October 27,2008

Oct 27, 2008

Well it has been some time since I have written anything. So here goes. My weight has stablized at 165 lbs but I have had some issues to deal with. Yah, ulcers again. I have to be scoped again. But I do feel better. 
I started a new job at Centegra primary care in June of this year so it has been a new learning expeirence. I like it for the most part but I just don't know about some of my coworkers, can you say
I have tried to incorporate some relaxation time in my life so I tought myself to crochet and I am still scrapbooking
I just can't seem to get the itch to exercise though.

My family is doing the same my oldest daughter is in college and she hates it. and I hear it EVERY DAY!!!
My youngest hates the sight of me except when she needs something or wants to go some where.
But this is something that will hopefully pass.
So ask me why I have ulcers and I will just laugh. If I didn't I would cry. It is hard to be at this junction in my life and not know which way the punch is coming from.
Ok enough of that. this is my favorite time of the year I love the fall the colors of the leaves and the crisp air and all the fun and excitement in the air. thaat is what aldo keeps me going.
I'll write soon.

December 3,2007

Dec 03, 2007

Well my weight has stopped and this is something I kind of new would happen. The first time around I stopped at 165 and that is where I am now. 
My health has not been so good they think I have been having TIA's (small strokes) and so now I need to have more tests on Friday to see just what changes are going on in my brain.
I will update as I know more.

YAHOO!!!! The scale has moved!!!!!!!!

Sep 14, 2007

Well after doing what I could. I finally broke the 170 mark and have now  reached 166lbs. I will pick up my cardio and start pilates on monday. I haven't been so good but now I see movement I will pay more attention and follow the scheduled plan more slosely. I found that the stall had let me slide into bad behaviors and habits. OH COME ON LIKE YOU DON'T DO THAT TOO!  But I got back on track and know what has to be done. I guess that The biggest loser had helped to. Has anyone else watched it. I would love to have Jillian or Bob as my triner. Jillian because she is Kick A** trainer and Bob because he is my mellow Yoga side.
Well any way I am back on track and I need to loose 15 lbs by 9/27. (Drs goal)

August 4,2007

Aug 04, 2007

Today was just like the past 30. I feel good, I'm just tired and don't feel like I have the energy to exercise. I feel good now that I have had the surgery but I seem to be so tired. I will start on Monday working out with a trainer.(a co-worker who is a personal trainer) and he reasures me that my energy will return I hope so. if not I think I am going to have to have some tests done because I am just so darn tired. The weight has stopped but I think that is because I haven't been exercising.

July 22,2007

Jul 20, 2007

Well I am officially down to 168 lbs. Yahoo I broke the 170 mark. I was begining to wonder if it was going to happen. 
I need to be more consious about my food choices and exercise more. I just can't seem to get motivated any more. I will make every effort in the comming week to do one of these two things and then work on the other.

June 25,2007

Jul 04, 2007

Back to work
It was not so bad. I was a little tired after 9 1/2 hours but I completed the whole day and even came home and made dinner. 
Now I  have completed one week a total of 43 hours. It really seemed to fly by. I realized I do like m job. Just some of the things and people are anoying.

no weight loss this week

Jun 21, 2007

My weightloss has stopped for now.  I have lost between 16-20 lbs depending on the scale. I will see Dr Heydari on 7/3 for a accurate #. I have been able to eat a soft diet. Sorry normally I follow the plan to a "T" but I just can't do the puree again. Slowly adding a new food a day and it seems to be going pretty good. I did discover one thing, I can't throw up! I had to take a medication that just did not agree with my pouch and I could not get that sucker to come back up, it was misery for 2 hours or more and then I tried the trick of drinking hot liquids to break it down finally it worked. 
My new favorite is lowfat cottage cheese. I eat about 1 1/4 cups perday. Plain with a little pepper. It totally grosses out my girls .LOL I eat about 800 calories per day and I get about 60-70 gms of protein per day. I seem to be on track with what the nutritionist guidelines are. Although last night I did have 4 ritz crackers. I must not fall into this trap again. 
Ok I aint perfect,  matter of a fact far from it. My down fall is COFFEE!!! Not anything fancy just a good cup of hills brothers and about 2 oz half and half. (My cup is about 10 oz) Not 1 cup or even 2 more like 3-4 cups per day. I know, I know I am not suppose to have caffeine. I just can't help myself. I got to have it. 
I start work on Monday and I am nervous, being away for 5 weeks has made me think, Do I really want to go back? or do I want to take the summer off and look for something in the fall? My health really started to decline and I contribute it to the work environment. My BP was high and I had ulcers, neck and back problems. Its not that its a hard job, I'm a receptionist/ Office supervisor and that is the part that is stressful. I see things that others do and not get repreanded for but others get talked to for the samething. And the GOSSIP! OMG! If I could go to work and just work, I would probably like what I do. Noone is truely happy there but the owners don't care.  Nothing will change. 
My dream job would be to work at the college. I love education and can't wait to start taking more classes. I recieved my certificate for Medical transcription and medical office on May 12 and now I think I would like to do more of the Business aspect of office work maybe even Legal work. I'm still young and I can change my mind. I have realized I love to learn.

Eating a little more

Jun 16, 2007

Well I am hungry and the puree foods are just not lasting very long. So this morning I added a softly scrambled egg. Oh how wonderful I ate about 3/4 of it and it was like heaven. 
I feel good today i even went for a short walk to my friends house. She is out of town and I just needed to check on the house. It felt good to be out early and to hear the birds and cicadas singing.
I am going to lounge by the pool today with hubby and just get a little sun on my very white body.


May 30, 2007

Oh what a wonderful day,I will finaly have Dr Heydari fix my pouch and intestine. The pain will be gone.

About Me
McHenry, IL
Surgery Date
Mar 03, 2004
Member Since

Friends 25

Latest Blog 9
October 27,2008
December 3,2007
YAHOO!!!! The scale has moved!!!!!!!!
August 4,2007
July 22,2007
June 25,2007
no weight loss this week
Eating a little more
