Welcome.....Needing Some Support?

Jun 07, 2013

As overweight individuals we all have our struggles and at the end of the day we became the way we are for a variety of reasons; however we are all still human and all need support.

I started this group because after growing up as an obese child and being told in my adult years that I could not have children that I had to do something. I had a variety of medical issues. Finally one day I ended up in the ER and after having numerous test ran and seeing a variety of specialist it was determined if I did not have gastric bypass I would not live another year. I had tried diets, and I was so obese that I didn't have any energy to exercise.

After almost 2 years post op I begin a new workout routine and changed my eating habit yet again. Over Labor Day weekend that year I was really not feeling like myself. I had no energy and really just felt like I was in someone else body. I went to see my doctor and found out I was 9 weeks pregnant with the child they said I would not be able to conceive. Anyone who has researched gastric bypass knows that you are not suppose to get pregnant that close to being post-op (now this is based on what I was told almost 9 years ago, please note that things may have changed).

Well, today almost 9 years post op. I have a beautiful little girl. My bypass was amazing and changed my life. I have no medical issues other than Hypothyroidism (which nothing can fix). However, after having my daughter I was not able to loose any additional weight and over the years have gained weight back.

So why this group? I"m not the fluffly bunny and rainbow story and I know for me it has been discouraging; but today I made up my mind that I am going to win. I am going to find others who want to be winners and we are going to pull together and do just that WIN.

I am getting married next month and part of starting a new chapter is doing it the right way. I have to start with making me happy. What makes me happy? Helping others.

I look forward to getting to know other individuals out there. I am all for getting together as we form this group and we (as a group) feel that we are ready for this. I am not from Maryland, but look forward to meeting and getting to know anyone who is ready for "that" support system. I am not here to judge or be judged. I am here simply because I want to be and because I am READY TO WIN!!





About Me
Apr 15, 2004
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