4 days post op

Jun 18, 2012

I am into day 4 since my surgery. My biggest obstacle so far is getting past the head hunger. I don't really have any pains, just lil aches here and there. My wife has been my support with the help of others from OH and VST. My wife says that she can see some changes but right now I don't really see it or feel it. I walked around the block today with my daughter this evening, the farthest that I have walked since I have been home. I am down about 7 pounds now and I don't really feel it yet. My short term goal for now is 280. I am at 295 now. It was a process trying to adjust. Each day has gotten easier. Like today i was able to put my own socks on and my shoes. It didn't hurt or ache so much to get outta bed.  My incisions don't hurt but sometimes they may sting for a split second and right now they with itch so I try to scratch around them. lol. Anyways l said the head hunger is my biggest obstacle. I'm not really hungry but I want to eat something. As a matter of fact I'm not hungry at all but I never realized that eating had become such a habit or I such say bad eating had become such a bad habit. I want or think I want everything I see on TV. I love watching the FoodNetwork channel and right now I can watch it with out going to the fridge.   Well that's all for now. I'm going to try to blog more from here on out.

pre-op appt

Apr 16, 2012

I had my Psych appt today. I went well. He gave me alot to think about. I have no more appts till my appt to set my surgery date. Everything is moving right along. I have decided to start my workout regimen and get the ball rolling on that as well. I was worried that my hard work in the gym would go down the drains the weeks following my surgery but the dr's assured me that Its the total opposite. So Im going to start trying to do all the right things now to be ready for the post op life. things are going to be different, I just want to be as prepared as a I can be. I know there are alot of unknowns for me but I will cross that bridge when I get to them.

the balls rollin...

Apr 06, 2012

Well I have been on vacation all week. We spent the week down in SC at the Springmaid Beach Resort. It was a very much needed break. Got back last night and immediatly had to go to have my sleep study done to see if I have OSA(sleep apnea).  I was so tired that I didnt mind goin to sleep. Other than the all the cords and things that they had stuck to me, it was a very comfortable stay. I dont know when I will get my results but I hope everything is all good. On Monday I have to get my labs done which means blood work. Not looking forward to that but it puts me one step closer to a date. I found that I put on a little weight, so im going to spend the weekend working out and trying to get it back. So thats where I am for now. Its been a while since Ive posted but now that the ball is rolling again, I should have something more interesting to talk about next time. lol

Nothing new

Mar 19, 2012

Well I have my first appt this week. I know what to expect but then again I don't.  I know its sounds weird. I had a dream last night that I had my surgery and i was ready to work out but didn't know what to do. I had no clue how to work out or what to do to work out.  And then, now that I think about it, in my dream i was only a week out. lol. Yeah its crazy. going thur this with my wife is different than going thru it for myself. so I have decided to start a Vlog this week for me to look back on during post op days. I don't really know how this is going to play out so Im just going to ride it out and see what happens.

Inside looking out...

Mar 13, 2012

I made my Pysch and Nutri'st appt yesterday. Its moving kind of fast but I like the fact that we're moving. After the weekend I was really prompt to get things done. I really don't like being the "big guy", all the time or referred to as the guy from the movie "Life" asking, "you gonna eat yo' cornbread?"notLOL. Its has its perks but sometimes I dont want to stand out. I was telling my wife on yesterday how one of my goals is to be able to participate in the dunking booth at the school's Fun in the Sun day. The students always ask me, "Are you gonna be in the dunkin booth this year", and I always have to say "not this time." I don't want to look like a whale outta water, LOL@me. Im just saying. I just want to be looked at as Paul...not "Big Paul".


Mar 08, 2012

Tonight Im going to get more information about what Im going to pursue. Im a little nervous and sometimes i feel like I should go thru with it because as I view other profiles its seems as though my situation is minimal compared to others. However, everyone's risks are different and built differently so even though my 300lbs are not like someones 300 lbs. So Im going to go forward and see she happens..


OH Virgin

Mar 06, 2012

Although, Im familiar with OH, this is my first time here for myself.  After some time I have given this some thought. I figured that I could use some help to gain that healthy lifestyle that I need. My father died in his 40's with heart problems and I want to avoid going down that road. I am still young and I have alot still left to do. So, here goes nothing.....

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Mar 06, 2012
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