FROM INSURANCE IN THE MAIL TODAY !!!!! I made a FEW copies to have around and want to frame the original (weird, I know).

Also, got consult date for 8-25, Mon. with Dr., Ins. sent his office approval letter first, then Dr. office called me to set consult appt. All went so quickly, after it finally really started to move, everthing just fell into place.. Just hoping all goes smooth the rest of the way. Ins. coverage ends Dec. 31......Now even more anxious and less scared....

Thanx Mischelle for listening.....

8-16-03 Well just looking around and waiting, still very anxious but not as scared. Purchased a couple of books about WLS and hopefully that will help a little more. Got lots of questions but don't know where I would begin, so with the books, and the website, maybe I can write them down for my consult with the DR. Spoke to my PCP and she had no idea I had even been approved by Ins. no one had notified her yet, it had went so quickly.

8-22-03 I have only a few days left before my consult. with the Dr. Just have to get through the weekend...

8-24-03 Well, tomorrow is the first of many big days. Still not too nervous, of course no big reason to be yet. This isn't the surgery, so just staying calm. Will be interesting to see and hear all about WLS from the Dr. Probably will get a little antsy come morning...LOL, will report back as to how it went.

8-26-03 Consult and Support group all went well, enjoyed it very much, by the time it was all over the only question I had was " When is my surgery date?" I have waited for this a long time. Just found out about this website about 3 weeks ago from my Ins. They had recommended I get some serious answers and support. Hey, they were right. I did really enjoy the day, met new consults like myself and later got to meet several post-op's, it was great to hear and see their individual stories. Very inspiring. Couldn't wait to call back to Dr. office this morning to see about that long awaited appt for surgery. Also, I had a very good visit with Dr. Helling, I feel he was very informative and that he was concentrating on my health and file in front of him for the moment, got so much enlightenment. He was not right in and out, he seriously took a few moments. Very impressive.


SEPTEMBER 30..... YES!!! SEPTEMBER 30 !!!!!!!!

Going for pre-op on Sept 8, Surgery Sept. 30. first one of the morning. I just can't believe that once that first step was finally finished through the proper PCP and I think just connecting with the right person at the right time with my Ins. And here it is.. I am sooo excited, especially after consult and support group last night. WHEW!!! The adrenaline rush.

I would just like to say Thank you so much for all your support and knowledge Mischelle, I don't know what I would do without you, from my husband Red and myself. HUGS !!

8-28-03 Okay, so I can't get enuf of this place. I just couldn't sleep last night, I kept asking myself if this was really real. Finally at 9:30 this morning I called to talk to Sandy at Dr. Helling's. Told her of my insecurities, of course she giggled, I think by now she has heard them all before. So she reassured me that all is a go and she is mailing out some papers, if I give her time to stuff the envelope and lick a stamp.:) Who me?? Any way, I don't know how I am gonna be able to keep what's left of my mind at this rate...LOL

8-31-03 Well now it is less than 30 days to go. Little jitters, but alot of excitment and curiousity yet. So I guess that is good. Hubby is getting more questionable and starting to prepare. Well, I was worried about work or not work. Guess no reason to worry, I am officially laid off and collecting unemployment as of yesterday. So, I guess I'll just take it easy till the first of the New Year. As for the next few weeks here at home, I have lots of housework to catch up on, you know I haven't pulled the fridge or stove out in a while(ugh!), guess we will get to it. Also looking for a more productive place to move my monster of a treadmill, maybe if i have something other than old family pictures to walk to I might enjoy it longer than 5 minutes. That thing has sit so long, when the father-in-law comes over he just shakes his head and says, " most high dollar coat rack I ever did see". Besides it has all these wonderful additions to it and 3 sets of weights with the incline, hell never could make use of that stuff before. Come post-op, I hope to give that puppy one hell of a run for it's money(or was that my money?). Told the hubby, once this started to become a reality, boy did those flood gates fly right off their hinges. LOL

9-3-03 I tried to stay away. No really, I spoke to my DR's. office today, and my pre-op tests are definite on Monday 9-8, with a support group right after then one last support group before the big day. Starting to get groceries and things I will need. Trying to find lists and ideas from everyone and everywhere, you can never be too prepared. I do know for certain to take a fan and tongs to the hospital. LOL Just getting to that place where I am not scared to have this surgery, I am more than ready for it, but scared that I will get all the way to the operating room and someone will pull me out saying it can't happen for Insurance backed out. I know this is silly since I had my approval letter before my consult, and all the paper work, even pysch is all done. So I will take my happy self back to work...

9-6-03 Well, feeling a little disappointed in myself today. Yesterday, my best friend of 27 yr. told me I should really consider postponing my WLS, till times are better for my family. Not sure what she meant, I thought this had all worked out good, I got laid off 2 weeks ago, WLS approval kicked into overdrive overnight after so long, Hubby is working 60 hours a week right now, my 18 yr. old daughter voluntered to come take care of her 8 yr. brother after school. I had to struggle to always try to make things work out, now this opportunity of a life time that I have dreamed of most of my life finally became a reality, and I don't want to loose this chance. So why am I letting her get to me? Sorry, I had to get that off my chest. I want (I NEED) this to happen now, I fear if it doesn't I may never have the guts or the chance to do it again. And the effects from the illnesses are really starting to hit hard, especially from the Diabetes.

I haven't told very many people about the WLS(I guess the fear of it not happening and the disappointment, and their judgement of me). I have told my sister in Seattle, my mom who asked if she may come for surgery, which means alot to us,and of course my loving supportive husband who has been here with me every step of the way, and our 3 kids, and 4 grandkids. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day....Until next time...

9-16-03 Well back again, although it has been 10 days, not alot to tell, still getting ready, lots of groceries stocked up and ordered several different samples of protein shakes, lots of brands and flavors to try, this way if I need them I have some to start and know which I really want. Just getting really anxious, sometimes when thinking or reading about the BIG day, I get a little nasueas, tingling in my tummy, I know it is my nerves. Put film in the camera and set it on the table and told Hubby to take photos when I am doing things around the house, ie: cooking, cleaning, even eating. I want to make a whole photo album to be able to look at any time to remind me where I came from and how hard I will work to never go back there again. I met someone recently who had WLS 3 yr. ago and she is back to where she started. She didn't take care of herself and didn't watch what or how she ate, didn't doctor properly, now the Dr. said she is at fault for gorging her self. She said I will be sorry. I told her everyone is different. It won't work if you don't work it...I am not gonna let it get me down, too close to stop, 14 days!!!!!! YEAH!!!!

9-18-03 Just can't stay away I guess, getting more anxious. I think I got everything ready, made lists for pre-op and post-op needs for home, of what I know I'll need so far. Made a list of things to pack for the hospital stay, told the hubby I will entrust him with my eyes(glasses) and my teeth, but I want them right back!LOL I have lists and papers with notes and messages wrote on them strung all over the house. Trying to compile into 3 or 4 folders? Drinking the last of the pop and BAD things now, to have them gone by weekend, then for last week before WLS will work really hard to eat extra healthy, even started my vitamins last week, PCP and Pysch Dr. started weening me down off some of my meds, some to be completely gone before surgery. Then will see 1 month post-op if will need reduced or any at all! YEAH! I have to say I have found the most information on this website and have met some of the supportive and informative people, never have I seen someone willing to share every detail of their ordeal, good, bad, and ugly. I am so impressed with what I have accomplished through this site and all these wonderful people, and in such a short time, not that it matters if I spend 23&3/4 an day on here!!!LOL Just can't wait, 12 days and counting!!!YES!! MY Thanx and My Best to All!

So here I am, One week left, by this time next week I will be a loser, never thought I would enjoy saying that, I'm gonna be a loser, a loser!!! Ok, so the closer the day gets the weirder I seem to get. Hey at least I'm not a nervous basket case. I'm just a crazy basket case...LOL Working on getting house all cleaned and meals for the guys all cooked up ahead while I'm away til the day after I get home. I think this saying farewell to certain foods has caught up to me, I think I've put on a couple of pounds :0 I'm sure I'll be back to add more before the Big day, I always have something to say...;~) See ya!

9-28-03 Well almost down to the wire, guess I might be getting a little nervous, trying to find the energy to clean house real well before I go, just no energy for it. I have been mainly just itching, all over my stomach and arms,I know it is due to that is where all the poking and probing is gonna happen. Damn subconscience! I have spent sooo much time here and everywhere I could, getting info and advice, now I suddenly feel unprepared? Told the hubby, I go to bed now, wake me when it is all over. No one could ever understand how every thing around us here has just fallen apart in one form or another except WLS, talk about something being destined to be. WLS is the only thing that has went off without a hitch now. I guess this unexpectedly had became no# 1 priority and I had no idea up until this past week. I thank all the people here and around for all the help. And most of my family for supporting me 100% all the way.

9-29-03 Well, here I am night beforeWLS, about 9pm Missouri time. Got all packed, can't believe I truly waited til the night before, thought sure I would pack at least a week (or two) ahead. LOL Did the wonderful liquid diet all day. Still not scared, but sure it will come in the morning, probably the drive over, my husband's driving makes me nervous anyway, maybe I'll drive to the hosp. hmm. Telephone has rang off the hook all day. Cooked up a weeks worth of meals for the family. Never could get the drive to really clean the house. Had the hubby take all the measurements and final weight before. And sipping on my last Diet 7UP. Worried it will be hard to say bye to the diet soda. So guess I'm ready to say goodbye, then hello to the new and improved me... Will update as soon as I can.

10-09-03 HEY< I'm Back!!! I'm a looser!!! Well, I can finally say it is over. Hit a few bumps in the road and had a long hospital stay, Doctor released me Wed 10-08, with home nurse care. No pain really, just very tired, feel like I got kicked in the back, all is so sore. And no more IV's, I ran out of vains. Being able to keep down all food and drinks so far, and things taste good. No dumping, thank goodness. Trying very hard to watch my drinking times, and eating as properly as I can, mainly going slow at it all. Just glad to be on the other side. And back home, at home is where I can heal my best. And my family around me. And MY own BED!!! No weightloss yet, Lots of water gain. But I know it will come in time. It's a whole new life, gotta live it one day at a time. Thanx for all your support. Thank you Dr. Mallot and Dr. Helling! Patti 9-30-03 314/190

10-16-03 Well, new update, I got very ill over the last weekend and had to go to the Emergency Room, spent all night in ER, running tests and scans and x-rays, finally they admitted me, turns out I had pnuemonia on my left lung, which they tapped my back and drained 1 & 1/2 quarts of liquid, hurt like hell for a few hours but started feeling better, also they found a blood clot on my spleen, spent few days on blood thinners and antibiotics. Got to come home last night. Did a lot of walking the halls last 2 days there, very tired and sore, but walks made me feel better. And finally got my staples out, healing pretty good. Needless to say I am ready to start healing and start moving. My husband has been so supportive and helpful at home and with our son, don't think I could have made it this far without him, gotta love him. Patricia 314/307/190

10-30-03 Ok, I'm back in action! Getting the strength back and ready to dust off the treadmill. Healing pretty good, not too many complications, no diabetes problems as yet, pysch Dr took me down to one anti-depressant, only dumped once and that was on the constipation meds the Dr. had given me. So I threw it away and bought some Milk of Magnesia, much better. Been able to eat almost anything I've tried, of course which hasn't been much, been scared to try anything really, had a b-day party for my son, WLS friend Mischelle came and walked me thru eating a salad and half a french frie, and it was great, now having salads at home. Hubby wanted a cheeseburger and I tried a corn dog and french fries, got to eat 1/2 of the corn dog and 3 fries, boy they were good, saved the rest for lunch next day. Only craving I been having is for McDonald's fench fries, thats bad. Last night had a nice salad of lettuce and lots of cheese with light ranch, a 3 bites of a brattwurst burger with a drop of bbq sauce, boy that was good too, but I really enjoy salads. Getting tired of purieed meats. Lots of pudding, applesauce and lots of cottage cheese and don't forget those wonderful popsicles! Been able to stay clear of sugars just fine, now the candy is starting to roll in, but so far no desire for it, son offered to throw it all away, I said no, I can't eat it I don't WANT to be sick, and don't want to find out if I won't be. Now if I can just stop getting on the scales every morning, hubby offered to put them in the safe:~) Have found I can tolerate a diet 7up mixed 1/2 with ice water,after it goes flat, gives the water good flavor. WLS was 1 month today, and doing good in my opinion. My mother keeps asking me if I regret doing the surgery yet, I said not one second of it. Would do it all over again in a heart beat. I can climb a flight of stairs without my knees trying to give out, hardly any pain at all, gotta love it. Well until next month, Happy Halloween!! Patricia 9-30-03 314/276/190

11-24-03, Ok, I haven't been here in over a month. Any how, things are going pretty good, I've lost 54 LB. so far and feeling really good, lots more energy, just need to make myself use it up daily.LOL Some days are better than others, mostly with eating, sometimes I feel like I could eat a whole cup of food, others I can only get in 4 bites and I'm stuffed. I guess I am loosing the weight ok, every body is different, but I also haven't been trying too hard, which is bad on my part. The hubby had knee surgery 3 weeks after my WLS, have had him home the whole time, now you know no one can get anything done with a kid at your side. LOL. Gotta love him, he returned to work just TODAY!!! Then he calls me at 6am, to tell me it is cold outside. uugghh! So, the hardest thing I have found to do is get my protein in, hard finding the right foods to keep up a variety that are high protein. So I bought some protein drink mixes, sample flavors, and had a few, adding 1/2 a banana and 4 ice cubes to the blender, not bad so far. But I don't want to get into the habit of depending soley on drink mixes or bars, would like to really get it all or most from foods. Always looking for recipes and ideas. Well the big worry this week will be getting thru the holidays, I used to cook here for the 4 of us. Now it's just me, the hubby and our 9 yr. son. So, my oldest sister has always done family dinner at her house, when I got my own home I decided to have them here. I called my sister and asked if we split some of the cost would she mind a few more family, she said no problem, at least this way, my 2 guys still get a real dinner this year while I get in the swing of things, next year will be better. Right now, I couldn't be trusted to make candied yams. I would be alone in the kitchen. At my sisters there will be 4 or 5 women all cooking their speciality, so I 'll take a jello mold, SF of course,and some cottage cheese, and cheese cubes for me. And have a bite of ham and maybe potatoes, not to sure on those. Any how, went thru the back closet and started trying on old smaller sizes at my hubby's nagging, and guess what they fit and some were already too big!!! I can fit into blue jeans and no elastic waists, YES! Even my shoes are too big. My wedding ring and watch kept falling off, so hubby took me to a pawn shop for a temporary wedding band, til at goal weight then down size good set, anyway, I went from a ring size 11 down to an 8 !!! Found a cute little silver band with diamond chips, it will work great for now. Went to Walmart and bought a cheap $10 watch too. I think one of the best things is I used to have to hang my size 30&32 clothes to dry then fluff in dryer so not wrinkled, couldn't put thru dryer, would be too tight. Now I can run my 28's in the dryer and still a little too big. So excited! Sometimes I feel I am gonna wake up and this will all be a dream. And it is all happening sooo fast. And I feel so great, no diabetes, no depression outbreaks, no gerd or heartburn, swollen feet, sleeping more than 2 hours at a time My feet were a big issue, I can see the bones and veins in the top of my feet and I can trim my own toenails. No one else would ever understand this if you weren't obese. I am so thankful for my second chance at life. And for all those that support me and WLS. Patricia 9-30-03 314/260/190

12-22-03 Hello all, well it's been about a month since I was last here. So, where does one begin, feeling great, more energy than ever, just needing to find the right places to use it wisely. Still no more medicines, no more Diabetes, no more bi-polar incidents, and most of al, still No Regrets of WLS. Unfortunately we all have to sacrifice one thing for another, I have a paralized left vocal chord,due from the phnuemonia, so am now taking speech therapy to learn to use the right properly, and because of this no longer have a job to return to, I worked in a hearing center with hearing impaired patients. So will now begin job hunting for a whole new career. Oh well. Life happens... One week away of 3 months post-op, and feeling really good about it all. I have met some of the most beautiful people thru this website. People I see are starting to notice the difference and the compliments feel good. I don't get to see many people very often, especially family is only on special occasions and holidays. Getting all the end of the year things closed up, found that hubby's work is letting us stay with the same Ins. they change every year, we got to choose this year, he checked with UHC, our policy says IF plastic surgery is required due to result of surgery they will cover it 100%. If I decide I want to take that route, honestly it scares the hell out of me when I read about it or see photos, I scare easily. LOL Well I've got a good year before that becomes an option. Sent in recent picture for the last of the year. At the time of the picture I was down to 254. Well, catch up with this after the new year. Hope all reading this had a good Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! Patricia Open RNY 9-30-03 314/246/180ish

1/29/04 Well it's the end of the first month of a new year and a new life. Today is 20 weeks post-op!!! I am having a wonderful time discovering my body all over again, I didn't know I had feet, ankles, and most of all a chest and collar bone!!! I have now lost 99 pounds, and only have 30 to meet my personnal goal. I feel great. The only side effect I really notice is constant back pain, some from the weightloss. I still don't exercise like I should, I know I am wrong in that area, I do get in my protein and am very adament on my vitamins. I drink lots of water, try hard to eat all the right foods, however I have found I can eat a few things that haven't made me dump, the worst dump I have is with the new No-Carb chocolate milk, boy that hits me hard, I have to mix it 50/50 with water. So all medical problems are down to nill, only one prescription drug daily for depression after taking 17 a day for all ailments. I am now wearing a size 20 jeans loosely, 1x shirts, 1x sweats, and I love going to Wal-Mart or Target to try on clothes without searching to see if they have any large enough, I've never been able to shop at Target. Goodbye Lane Bryants,Catherine's and Fashion Bug Plus!!! At this point I just can't buy clothes ahead of time off the clearance racks for next season. And I love clearance racks of all kinds. LOL I still can't believe it's only been 4 months since WLS. Everything in my life has gotten so much better, especially with my family, my son is fabulous and my husband is the best supportive man I could ever have imagined. And things between he and I could never be better, the honeymoon all over again only better!!! The rest of my family do okay I guess, don't speak with most too often? Everybody is sooo busy, no time to talk. I have energy I haven't seen in 20 years, not to mention body parts!!! I love this site, I have made several friends here, and one particular still awaiting WLS, and I hope to be there for her every step of the way. I take a bath almost every night, now mind you, I have never been a big bath person, I prefer a shower to be clean, but a good soak is always nice. I just haven't been able to fit in our bath tub in about 6 years and even then it was a snug fit and uncomfortable. About 3 years ago the kids got me one of those bath massagers, sends bubbles all around you, feels just like a mini hot tub, never been able to fit both of us in the tub, hubby says it's time to unbury it from the back closet and put it too use, only been out of the box once, hated to break the kids hearts. But I think I will give it a try, boy the tub sure is a rough one on the tail bone I just recently discovered I have. LOL Having to put a folded towel under my bottom. :~0 So tonite I lit some incense, got out the old Skin So Soft bath oil by Avon and do I smell good and soft too... LOL, took a good book and a drink and sit in there for 30 whole minutes WOW! And it felt so good. Went to the library today and checked out some books to motivate me for walking, really need to get moving and put this wonderful energy to work for me in a more positive way. I have had so much fun discovering bones I never even knew I had, I suddenly have hip bones, elbows, shoulders, wrists, collar bone, chest bones, my feet have bones and veins all over the top of them, I have a true waist line, but biggest one of all again is that darned tailbone, boy does that sucker want to be noticed, talk about a royal pain in the @** !!! So I guess I will end this here. Till next time. Thanx for listening (reading). Patricia 9-30-03 314/228/185?

2-18-04 WELL WELL WELL, I feel good! I had been a little down these past few weeks, I gained 3 lb. found it might be from a new med 'vioxx', stopped taking it and already dropped that exta 3 plus 2 more.!! I am now down to 215, that's a loss of 99 lb!!! 51 more til century mark and 30 to personal goal!!! WOOHOO Happy dancing in the bathroom around the scales. Wearing sz. 18 jeans and 1X shirts. Love shopping at the thrift stores, get some good buys. And not half bad on clothes. Hard though, I have always been a clothes freak and now I have 9 outfits, not a dress outfit to my name, and guess I won't get any til I really need something to wear to go somewhere. LOL My husband enjoys it very much also, he says I have curves and a real butt, he loves to take pictures of me, and I let him now, always used to hide from the camera, not so much now. Thanx for visiting. See Ya!!! Patricia 314/215/185??

3/27/04 Well not much to say. I feel fantastic! I have now lost 112 lb, and gone for good! I don't want to hear from the person who found it, there will be no reward!! Been a clothes shopping every chance I can. And loving it! I bought Levi's slim fit low rise jeans in a size 16, and they feel great! Shirts are all 18 or XL. Found a good paying job that I enjoy, and things have really turned completly around for me in this 6 months. Next to my children and my fabulous husband, WLS was the best thing I could have ever done, no matter what others may think or say. I now carry a small photo book to show my before pics, and I have designed and printed some of the personal cards from obesity help. Great idea, I just pass those baby's out. Was glad to hear from friend Mischelle who just moved and had to have emergency gallbladder surgery before she could even get unpacked. Also my friend Estella who had WLS just yesterday! She is doing great! And I got the privleage of being her angel! WLs has changed so much in my life and all for the better. I would do it all over again. Coming up on 6 month ann this Tues. WWOOOHHHOOOO! Thanx to my friends also, Estella, Jennifer and Mischelle, thanx girls, it means aot... I got back on the scales and measured on this Tuesday for my 6 mo ann, and I've lost more, down to 199 total loss of 115!!! And 60 inches!!! WWOOOHHOO!!! Even closer to that goal... thanx for reading my profile. Patricia 314/199/185

4/23/04 Well new news! Sometimes something good can come from something bad. I had to see my PCP last week, been having stomach muscle pain alot. She referred me to a general surgeon who ordered a catscan and guess what? I have an incisional hernia, he wants to do surgery soon, so I asked about combining with a TT, abdominalplasty to be exact. He then referred me to see a plastics doc. Met him on friday and he said yes I qualify for the surgery, took some pics for Ins. and said he would remove close to 8 lb of excess skin at same time of hernia repair. I am sooo excited. Just to be rid of the extra baggage that is weighing me down so bad in front, my back hurts constantly. He said back ache and rashes would all go away. I said then lets get started. Scheduling nurse is submitting pics and paperwork to Ins, said would probably hear back in 6 to 12 weeks. I will call Ins on Monday also and see if I can't get the ball rolling a little sooner. This hernia is rough, it hurts to lay down and get up, even to stretch, anything using my stomach muscles hurts. Doc says it's size is between a grapefruit up to a canteloupe, so let's get to it guys!!! Hopefully I will know more next week, I will update as soon as I hear something. I'm gonna have to create a second profile just for tummy tuck follow up. Running out of room here. LOL Be back soon, hopefully with good information. Patricia

5-9-04 Well no word from surgeons office or Ins as yet. I know I am a very impatient person. Any way, I got to my goal this last week!!! YES!!! I broke 190, to be exact I hit 189 and holding for a week now. This may be where my body decides to stop, fine with me since my goal was 190. Counldn't have planned it better. I have created a second profile for my tummy tuck if it does happen. This is the last entry for this page, all out of space, if I didn't talk so much!! Last Friday was my last day at work, had a tax season job and got the first lay off. So just in time for spring cleaning, only I hurt to stretch or carry anything, so no heavy furniture moving. Went out and got my hands dirty this weekend, I planted a bunch of cannons along the front of the house and planted 8 tomatoe plants and one miniture rose bush in the back. Felt good to be able to get up and down and get dirty. Didn't measure this month yet, pondering if I should, I know my stomach is getting bigger, jeans are tight around the belly and I look almost pregnant but just above the belly button area? Hernia is growing and hurts if I use any stomach muscles, my surgeon says hernias shouldn't hurt, wonder if he will carry mine for awhile? So I am back home for the summer, maybe. I hope to have surgery within the next 6 weeks if possible. I did put an ad in our neighborhood paper to babysit for the summer, give some kids for my son to play with. And not wasting the summer not working at all. We bought a bike rack carrier for my car and my son a new big boy bike and we go to the lake up the road to ride, had to buy me an extra thick gel seat cushion for my bike. LOL Still doing protein drinks, found a few I relly enjoy, but also found I am able to eat more, thats not so good. I ate a slice and 2 bites of thin crispy crust pizza this weekend. And I have had mixed drinks twice now, I turned 40 in March, so my best friend threw me a private party, get to do hers this weekend!! Ahh paybacks!! Hopefully next profile page will have good news. Thanx to everyone for helping and supporting and for reading up on my progress here. This is a wonderful place, filled with wonderful people. And a wonderful family. God bless you all. Patricia 314/190/189!!!

6-16-2004 I have also started a profile to deal with my possible tummy tuck. I am down to 180 with a total loss of 134, that's 10 past my set goal, but not gonna fret over it, as long as I feel good and hubby says I still look good and healthy, that's what matters most. Saw my surgeon yesterday and he will do my hernia repair and possible tummy tuck combined, pending ins approval. Keeping the fingers crossed. Mainly missing my freinds (3 mostly) all live out of town or out of state and no support group anymore. Checking into one in next state over, not too far of a drive. Well til next time. Thanx, Patricia 314/180!!!

6/28/2004 Well, I got the phone call late today from the PS office and they got a e-mail from the Ins stating the TT was denied. Not surprised at all. I will appeal but will go ahead with the hernia repair asap. I have past my weight loss goal of 190, am now at 175. Total loss of 139 lb. And loving it. I feel great and feel I look good so that's what counts. Thanx for reading up on me. Had a chat with the hubby and we agree to appeal to the INS but to go ahead and schedule an earlier surgery date for the hernia repair. If the TT doesn't come then I will deal with it. Patricia 314/175

7/02/2004 I just got the call from Dr. Hellings office and we got hernia repair surgery set for july 8, thats just next Thurs. Kinda anxious to have it over with. This hernia is growing and a real pain, causes me alot of discomfort. Be glad to have it over with. Thanx for reading up on me. Patricia Still holding at 175/176?

July 7, 2004 Well, i am finished packing for my hospital stay. Doc's office said it could be 4 to 5 day stay, that he is doing an extensive hernia repair, hopefully that's good news, fix me up doc!! So i should be home by Monday if not sooner, i plan to bounce back from this surgery better than the rny, since all the weightloss, and being much healthier. On strict diet today, nothing after midnight, surgery is at 2pm tomorrow. So I will update after I am home and up to it. Thanx, Patricia

July 12, 2004 Well I made it thru the hernia repair surgery, came home Saturday late afternoon. Not a good time, I am very sore and walking slowly and bent way over. The surgery went very well but the hopstial stay was hell. Very surprised, I was so for this hospital, had nothing but good thoughts til I was there, then I was ready to leave, asked Dr. Helling if I could go home early, I would do better at home. He agreed. So here I be and I am getting better and better care. Just can't bend or reach and not to many places to sit, spend alot of time in bed. But that's ok, getting caught up on movies. Hernia is gone and tummy is evenly sagging, not top half pouched way out like before, I can see my belly button again. Giving up on the TT, not gonna appeal, will learn to live with it, it really isn't that bad and I always had to fight not to get rashes before wls so it isnt that different although it is much smaller and that's alright by me. Once I got home and rested then unpacked, hubby helped me take a shower and I felt 100% better, took a long 4 hour nap and felt refreshed, wasn't able to sleep in the hospital, between no help from nurses, no meds on time or when asked for and a neighbor who partyed and entertained til midnight, who could rest. But thats all over now. So I am gonna heal just fine and once again Dr Helling saved the day. Wonderful doctor. However I did put on 10lbs with the iv's, not the food since all I got was a cup of broth and a cup of jello 3 times a day, they didnt have anything sugar free to meet my dietary needs!!! In a hospital, hhmmm! Patricia

July 30, 2004 WHEW! So much to add. I came home from first hernia repair feeling sore and icky. But kept getting worse and swelling and pain were unbearable. Finally doubled over and went back to ER, checked back in hospital and ran tests for 2 days, to find hernia repair had came undone and had a open hole in stomach wall. So back to the operating table on Wed july 21. This time he used the mesh and all went well. Came back home on Sat. Moving slow and taking it easy this time for sure. It is now Friday and I feel pretty good, getting bored at home and not being able to drive. But am gonna try it today. I have lost more weight with this going on, now weigh 167, don't want to lose anything more. Now with the hernia repair I don't have any shorts or jeans to fit. I have one pair of Large capri pants, that's it, so I'll hit the thrift stores today!! Woohoo Shopping!! From what I can tell in my closet is I can wear 14/16 jeans and Med/LG or 16 shirts. Hopefully this is it, I am done needing surgery and am finished except with follow ups and annual checkups. I did go this week and took a major step, I cut all my hair off, it is really short, never had this short before, but I love it, so easy to take care of and I needed a new look. Even planning on my day out today to buy some new makeup and start fixing myself up more, put some makeup on the other day and hubby enjoyed it, but most of all, I enjoyed putting it on, it made me feel soo good about myself.I needed that, so I'll update my little stash of cosmetics. Going to a big annual get together this next week 12 years in a row, I always help do the cooking, anxious to see everyone, not seen most since this time lastr year before WLS, boy have I changed. A little nervous as how some will react but excited too, will see how it goes. Taking lots of pics, that was the last outing I had last year before surgery. I stand looking at myself in the mirror alot trying to figure out who that is I'm looking at, I don't see me anymore, it's a stranger but I am beginning to like her. It is so strange looking at myself though. Something I am really working on. It's gonna take some time.Today is my 10 ann from WLS. I am so happy I did it. Thanx for reading. Patricia 314/167

August 16, 2004 Well, it's a new month and still loosing but slowly now. School starts for the kids this week, thank goodness, thought I would lose my mind being home with my 9 yr. old all summer.I am so ready to go back to work.I feel great, not too many problems, still alittle sore from both hernia repairs. Now I have an infection at the center of my incision, have a doc appt today, it's red and oozing a little, and a little bit of blood.My skin hangs so badly now that where my incisions are my tummy rolls inward and not getting much airand I think wearing a binder all day and night isn't really helping in that area, I feel like it is pushing it together even more. Will see what the doc says today, making sure it is documented and thinking of taking pics for future in case I decide to go ahead with fighting for a tummy tuck. On the good side I got to go to our annual fish fry/party and it was great. I had alot of fun and got tosee people who haven't seen my in a year, even got a lot tipsy and had to go to bed. But we danced in the moonlight and had great friends come together. Going to another barn party this coming weekend and hoping to have another good time. Parties dont happen in my circle too often. Good friends of ours built a big barn on their land and all the guys who helped build it are getting together for a cookout and party. Well enuf for now. Again thanx for reading. Patricia 314/161 down -153 since WLS and -174 since early 2003 with diet before wls.I have a 34 inche waist, never thought that would happen in my lifetime. LOL

August 28, Well went to see doc Helling yesterday and got a clean bill of health for the hernia surgeries, I go back in Sept for my 1 yr ann checkup. Teased with doc about roses and chocolates for ann. He is such a great guy. Weight is still holding steady at 161/162 which I can live with. Feeling great and starting to get house back in order after all this time. I would like to add I have met some of the most wonderful people and made life long friendships thru this website and am very thankful for them. Wouldnt know where else to turn, love you guys! I will update after 1 yr ann checkup and blood workup. Thanx for reading. Patricia

Sept. 1, 2004 Well I'm back sooner than I expected. I have good news. I joined the YMCA for myself and the family yesterday, looks promising. I go back today for an assessment and 12 week program specialized for my needs. So I had to rush out at this late in the year to try and find a swimsuit, not an easy task I tell ya. I finally found a few on clearance and the saleswoman talked me into trying on a size 12 and it fits! I bought it of course, although it is the shorts and tank top type I am more comfortable in it now, and I had to buy some type of shorts for working out in even got some on the clearence rack also. Boy shopping can be such fun now, I can go to any store and find clothes and I got them in the juniors dept. Now for bigger things, I met a new pre op here a few weeks ago and she has been having some problems with getting a surgeon to do her wlsm we have a lot in common. I got to speak to her by phone yesterday and it was nice. I have voluntered to be her angel and to help her anyway I can. I felt so proud to be able to do this for someone that is where I was not so long ago. Keeping you in my prayers Susan. Thanx for reading. Patti

Sept. 20, 2004 Well here it is almost 1 full year gone by and it seems like just a month ago. Time flies when your having fun... I feel better than I ever thought I could, all co-morbidities are gone for good!! I have now lost a total of 177 from 2 years ago and 156 since WLS, heck that is 1/2 of me. At least I kept the better half. LOL I went to see Dr. Helling last friday and even took him a new plant for his new office, it needed some greenery to liven it up, he is still decorating it. Dr. Helling showedd me my latest lab work, got my own copy here, just wish I knew how to understand them. But Helling said for the first time my liver ensymes were within normal range, never has been before since I have chirosis, Helling said wls has slowed my chirosis down alot. Will never go away I know but to finally be in a nromal range is a huge step for me. I wanted to be certain all my other levels were good, he said everything looked great, doing good and keep it up and wll see me back in 6 months. I have switched my vitamins to a prescription one called vitaplex plus seems better, also now taking wellbutrin sr to help with quitting smoking, bad habit I wish i had never picked back up after 6 years. I know what your thinking, I say all the time. But pcp said take for 3 days then pick a real date to go cold turkey, first 3 days i take 1 pill, on fourth day I will step up to 2 pills a day so I am planning on then as a quit day, which will be tomorrow, Tuesday. Will try very hard to make it work this time. I really need to stop, there are soo many reasons to stop and not one real good one to continue. Why did I ever start in the first place. Guess I needed some kind of a crutch.
I am truly grateful for this site and for all the great friendships I have made through wls. My weightloss had stopped for about 6 weeks and I thought I was done, which is fine with me, happy where it is. But now I have started losing again, but probably not for long, working out every other day, soon that will put some weight back on. So it will all even out in the end. I am trying to be more strict on myself and my eating habits, I didn't have this surgery to be on a neverending diet, so I am just watching to eat and drink the important stuff first, eat to live not live to eat, and a little something extra when I have been good. Got weak for a few weeks and was bringing lots of bad junk food back into the house. And the family doesn't need any of that either, so I sent it away. Brought in some sugar free peanut butte cups for the family thing and shelled peanuts and sunflower seeds for myself to keep my hands busy also took up search word books, hubby says to take up knitting, not a bad idea if I can find a patient teacher... Now since I have had my hernia repaired everything is going along great. Just need to keep myself healthy.Still can't cross my right leg, if I do for a little while it will hurt and throb in my sleep. So learning to try crossing the left leg instead, providing it doesn't go dropsy on me too. otherwise my right foot is almost normal again. Well long enuf, thanx for reading up on me.....Patti 9-30-03 314/158 well past goal but happy!!

Oct 1, 04 WOOHOO It's been a year!!! Happy Re-Birthday to ME!! I have officially lost one half of myself now, I weigh and have lost exactly 157 pounds!!! And I feel great. Although towards the end of the month I can surely tell it's time for that B-12 shot, I get a little sluggish the last week before it's due. Otherwise I feel great. Everything is doing good, even my monthly has lightened up tremenously, no heavy cramping and in bed for days. My darling husband is obsessed with the camera. The neighbor caught me working in my yard today and I was filthy dirty and she said I looked great, my husband said see I'm not the only one who thinks so. And yes, I worked out in my yard today for the first time, I cut the grass, trimmed the rose bushes and dug up 40+ plants before we get a frost. Time to bring all the plants inside for the winter. And it felt great! Red (hubby) took new pics of me today for my 1 year and I sent one in to be posted here in a few weeks. Still so blessed and happy that all my lab work came back soo good. This has been a wonderful year and has went so quickly. And I have met some of the most beautiful people,friends I could ever ask for. Mischelle, I hope you get better soon and Jen and Estela, you girls know I love ya dearly. And my newest friends, Susan, Delores, Cat and Amy. I am here for you all. I went to a family baby shower last week and family I havent seen in a long time could not believe it, of course I have never been told so many times how much I look like my mother when she was 25, I say hey if I look like her at 25 and I am 40 then I feel great about that too, my mother has aged very well, the Indian really shows with her, and she looks great at 65, so I can deal with that, then of course she also named me after her, so I have always been called little Patti, now they say it's true!! Well I guess I have said enough. Thanx again for reading my profile. Patricia 1/2 the person I used to be!!!

Nov 4, 2004 Well it has been just over 13 months, I decided to weigh in and measure, still feel like I am losing, so I thought I should check. I have lost a total of 161 lb. and 101 inches total. WOW! What a loss. I am thrilled with the new me. I even bought a pair of hip huggers at the store last week, got me a cute new outfit, jeans and a blouse for total of 8 bucks, can you believe it? I couldn't and brand new, no thrift store...Thank goodness for clearance racks... I have met some true and great people thru this surgery and this wonderful website. And I am truely grateful and blessed in so many ways.I have been gathering recipes and trying lots of new things, trying to convert the good ones over to sugar free. Hell, by the time I am done, I can make my own cookbook. LOL I look back on this past year or so and can't believe the changes, inside and out. What a difference a year can make. I took a job last month doing the most physical labor I have ever done and did it, I worked helping to set up and open a new retail store, we unloaded 3 semi trucks full of over 9400 cases and stocked all the store shelves after we built the shelves. I had bruises from head to toe but I felt great. I am now looking into a different type of work then I could before. Before WLS I had to do a sit down type of work, now I can do almost anything, even catch myself running up the basement stairs often. And the energy level is great. I hate sitting at home, not to mention the way my bottom feels after sitting for an hour, watching a movie can be troublesome, I move pillows around under my bottom and even got some cushions with the hole cut out for your tailbone to help support the spine. Boy that tailbone can be a real pain in the butt. Really. LOL But I do love my bubble baths at night, especially since it is starting to turn cold, I can't deal with the cold to well yet. Broke out the sweaters and thermal under garments. Yesterday I surprised the hubby when he got home, came in the door to a pot of corned beef and cabbage, fresh baked root beer cake and a fire going in the fireplace, what a treat for him (and me). Well thanx for reading. Patti 314/153 hoepfully done losing.

May 22, 2005 Well, I hadn't realized it had been so long since I had updated. Wow. Well, all is going very well for me. I am holding my weight between 155/157 for a while now, and very satisfied with it, although I have noticed my body changing. I have recently went to Old Navy on the mall and purchased a new summer wardrobe, what fun that was, really, it was so exciting, I am now wearing a juniors size 10!!! Wow, never been there before... it was so much fun. I have made some of my lifelong best friends by having this surgery, friends I would never have met other wise and am so grateful to have. We have bi-monthly support group meetings in our homes and enjoy each others company very much. And we are growing larger every meeting, always making new friends. I have an Aunt that just had surgery with Helling last Thursday and she is doing wonderful, she is so excited and so ready to start her new life on the losing side. I am feeling pretty good, just a little tired sometimes, I have to admit I am not very diligent at remembering to take my vitamins daily, but work hard to get in my protein. I am doing things I never thought possible before, I deliver the Daily newspaper here in KC to 11 apartment buildings, up and down the halls of 3 floors total every night, can't believe I can even do it in 2 hours. Feels good too!!! All my family and close friends nicknamed me skinny minny now, and my best friend of 30 years teases me that she can see the light between my thighs, wow they no longer touch!!! My loving and adorable husband is still my number one supporter and I love him dearly for it. We are stronger than ever, coming up on our 7th wedding anniversary this Monday, hey that's tomorrow!!! Bought me a new nightie just for him, pretty hot pink!! ok, too much information there... Well it's going on 1 am and time to get ready to deliver the morning paper. Still very sad about losing Dr. Helling to PA, only one other bariatric doc in kansas city, got to see if he has openings for new patients. Just not too big on that hospital. Thanx for reading up on me and God Bless to all!!! Patricia

About Me
Saint Joseph, MO
Surgery Date
Aug 08, 2003
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8-30-07 update...
