Goodness!!!! :(

Mar 31, 2009

OK, yesterday had some creamy soup. Doc said I could, so I figured I would give it a try. Boy was that a mistake. Within 15 min I was in the bathroom and spent the next 6 hrs there. Then this morning I woke up wretching. I could not stop, no matter what I did. I never actually threw up, but holy cow did I make a lot of noise. My poor kids and hubby didnt know what to do. I didnt know what to do.

As much fun as it wasnt. I am thankful that I am 2 weeks out from surgery before that happened. I was so scared of it happening soon after my surgery and doing something that would require me being back in the hospital. So 2 weeks I can handle that.

Thus far I have lost 24 lbs. I am so excited, I made it over my 20 lb stall that I would hit on every other diet I have ever been on. I am so glad to see my scale moving down and not up. I can not even express my happiness with it. If I could do a cart wheel I would. But couldnt do it even when I was young, so my happy dance will have to suffice. I have found that dairy is not my friend. It wasnt very nice to me before surgery, but it makes me sick more so now. So I switched to the soy milk. Which agreed with me well. Thank goodness, it doesnt look that great, but it tastes pretty darn good.

I was slow starting a good exercise routine. My Bad, but I have been so exhausted lately, this past weekend has been the first weekend where I didnt crash on the couch by 7 pm. I still struggle to wake up in the AM and once I do go to bed I am out for the night, still  toss and turn a lot but am sleeping pretty good. I am hoping with increasing my exercise I will gain more energy.

I am struggling to get my water in. went to my first support group meeting this past Saturday, they said that was normal. But water even doesnt hit my pouch right for some reason.  Even taking baby sips. So I sip along all day. Gotten better at taking my protein and vitamins, which is helping as well.

But overall I can not complain, I am still very  happy to have had this done and regret nothing at all.


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Surgery Date
Aug 22, 2008
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