Rough Week

Mar 10, 2007

I made the trip to San Antonio,Tx last week. We left on thrusday morning after 10 hrs on the road we got to our hotel. Whew ,I am sore and tired. Funny thing happened when we got there, there was two hotels in the lot we pulled into going by the photo from my TripRewards website we checked into the hotel we thought was the Travelodge. Well, we found out abit later that we where in  Hotel Johnson ( so that is why our room was SOOO nice!) Turns out both hotels on this lot are owned by same company we talked to front desk and they where going to give us the same rate as Travelodge ! So we called over to Travelodge and told them we where too tired and we where staying there and if they had to charge us for one night because we canceled to late go ahead. The clerk was a total ass ,he had the balls to call over to the Hotel Johnson an tell them to make us go over there!!!! Can you believe it?!  OMG,I was mad but the front  clerk said ignore him and in the long of it all they didnt charge us a nite for the other hotel..Yeah! 
 Friday the next day was a looong one, we where there for over 6 hours,geesh!  Then at one point I wanted to cry and run away that is when they wieghed me, I knew last time I got wieghed I was at 410 but when they weighed me I was 470!!!! I couldnt believe it, what is wrong with me I kept thinking. I really thought I had been eatting pretty good but I know alot has to do with the fact I get very little movement ,I mostley sit all day either on the bed or the couch .  Well, finally got to meet Dr Patel an he is a really nice man. It was a good an at the same time frustrating and upsetting visit. He wants me to go on a diet ,first part is 1800 calories diet for 2 mos and then a liquid protien diet with only one solid meal a day for another 2 mos!! UUUGGhh!!!  Then,I have to have a filter put in place to keep any clots from going to my heart.  But, I will do whatever it takes!
 I also have to have a sleep test,stress test and a few labs done also. An find a PCP since I dont have one here in Tulsa.
 We left sat. morn  to head home ,I was sooo sore,I knew it would not be a easy trip. Matter of fact hubby tried to cancel the trip until he got the van up and running but our van has been down since before christmas and he yet has found time to fix it so I said absoutely NOO we are GOING! Of course his little mustang is not meant for big people and the seats are not cushioned enougth and I was cramped my butt and legs ached but I figured the sort term pain was worth the long term gain.

Unforntately when we got back my puppy Maverick and our family dog Sasha where still not feeling better. They had seen the vet over 1 1/2 weeks earlier and by Monday nite my puppy was crying in pain all night! Tuesday morning (my birthday) I told hubby to take them to vet. When hubby and daughter returned minus our pets ,My heart broke!!! Turns out the  vet said they didnt have a virual cold like she thought but they had distemper and they had to be put to sleep! Ontop of that they charged us 89.00 dollars to do it!
 The only one good thing that happened was that I didnt not turn to food at all for comfort, I have kept in my mind what I am doing is to have a better life and to live not to just exist! I cant do that if I use food as a comfort,food is needed to live but you dont live to eat. 
So with the cost of the trip and the vet bill our budget is shot till hubbys next payday,(he gets paid every two weeks) which is next thrusday. So I am watching my sugar ,fat and carb intakes. Drinking 60 oz of water aday an boy thats alot of water, I have to fight the urge to stop drinking the water. I have to pee alot because of it but I just keep telling myself I getting excersie by getting up so much more often LOL.
 Speaking of the devil I gotta log ,geesh. Laters.

name generator

Mar 05, 2007

P Primitive
I Inspirational
X X-BoxHueg
X X-BoxHueg
I Industrious
E Explosive

Name">">Name / Username:

Name">">Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com">>

About Me
Broken Arrow, OK
Feb 09, 2007
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Rough Week
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