Losing sooooooooooooooo slowly

Feb 03, 2012

Today I was down another 2 pounds from last week, but I had plateaued at a 40 lb. loss for about 2.5 weeks.  I get worried that my loss is so much slower than almost all of the other folks who's blogs and posts I read, and have to constantly remind myself that my "old" metabolism probably plays into that.  Also, I really have to remember that there is a reason that we are told to consume so much water and protein.....and when I do the recommended amount it seems to help speed up the weight loss.  I'm also going to Curves three to four times a week and I'm hoping that will help with the plateau issues in the coming days and weeks. 

But, even as slow as it is, I am happy to be at a 42 lbs. loss.....it will be four months post-op on Sunday.......and I'm so glad that I had this surgery.   

Down 40....

Jan 18, 2012

I'm down 4 more pounds since my last post right after Christmas.  I seem to be losing about 1.5 lbs. a week or so.  Wish it were a bit more, but I'm 64 and I'm guessing age and metabolism have something to do with that.  I'm down 2 sizes in pants and shirts but I have so many clothes, jeans especially, in smaller sizes that I shouldn't have to spend much on new clothes for many months. 

I joined Curves last week and it feels good to be exercising again.  I have a treadmill at home; however, I have a terrible time "making" myself use it.  I figured if I spend the money on a gym membership maybe it will be an incentive to go and do what I need to do. 

So, I'm happy with my loss and hope to just keep losing steadily.



Dec 25, 2011

I can't believe it......down 36 pounds and finally seeing that one as the first number on the scale.  I was 199 this morning....lowest weight in five years.....I'm thrilled.

Usually the day after Christmas I was suffering a "sugar" hangover.  This morning I feel great and can't believe I've finally had my most sought after scale victory.  I will be three months post op next Wednesday and will be close to a 40 lbs. loss. 

I'm really happy and so thankful I was able to have this surgery.

Happy New Years to all.


Two months post op

Dec 07, 2011

Down 31 lbs at two months post op.  Having a hard time eating any breads, tomatoe sauces really do a number on me, and I've only attempted a couple of bites of a salad.  I'm really missing salads. 

Still down only one size in jeans, but shirts that were fitting way too snuggly are now fitting properly and are comfortable. 

Family notices the weight loss, but no one at work has said anything yet.....I don't know if they are trying to be nice and not make it seem like they thought I was fat so they don't say anything or if the change isn't drastic enough yet. 

Got through Thanksgiving just fine.  Ate a tiny bit of turkey, some potatoes and a little tiny bit of salad.  I was full and didn't miss the deserts at all (which I totally couldn't believe).  So, I'm hoping Christmas goes as well.

I'm thankful for the weight loss and thankful for the surgery.


So far so good

Nov 20, 2011

I saw my doc five days ago for my six week visit.  I have lost 27 lbs. and have had few problems.  In fact I worry that I'm not able to eat enough.  I am almost never hungry and get so full from all of the water and protein drinks and supplements that to actually try to eat a meal seems nearly impossible.  It takes me an hour to eat a small Lean Cuisine meal.  I am really missing salads too. 

I am cooking for the family on Thanksgiving, but I'm guessing a little bit of mashed potatoes and a bite or two of Turkey will be all that I can ingest.  Really a change from a year ago.....I think I had three helpings of pumpkin cheesecake after my huge meal......NEVER AGAIN!!!!

I am in a size smaller jeans but that has been the only change in clothes so far.  My glucose is normal for the first time in five years.  And, so far, no hair loss.....but I know that I have that to look forward to in about another few weeks.

So, so far so good!!!!!

Two weeks tomorrow

Oct 18, 2011

I can't believe how the weight just seems to be falling off.  From my heaviest (ever) two weeks before surgery I have lost 18 lbs.  That is 18 lbs in less than a month which is just amazing to me.  Since surgery it is an 11 lbs. loss.  I see my surgeon in two days and can't wait to see what my "official" loss will be.

So far I feel great.  I do have trouble getting in all of my protien shakes, taking all my vitamins and getting down all of my water each morning before work, but so far so good.  I hope the doc will do some blood work so I can see if I'm getting the right amount of vitamins each day.  Because of my age, I worry about the calcium and B-12. 

I'm very happy that I have had the surgery.

Can't believe the difference

Oct 09, 2011

It is Monday morning, I've been up for several hours and I feel wonderful.  I'm amazed at the difference between Saturday and yesterday and today.  Yesterday was the first day I felt "normal" and today is even better.  Have my follow up visits with my PCP and my Bariatric surgeon made for the next two weeks.  I'm getting in my vitamins and protien (although at this point it is an all day job).  The only little glitch I've run into is having to use a suppository yesterday, but it worked and I felt great afterward.  So, so far so good.....I'm a happy camper.

Home and sore

Oct 08, 2011

Good Morning all....I came home last night and I'm very sore.  I've had many surgeries in my life time and this has been one of the roughtest.  My daughter, who had the surgery 18 months ago, just left and said I seem to be having a more difficult fourth day than she did.....I think it probably has something to do with my age.  Just trying to keep up with all the vitamin, protien and water requirments....it's a lot especially when I just want to sleep most of the time.  But, I have great faith that the rough part will be over soon and I'll be on to a happier better quality life.

5 days and counting

Sep 30, 2011

I am at work and having a hard time concentrating, thus I thought I would take a few minutes and write about what is on my mind......MY SURGERY of course.  I keep thinking that there is so much to remember about eating, vitamins, self care, etc. in the days after surgery that I'll never keep it all straight....I am a very organized person, yet this is such a monumental life change it feels as though I can't be organized enough. 

I plan on doing some more shopping this weekend for items I will need upon returning home from the hospital.  One thing that startled me last night, I had forgotten to get anything for my husband's dinner.  I am on a pre-op diet and have become so self absorbed with this process I seem to think of nothing else.  He is a good guy and just laughed and went to the store himself. 

So needless to say, and as most of you probably know and understand, my anxiety and excitement are building.  I'll keep blogging as the journey continues.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 27, 2011
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