* Cindee *
I am in the testing stages of the surgery. I have completed the dietician and the blood work. I am going for the UGI on Tuesday, and the psych eval on the 28th. I will be having my sleep study done on April 28. I am working on getting my eating act together and walking 3 times a week in the mean time. I hope this will help me after the surgery.
Today I discovered that my Weight Watchers cookbook is my best friend. LOL, I know this sounds very odd, but it has alot of really good recipies that are low fat and low carb. I also wanted to say that I have been reading these board for a month now, and the support found here is amazing. This is the best site I have seen for any type of weight related issues, especially if your intending to have surgery.... TTFN
I'M APPROVED!!! I cannot believe it was that fast!!! she only sent the paperwork on the 30th!!!! I feel like I just won the lottery!! I went online to check my status on the insurance and there it was, APPROVED!!! I found out before the Docs office did. WOO HOO!! Amy is gonna call this afternoon and get the specifics then she will set up everything else. I am Soooooo Excited!!!
Hey Y'all, just adding some "before" photos. I cannot wait to say goodbye to this look. Thanks, Pinalope, for the post on how to do this!!
Just adding a picture of my baby. He is 14 now. God help us all.
Well, Today I had my pre-op appt with Doc Handsome, and he said everything looks good!! I have to go to the nut for the pre/post op instructions tomorrow, and get my hospital tests done, lab work, ekg, chest xray. Then I'm ready to go!! I am having quite a bit of different emotions right now, I go from happy to scared to sad to happy, all over the place. Doc said its normal. TTFN
Today I went to the Nut and got the tests done. Wow, what an eye opener... NOT. Almost everything the Nut told me I had already learned on this site...LOL. I do clear liquids for 9 days after surgery, then I go to soft foods for 2 weeks then onto soft meats and other items after that. For preop, I only have to not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before, so thats not too bad. She, of course, said Protein is essential, try to get some unflavored whey or soy protein to mix in the broth and jello. So I will go do that tomorrow. All in all, a good day. TTFN
Ok, so today is not the best day for me. But, my angel has told me to set a weight goal. My weight goal for me is 150 lbs. I am 5'9" so I think that is a good goal. TTFN
See my blog www.mylaprnyjournal.blogspot.com
I have decided to continue my journey on the blog, as it is less likely to be "lost" in transtition during the OH.com beta process.
Please feel free to cut/past the link in your browser and read my story. Thanks!!
Foods that Kill Cravings
This is a copy of an article that was on AOL. I found it interesting and helpful.
By Amy Paturel, M.S., M.P.H.
If you just can't curb the urge to wolf down chocolate or cookies, you should head straight to the kitchen. That's right. Because even though mindless noshing packs on the pounds like no other pastime, some foods can make a definite dent in your need to nibble.
According to registered dietitian Milton Stokes, eating low-calorie, fiber-rich foods before a meal (salads, soup and fruits) may prevent a dieter from submitting to an all out gorge-fest. But some of the best appetite killers are nibbles that might be hiding in plain sight in your kitchen right now:
Nuts: New research shows the fatty acids in pine nuts initiate the release of an appetite-suppressing hormone called cholecystokinin (CKK). According to Stokes, it?s too soon to tell if these results will stand up. In the meantime, sprinkle pine nuts on your salad or mix them into pesto over whole wheat pasta. Want a more accessible nut? Try almonds. People who consume these nutrient powerhouses lose more weight and fat mass than those who don't. Why? The cell walls of almonds seem to act as a physical barrier to the total absorption of fat.
Hot Stuff: Spicy foods have a metabolism-boosting benefit and can dull your taste buds so you're apt to eat less. Even foods that are hot in temperature -- like tea and soup -- may diminish your appetite. Just make sure your soup is tomato or broth-based (not cream!) and your tea isn't of the sugary variety (beware commercial flavored types like Chai). In fact, if you go green, your tea may actually give your metabolism a boost, too.
Apples: Apples pack a lot of fiber -- twice as much in every bite as peaches, grapes and grapefruit. Fiber helps turn on the fullness switch and prevents you from overeating. Get into the habit of eating an apple before dinner. Chances are, you?ll eat less of your meal as the fiber starts to kick in.
Milk: Research shows that dairy foods promote weight loss, but the mechanism isn?t fully understood yet. "It looks like calcium helps break down the fat in cells," says Stokes. "But getting calcium from real dairy foods, like low-fat or nonfat milk or yogurt, help more than taking supplements."
Green Leaves: Two cups of cabbage, celery or lettuce provides almost no calories. And in most cases, you burn off the greens just by digesting them. Pickles and cucumbers count in this category, too.
If snacking doesn't do the trick, sniffing might. According to Alan Hirsch, M.D., neurological director of the Smell and Taste Research Foundation in Chicago, just a whiff of green apple, banana and peppermint might help you drop some weight.
Wow, it's been awhile since I posted here. I've been posting on my blog, so I've negleced this. LOL. Well, I've had a few things that I thot I'd share. I had a couple of "wow" moments. The first one was when I caught my reflection in the window at the store. Wow, I don't look near about as fat as I used to!! Cool beans!!
The second one, I got into a pair of jeans, now, these jeans were way too small for me b4 surgery. Now, they fit great, very comfortable. My DH tells me regularly that I look smaller, but, you know how they are, they would tell you your butt looks fine, when it looks like two pigs fighting under a blanket.
The other thing I wanted to say was that sometimes I wish that people would shut up. I went to my support group last week, and we just did a question/answer type of thing, no speaker. There was one lady, she would not let anyone else answer any questions. It pissed me right off. After the meeting, one gal came over to me, she is new and waiting to have her surgery, and started asking me some questions about what I eat. She had overheard us talking before the meeting, and I eat alot of different things for someone only six weeks out, compared to what some of the others are eating at eight weeks out. I told her, but also explained that after the 21st day (thats how far the nut's diet goes out) your basically on your own. Genie from the office also said that you have to try things. Now, I don't go hog wild, and I don't try things that have more than ten carbs or are high in fat, but I do try alot of different things. I think that my mentality about the whole thing helps too. I believe that I need to try to eat a balance. I try to get some type of veggie in each day. If I don't, I drink a can of V8. I always eat my protein first, but I do like to eat some veggies too. The gal also mentioned that she noticed that I was trying to answer some questions, but the other lady would just talk over me. I just didn't say anything about it, b/c what is the point? Y'all take care now.
The following is a list of what I am eating at six weeks out. I know that not everyone can or should eat this way, but this is what I eat. My NUT said everything I eat is ok with her. I have had no Ketosis and have not had the "death mask" look that so many post ops have.
Almonds, Triscuits , Wheat Thins , Beef (jerkey) Nuggets,
Eggs, Onion , Bell Pepper, Cheese (all kinds, low fat)
Green Beans, V8, Milk, Prune Juice, Tuna, Chicken, Turkey, Ham(lunch meat), Tilapia, Pork, Steak, Shrimp, Avocado, Oatmeal, Flax Seed, Strawberries, Bananas, Peanut Butter, Sour Cream (low fat), Salad Spritzers, Dill Pickle Relish, Refried Beans (all beans really), Salsa, Healthy Choice Sausage. and of course my protein powders and Profect.
I am sure there are other items that I have neglected to mention, but the only thing that I have not been able to tolerate so far is bread. I substitute crackers for the bread. I have not tried it toasted, but plan to soon. TTFN.
Wow, its the first day of summer!! It feels like its been summer for a month already!! LOL.... Well, alot is going on here. First, I am down 50 lbs!! Woo Hoo!!! I have 70 more to go, not too bad!! Second, we are buying a new home!! I have posted a few pics below so y'all can see it, I am so excited!! I cannot wait to move out of this trailer and in to our new home!! TTFN
This is what I look like now, as of today, July 24, 2006.
Your Icecream Flavour is... French Vanilla! |
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Ok, here they are, My before pic and my three month pic side by side. You tell me, is there a difference?
Wow, I am so bad about updating my profile. It's rediculous. I am really excited right now. First, I had a "wow" moment today, I now fit in a size 14/16w pant. LOL... I have been wearing a regular size 18, I don't know if that is the same size as a regular 18 or not, but it sure feels great to see smaller sizes on the label!!
The second thing is that I AM GOING TO THE LEXINGTON CONVENTION!!! I am so excited!! Frances and I will be the "Louisiana Delegation", but would love for some more natives to join us on the excursion!!! I have been having some fun trying to find a 'costume' for the masquerade party. I am trying to find Mardi Gras style things..... very hard to do in OCTOBER!!! LOL.... if it was Mardi Gras time, it would be much easier!!! I did get a mask, so I may just wear regular clothes and wear the mask. Maybe a brooch that is Mardi Gras(ish). I can't wait to go and meet all these people that I chat with on the boards. Much fun to be had!!!
I have been very busy here too. My boy, Travis, plays football and I go and help feed the team once a week, drive to all the games (of course) and am a "jacket backer" booster club member. Travis also bowls in two travel leagues, so we are all over the state at some point every month!! I no longer work for a living. I decided after my surgery that it was just not worth the stress. We are doing just fine w/o the income so, hey, here I sit, in my new house, doing what I want to do for the first time in my life! It feels GREAT!!!
I am posting this to you to see how many actually read profiles. Pay attention to what you read. Here goes:
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant .
Thank you for being a part of my life,
whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.
Wow. Just had my 6 mos. checkup. They did the blood work, won't know anything about that until next week. Doc Handsome said I looked great!! He was very impressed with my loss, and said that I am doing really well! Then he had Amy take after pictures.... yikes, wasn't ready for THAT today. LOL. Oh, well. As of today, I weight 190.5 lbs. WOO HOO!! I have not weighed that little since 1998. I need to lose about 40 more lbs to be at goal. Goal for me is 150. I started out at 277. Sooooo, I think I am doing GREAT!!
Till next time...
Wow. Last night was my 'baby's' first dress up dance. Freshman High Homecoming. Yikes, he is growing up quick! He looked very handsome, and his girlfriend looked beautiful. We chauferred them around all night, they went to dinner, then the dance, then the after party. Travis still isn't home! LOL.. It's ok, he is at his friend Hayden's house, where the after party was. The boys spent the night there. Here are a few pictures. One of me and my son and two of the 'happy couple'. Enjoy!
Addendum to My Story
I am a 48 year old woman who has had weight issues as far back as I can remember. The first diet I remember being on, was in junior high. My mother put me on a 1200 cal. per day diet. I would get carrots and celery sent with me to school to eat for lunch. I would throw it in the garbage and buy junk food from the concession at lunch time.
By the time I graduated from high school, I was a dieting pro. I married a month after graduation, mostly to get out of my parents house, and was pregnant by Christmas. I had my first child at 19. Two and a half years later, we were divorced. I became a "party animal" and got very thin. I am 5-9 and was weighing about 130 lbs at that point.
A few years later, I remarried, to a big burly biker I met in a bar. He was very abusive. I gained some weight, about 20 or 30 lbs during the next two or so years, then I got pregnant with my second son, and gained 84 lbs. After having my second child, the weight just hung on. No diet would work. Six years later, I had my third son, and gained another 60 lbs. I lost about 30 of it after I had my son, but the rest just stayed put.
I decided that the only way for me to continue to live was to have WLS. I was 120lbs overweight and had been for years. I had sleep apnea, high blood pressure, triglicerides of 388, and an enlarged heart. I had my surgery on April 14, 2006 and have lost 88 lbs so far. My sleep apnea is gone, my high blood pressure is gone and my triglicerides are 148 now. I have had many ups and downs along the way, and I will try to recall as many as I can in this part of my profile. With this new system I seem to have some trouble doing the copy/paste feature.
All for now.
These are the newest of my six furchildren. Desi and Luci. We adopted them a few months ago from the animal welfare league in Baton Rouge. They have turned out to be such wonderful pets. Enjoy the pics!
Luci, thinks this camera is for the birds!