
Sep 06, 2008

I am down 62 lbs!  I wish it was a little more.  My weight loss has been very slow at times compared with others that have had my surgery and were at the same starting weight as I was.  However, I admit I could be doing a little more.  I don't exercise at all.  I have always hated exercise and don't feel a bit different about it now.  Also, I do snack once in awhile.  Not often but several times a week.  Overall, I am very happy with the surgery.  I no longer miss eating the big portions or the sweets.  I would do it all again in a heartbeat.

Family gets the first look at the new me

Jul 18, 2008

I made my first trip to see my parents since surgery on May 1st.  I have lost 35 lbs since then.  It was good to see the shock on their faces.  I needed that lift.  My weight loss seems so slow compared to others I know who have had the same surgery.  I needed the postive reinforcement I got from my family over the last two days.  It really means a lot to me.

Back to Work!

May 27, 2008

I returned to work yesterday.  Lots of work has piled up but it made the day fly by.  I have to admit I was very tired by 5:00.  I also finally lost 1 lb.  Not a lot but it has been days and days at the same number so just to not see that number again was wonderful. 

Slow weight loss

May 26, 2008

I am finally feeling more "normal" as far as pain, gout, and energy levels go.  However, I am not losing weight.  I lost 17 lbs in the first 2 and a half weeks and now nothing for 8 days.  I am doing everything the way I should.  I am getting in my protein (except for 2 times) and am drinking as much fluid as I can.  Usually around 48 oz a day.  I am eating 1/4 cup of food 3 times a day.  I don't understand why I am not losing.  I even counted calories the last few days and am around 700 a day so I SHOULD be losing.  I am exercising but not much.  A walk of 10 to 20 min a day.  I will try to increase that but can not do any other excercise until after my 6 week mark.  Hopefully it will start coming off.  Right now I am wondering if it was all worth it.  I miss eating and am depressed over the lack of weight loss.


May 12, 2008

Of all things --- I have gout very bad in my left foot.  It has me on crutches and that pulls on my stomach muscles.    It has all left me stuck in bed a lot and crying in pain.  Hopefully it is a temporary thing.  I may put me off from getting back to work next Monday.  I don't know yet.  I am seeing the doctor tomorrow. Will update then.

Doesn't take much to wipe me out

May 07, 2008

I am still very tired all the time.  I am getting my protein in but not all of my fluids.  64 oz. is just too much for me to get down right now.  I also can not sleep more than 2 hr at a time.  I am up throughout the night.  I do feel that I am getting better every day.  I am sure next week will look alot better.

Home from surgery

May 04, 2008

I got home yesterday from University Hospital in Syracuse.  Everything went well.  Of course, I didn't like some of it - those awful air bags on your legs that confined me to the bed until I could get a nurse to take them off, the chills I got a few times, and this restlessness I am feeling.  I am also having a hard time sleeping on my back and find it impossible to sleep on my side at this point.  I know all this will pass.  I am mostly pain free and thank the Lord for that.  The pain was awful at first.  Each day I am feeling so much better than the last.  My stomach is one hugh bruise.  I was able to take my first shower today and that was the best. Now if I can just get to sleep.

Night before surgery

Apr 30, 2008

It's almost 9:00 and I need to get up in the morning at 4.  I am too nervous to even think about sleeping yet.  All kinds of thoughts are going through my head - did I prepare enough?, am I doing the right thing?, what will life be like without major fast food meals!  Mostly I am just worried I won't be able to handle eating this way.  I have always had a soda or large glass of something with each meal and that will be one of the biggest things for me to overcome.  I know I have thought through all of this over and over again in the last 8 months but suddenly tonight it seems like these are all new questions.  I guess the other thing I am worried about is the operation itself.  What if Dr Simon opens me up and finds something terribly wrong and can't proceed with the operation?  What if he has to do it as an open?  What if I need more than 2 weeks off from work? 
Well I guess it won't do any good to worry about any of it so I will just say another prayer and go to bed.

Surgery on May 1st

Apr 27, 2008

I have been very busy lately and have not had the chance to get on here and update.  My surgery will be on May 1st (this Thursday) at 8AM.  I need to be at the hospital by 6.  I am getting very nervous.  I have all my foods and drinks ready and have tried to prepare myself as much as possible.  Hopefully all will go well.


Mar 18, 2008

I heard from my insurance plan on the 12th that I am approved for surgery.  I had delay after delay in getting it to the point of being submitted but it is finally done and I am ready (more than ready!) to go.  Now I wait to hear from the hospital when my surgery will be.

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 24, 2007
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 12
Family gets the first look at the new me
Back to Work!
Slow weight loss
Doesn't take much to wipe me out
Home from surgery
Night before surgery
Surgery on May 1st
