Sep 04, 2008

Ok! This weight thing is overwhelming me! IM 15 months out of surgery and I have had tons of complications and have regained 35 lbs. !!! I have such a terrible problem with mucus that I am sometimes unable to keep food down. I have had my fill removed to allow my system rest from all of the daily purging. Durning this process I regained 35 lbs of the 50 I had loss. I just had a port replacement because my doctor puncutured my first one causing a leak. Im no longer motivated and I need help! I feel like Im at square one! HELP!!!!

I'm banded!

Jun 15, 2007

I am now four days post - op and feeling pretty good. I got sick on day two and begain to vomit, but a little medication does wonders. From pre-op til now, I'm down 16 lbs. Thanks to all for your support and prayers.

Pre-op Diet!

Jun 07, 2007

I still have four days left before surgery! This pre-op diet is a struggle and Im tired of protein shakes and broth

About Me
Nashville, TN
Surgery Date
Jun 04, 2007
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 3
I'm banded!
Pre-op Diet!
