Well... Hello All.... I am finally updating my profile of 5 years!!!!

It's been great!...my personal life however is a different story..I got divorced last year from the guy I thought was THE ONE!... he turned out to not be the one..and it was a very difficult year and a half...HOWEVER!!!!... Miracles do happen and on November 24th, 2006 My girls dad, not my ex-husband, asked me if I would start seeing him again...it's been years... and we have always stayed friends..he's always been there for me and the girls..we have known each other for 21 years...and now things just feel so right... he's amazing... and he knew me at my fattest!!!..which is a biggy, pardon the pun..I'll upload a picture of him soon..he's very handsome and extremely kind. It seems as thought 2007 will be my year... our year!!..

Ok.. getting back to weight loss...I am now at 168 lbs... yes.. I have gained some over the holiday and last year during my difficult financial ordeal and living on my own with my daughter etc... my weight has fluctuated slightly but I am getting control of it now... my lowest was a size 8 in pants.. but..I am now a 10...so I am starting to work out and watching what I eat..although chocolate is still my second love..haha..

For the women/men that are thinking about having this done, please remember to be at your healthiest or try...and then go for it..it has changed my life for the better...in every way... I don't think I would even be alive if it wasn't for my decision to do this... well....good luck and keep in touch.. I will try and update more often... let me know if there are people out there really reading these posts...

p.s. being in love is wonderful... !








January 9th, 2005 3 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!TODAY Hello all.. I just read all your postings that you posted pre-op.. they were great.. I thank you all so much.. I just love this site.. and you guys! I just had my last surgeries.. My TT and Breast Augmentation on November 22, 2004. It went well.. I am all healed now..and loving my new body.. I wear a size 8 in skirts and pants..and size 12 on top/jackets. I love my new size breasts.. 36DD's,, they fit my body type well.. I have been married now for 6 mos.. I love it.. My husband is amazing and I love him very much.. I couldn't be happier. Thank you all for the blessings and best wishes.. I love you all and thank god and pray for you every night.. take care.. let me know if you have any questions.. Tricia Burke..in Carmel.. email.. [email protected] Take care.. October 12, 2003 Hello again, Its been a year since I last updated my profile.. I have been through so much...all good... I met someone on my birthday..March 17th, this year. He is the one in the Picture with me his name is Steve.. He is a wonderful man...We have been dating for almost 7 mos now and Oct 9th, he proposed to me...!! I am the happiest woman in the world.. He is so special and very giving and so so good for me. I'm very happy and at one point in the past I thought this day would never come where a man truly wanted to marry me for who I was on the inside as well as the outside... having the Gastric Bypass has changed my life so much it is truly a mircle and something I know I did at the right time in my life and for all the right reasons... I am no longer Diabetic, or have back problems, I can run and play with my children and go on rides at the park with them, I am playing Tennis again with them, and swimming and just living.... I love it and I know that my friend Pat B. will be very happy that she went through this surgery as well.. (I hope to hear from you soon Pat, please call me asap and let me know how you're doing...) Steve is a great man and I am so blessed to have found him. He's wonderful and now that I am engaged, it makes me feel even more alive and more reason to stay in shape and get into better shape for me and my new family. I am now a size 10, 155lbs from 265lbs, and am looking into a TT and Breast augmentation... Kaiser has evalutated me and said it will cost around 13,000. for both TT and BA.. so I am saving up .. I really need it ... but Steve loves me now for who I am and I love him for that.. but I can be better for myself, which I plan to be... anyway.. take care all and let me know if you have any questions.. I would have this surgery again in a heart beat... and I recommend it to you who are hesitant.... as long as you follow the rules and take care of yourself before surgery and do what the doc says... you'll have success... take care... Tricia.. V..Burke..?:) October 30, 2002 I know its been a long long time.. I have now had my 9 month check up and am now at 99lbs lost.... I am so excited.... I still have a ways to go..but I am so much more happy nowadays... I have been dating and have a great time with my kids.. life is great.. as opposed to sitting around at home eating all the time and being depressed... I now where a size 14.... sometimes a 12.. I can't wait for Christmas and New Years for the first time really in a long time.. I can eat almost anything, but still in little portions.. I would recommend this surgery to anyone who was serious about getting a live back.. and starting to live again... my doctor said I am aging in reverse...yipppppeeee.. I totally agree.. take care and for those you who are contemplating this surgery..know that its major but so so worth it... just do your homework on the doc and the hospital.. also keep your bp down and get healthy before its time for surgery and you should be fine.... it saved my life... truly.. Tricia Elise.. Vasquez 1/9/02 276lbs 10/30/02 166lbs... :) January 16, 2001 I am 41, and have been over weight most of my life.. I remember when I was totally in love when I was 25 I seemed to loose weight, but since my babies I have not been able to loose weight at all. I gained about 60lbs with each pregnancy. I have three girls, age 21, 10 and 6. Yeah I know a big gap but I love them all dearly. I am 5'6", 274 and have been told over and over that I am pretty. Such a pretty face, we all know about that right? But I decided that I have tried every diet and pill and trick in the book and still no results. So I approached my PCP with the Gastric Bypass surgery idea. He looked it up and said that Yes I would be a good candidate. So the referrals for the psych eval and the dietician were sent in, in October of 1999. I have see my doctor on Dec 3, 1999 and he said yes that he would send in the referal to the surgeon. There is a committee that has to agree that I am a good candidate. This is Kaiser, Santa Teresa. So far everything seems to moving right along. I heard last week that I should know if its been approved in two weeks.. I am soooooooo excited. I just hope they don't burst my bubble. I want so much to have a normal life and feel like the real me thats inside of this big body. Please pray that I get approved. I feel this is my last straw, I want and need to better outlook on my life.. just thinking about the surgery gives me a better feeling every day... Thank You for stopping by.. Take care and god bless .. Tricia January 18, 2001 I called into the South San Francisco office and spoke with Marina, she told me last week that she was going to submit my information to the committee. Well, when I spoke to her today she said the same thing! I told her that she said that last week, she explained that she had many other things going on and couldn't get to it.. So she will be submitting the information this week. UUUURUUGGGGG! Now she says it will take about 3 to 4 weeks to find out, I am getting very impatient!!!!! Anyway, more waiting.. I will let you know as soon as I do.. God Bless.. Tricia January 25, 2001 Hello there, its me again. I called today and spoke with Marina, she said that she has presented my case to the committee and that was last friday. So now we wait. There are 7 doctors on this committee and they all have to agree that this is a good choice for me and that I am a good candidate for it. I truly hope and pray that these people think of me and what I am going through on a daily basis. I really need to have this surgery, I have exhausted all other sources. I do have great spirit but sometimes when I am alone and really take a good look at myself,I can't help but cry. How did this happen? This is not me!!! I want me back and I know that this is my only hope... Please pray that I get approved. I could really use your prayers right about now.. Thank you so much and god bless.. February 1, 2001 I have spoken to Marina today, she says that it will be soon. I asked her if my medical folder that was give to the committee looked ok as far as a surgery candidate. She said that it did, and that she puts it together and makes sure that everything looks good, thats what she does for a living.. she kind of chuckled. She said hopefully by next week I will hear something. God Another week!@!!!! .. URRRRGGGg April 19, 2001 Hello there, I haven't updated my profile for some time now, but I did hear back from Marina and I was DENIED!!! She said that the committee needed to see more co-morbidities.. So I went back to my PCP and told him I needed x-rays of my lower back, and my left knee. I also needed to be seen for Stress incontinence.. and I made all the appointments and had the x-rays etc. I have been told I have mild DJD and that could be it.. That is my second Co-morbidity I needed.. I spoke with Marina today and the second letter for reconsideration is being faxed to her now and the personal letter from me is also attached.. Please pray I get approved!!! I really need this tool. I am getting very discouraged, but by reading all these other profiles it really helps me keep going.. Be assertive but not too harsh.. thats one of the keys.. :)BTW, I am now 286 lbs, and getting bigger.. I was 274 lbs. May 11, 2001 Hello there, I am back after some time away. Well, I have found out that I have a problem with my L1 and L5 vertibre and also that I have slight deterioration of the leftknee. Also, my blood pressure has risen and is now 158/117 at times so they put me on B/P meds.. now I have enough co-morbidities documented not just because I said so and was only given pain pills in the past.. so. Marina called me on Thursday of last week, she will be presenting my case to the committee for approval for the second time.. please pray that I get approved this time. I really need this, my weight is killing me.. I will keep you updated.. thank you.. tricia August 3, 2001 Hello there, it has been awhile since I last updated. I received a phone call from Marina in SSF/Kaiser, she said that the committee just Approved my SURGERY!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT... IT HAS BEEN ALMOST A YEAR.. AND AFTER BEING DENIED THE FIRST TIME I AM NOW APPROVED..YIIIPPEEEEE!!!! She said that she just finished scheduling Orientations for September so I will probably get mine in October and that she will be sending me the paper work and date to meet with the Surgeon. I have been reading all the information and feedback from this site since last year. It really helped me a great deal. WHen I was thinking of giving up I would read some your input on how the WLS made such in difference in your lives and what a powerful self esteem builder this surgery is.. I truly needed to read this.. I cannot wait for this surgery, I know that deep down inside me is a beautiful female waiting to come out. I will keep you posted. Thank you.. all... Tricia:) OCT 5, 2001 I got a phone call from Lisa at Kaiser SSF yesterday and she asked me if I want to go to San Diego to have my surgery. She said they were given the permission to send 40 patients to Pacific Bariatric to have their surgeries done there due to the back log of patients here. It will take 3 to 6 mos to have my surgery here. SO I said get me on that flight..@@!!!!@!@!@!## Please pray for me that everything goes right. I really can't wait to have this surgery and would love to have it done by Xmas.. of this year.. yeeeepeeee.e.. If anyone has more information on Pacific Bariatric in San Diego or the process that Kaiser uses to send patients there please email me.. I will post as soon as I meet with the surgeon and after my orientation.. God bless all of you... Tricia.. 12/18/01 update Hello everyone, I now have a date for surgery. I am getting nervous. I keep reading about how some people die after 3mos or 5 mos.. following surgery. I want to live not die. I am really torn here, I am alive, my girls love me very much and would not understand if something happened to me. But for, I'm not living. I live for my girls. They are beautiful, happy, funny, silly, and brite.. girls.. they play Piano for me when ever I ask them to and they love to play. My older daughter is a gift as well, she is beautiful,intelligent, very sweet and very giving. I want them to have more of a mom. I pray that God will allow me to come though this surgery with no complications and with great rewards... I love you all, and thank you for all your input. I go to San Diego on January 8th, 2002, for pre-op work, then my surgery is on January 9th, 2002. My mom and sister and my oldest daughter will be with me for my surgery. If anyone has had Dr. Tanaka in San Diego's Pacific Bariatric, do their surgery and has a story to tell please email me.. I love to read his suguries.. he is great from what I have read.. I met him, I really liked him from the beginning.. Take Care.. will update more soon...love and god bless. Tricia May 8th, 2002 Well, here it is May already and I can't tell you how happy I am. For the first time in many many years I feel great and have more energy and I love life. I have lost about 70lbs and am still losing. It feels great to get looks from men again and feel sexy. I would do it all over again@!!! No Problem... the first month though is tuff because I think everyone does go through the WHAT HAVE I DONE! syndrome. But, trust me you get over it.. its well worth it..I hope everyone who is thinking about this surgery really remembers why we wanted it and know its not easy but its worth it... have a great day... Later, Tricia I will write more soon :) Photos 276 after surgery January 12, 2002 155 18mos, and 110 lbs gone!!!! plus the 20 lbs I lost before my surgery. total 130 since Dec 2001 Weight Loss Survey Responses Click Here To View Surgeon Info: Surgeon: Laurence K. Tanaka M.D. I have heard nothing but great things about him, I want him... if anyone has been to San Diego via Kaiser... please inform me of the process.. i am very excited... thank you.. 12/18/01 I got him!!!! yipppeeeee.. I met him and like him. His staff is great and very on top of things.. especially Susan and Amy. Wow, thank you girls.. I was flown out to San Diego, and then two weeks later I have a date.. my Sugery date is January 9th, 2002. I can't weight.. :) Insurer Info: Kaiser, Santa Teresa I have been waiting since December 1999. I first spoke to my PCP in October of 1999 about this surgery. He said I was a good candidate and he checked out the criteria that I needed to meet. Then he wrote out the referals for a Psych eval and the Dietician consultation. Then I went back in December and he wrote out the request for surgery form that had to go to the board. Well, that leaves me here today, 1/25/01. I just called Marina the assistant clerical person and she said that she presented my case to the committee last Friday. The committee is made of up 7 doctors who all have to agree that this is a good way to go. Now we just wait until all the doctors return their copy of my file along with their yays or nays. Two more weeks and I should know.. You just need to keep calling and be persistant.. I know that Kaiser has gotten better about this surgery from what I have read on this site, so I am hoping for the best.. its my life... i have to. 8/03/01 I GOT THE PHONE CALL OF MY LIFE.. FROM MARINA IN SF/KAISER.. SHE SAID I WAS APPROVED....... OMG, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT,, IT HAS BEEN SO LONG.. I have to wait for my scheduled Orientation and Surgeon meeting, she said probably in October or November.. geez, I just hope for surgery this year.. I want to be normal for my 43rd birthday next March. You have to keep plugging away at Kaiser but be nice. I called every week to see what my status was,, poor Marina must be really sick of me by now.. but she was always very professional.. and I appreciate her honesty.. she always told me what was going on. :) I will keep you posted for the next steps coming up.. don't stop , Kaiser can be difficult but keep your eye on what YOU want, why you are waiting and doing this is for YOU. YOU are the only one that can feel what you're feeling and fight like you're fighting.. the best person for the job is you.. YOU alone can make it happen, see yourself where you want to be and you will be there.. good luck.. don't give up..

About Me
San Jose, CA
Surgery Date
Jan 18, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
after surgery January 12, 2002
18mos, and 110 lbs gone!!!! plus the 20 lbs I lost before my surgery. total 130 since Dec 2001
