Suzanne R. 23 years, 7 months ago

Went to visit Debra at the hospital this morning. She is walking around and is doing well. Nurses aren't being very sweet. Suprised me since I had a wonderful experience at this hospital. I guess they are practicing for halloween, but I didn't see any brooms. Ha-Ha. Debra's aunt and parents were there when I arrived to keep her company. Her roommate is also very nice. I think they are going to gang up on the nurses now, so they better watch out for flying bed pans. Debra will be able to drink something tomorrow and go home on Monday. She looks great and is feeling much better. Dr. Stahl said she was looking great and no problems.

Susan W. 23 years, 7 months ago

I am so happy for you Debra! I know you will be feeling great soon. You're on your way now! Best wishes. Susan

peaceangel58 23 years, 7 months ago

Hello, I am writing to let everyone know, Debra Holsomback, had her surgery yesterday, (October 26, 2000) She is doing fine, except the pain, which is normal for this surgery. We appreciate all of your concerns. Keep her in your hearts and prayers. May God bless each and everyone of you!!!!! Debra's mother, Patty Holsomback

William C. 23 years, 7 months ago


Suzanne R. 23 years, 7 months ago

Just got off the phone with Debbie, She make it to the other side with flying colors. Her mom and dad are with her and she is doing well. Little itchy from the morphine pump but that is common. I am planning a visit to the hospital Sat. so I will keep you all updated.

Denise B. 23 years, 7 months ago

Debra, Just a short note to let you know that I am thinking of you as you go into surgery. You'll be reading this from the "other side", I'm sure! I'm very thankful for the support you have offered me, and please feel free to contact me if I can help in any way following your surgery. Just think - next Crimson Tide football season, we'll BOTH be looking great (and maybe the team will too!)! Best wishes to you...

Naomi F. 23 years, 7 months ago

Debra, Wishing you the best on this special day for you. I'll look forward to hearing about your journey to the "new you". Naomi

jeannie O. 23 years, 8 months ago

hi cutie pie, i'm on my way to Port Huron, for more test, just wanted to tell you ,that you will be in my prayers, hold out your hand,for God to put his hand in your hand & lead you back to us:) ^j^ love & hugs,

Donna W. 23 years, 8 months ago

Debra-Just wanted to send a note to let you know that you will be in my thoughts on Thursday! Hope you have a smooth surgery and a VERY speedy recovery!

Robyn V. 23 years, 8 months ago

Debbie,you are such a doll!! I know that you will do fine. Just remember that "this too will pass" We have to walk through the fire, but it will all be worth it when we jump on the scale in a couple of months!! Please pray with me... Dear Precious Heavenly Father, we thank You for being our God, we thank YOU Lord God for dying on the cross for our sins. We thank You for loving us in spite of ourselves, the sinful creatures we are. Father right now, We lift up Debra to you as she goes through this surgery. We ask you Lord to put your angels around her and give her peace. We pray Lord that you bind her pain and that her recouperation is rapid, So that she can come back and post her status and we can all rejoice together!! Lord, fill her thoughts with thoughts of you, so that when she can't jump up and run around that Your Spirit will flood her mind. We pray this in Jesus Precious Name, Amen
About Me
May 02, 2000
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Before & After
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This is August 2000 BHM airport,
253 poundslbs
December 2001
