Kidney Failure Stage III

May 24, 2012

I had a gastric bypass (DSS) in May 2004. It seems my kidneys have become compromised starting in 2006, although I was not diagnosed until April 2010 by a kidney specialist. He has nonplused as to what was causing my kidney failure, having checked me for stones, family history, diabetes, etc. Nothing was showing up. Then he had a gastric bypass patient that had a Rouen-Y with the same symptoms as me, declining kidney function so he got suspicious. He called me in and had me take a 24 hour urine test looking for oxalates in my urine and sure enough I had 5 x the normal amount. Dr. Rahim, kidney specialist, told me that I will need dialysis in the near future and that this failure (going from 80% kidney function in 2005 to 30% in 2012) was a direct cause from the gastric bypass. There is no cure. He suggested that I have a reversal of the wls to save my kidneys but here is the rub. I weighed 342 lbs and had high blood pressure, 2 liters of o2 daily, chronic edema in my legs, knee pains, chest pains and I could hardly function and was about to lose my job. I was 60 when I had the gastric bypass and it has added 8 years to my life, now weighing a consistent 160-165. I just can not panthom the idea of regaining the weight! My alternatives a somewhat limited however. Does anyone out there have a similar situation or any suggestions? I would appreciate hearing from you.


About Me
Rexburg, ID
Surgery Date
Jan 02, 2001
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