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7/1/05 I told myself when I got down to the last couple of months before surgery I would try and post a bit so I can look back later and see how my journey progressed. I have been looking into the different types of surgeries and different surgeons around and have decided on the RNY procedure using Dr. Gorospe and Dr. Kirk in Tulsa, OK. My caseworker Stacy (who has gone through the surgery herself and is a great inspiration) has done all the legwork with the insurance company and boy was it a long race. They have said it is "otherwise medically necessary" and required a few things before approval. We got together all the info requested and they have asked for one more thing: an EKG. I have an appointment set for 7/13/05 for my EKG, so hopefully we can get the results in and I could be seeing a surgery date soon. I am looking forward to surgery and being a healthier me! Little steps…little steps.">>

7/9/05 Well my appointment for my EKG and treadmill is a few days away! I'm starting to get excited again about the surgery. I am very nervous about the costs as most of us are. My insurance is a 90/10 plan so that helps alot. My max out of pocket for any year is $2000.00. I have called my insurance and they show only $313 out of pocket paid so far, so I have 1700 to go. Between the surgeon, anesthesiologist, and hospital I know it will be covered quickly...just hoping some will help with monthly payments. Single mom--two kids (one disabled)--single income...kind of scary at times. On a positive note, I had been gaining little bits of weight constantly over the last year: My last appointment with my regular doctor showed I had actually maintained! Now if I can just start with the loosing before surgery I know it will make it easier during surgery and after. Little steps...little steps.">>

07/12/05 Well, after being told by the insurance company they needed cardiac clearance, they denied me because all information for medical clearance wasn't received. Called the insurance company and argued with them that they have to give me longer than a week and a half to get an appointment. She told me as long as I get the clearance and have Dr. Gorospe and Dr Kirk's office fax it in, to call them back and they will reconsider it. This is the first time that I have felt negative about the whole idea. I know they have guidelines to go through, but they never put the exact items they wanted in writing...just need this now and need that now...very frustrating. I do have my cardiac appointment tomorrow--so hopefully with some sleep and a new day my frustration will pass and I'll be excited again! Little steps...little steps.">>

7/27/05 Well I got clearance from the cardiologist for the surgery. My appointment was on the 13th and the day before my appointment I received a denial letter due to additional info not being submitted (even though I just learned I needed the info). Anyway, I got the letter from the cardiologist, faxed it in and requested an appeal. Called the next day and spoke with the appeals department and they said since it was just additional info, they would send it back up for reconsideration on the original request. Called on the 25th and they said I was approved. I am now waiting on surgeons office to call with a surgery date. Just need to get my pre-op EGD and pulmonary clearance (I have asthma). I think it will be sometime early/mid September. I have to have at least $100.00 down for hospital (they will work on payments for balance) and $600.00 down for surgeons. This is the hardest part since I'm a single mom on a very tight budget sometimes. But I know it will happen!! Little steps...little steps!!">>

7/31/05 Well my surgery date is set for August 31st, 2005. Exactly one month from today. I am excited and of course very nervous as well. My biggest fear is failing myself. I have an appt for pulmonologist clearance Tuesday as well as a class about pre-and post-op nutrition. This is the one class I am looking forward to because my fear of failing myself stems from not being able to provide myself with the right nutrition after the surgery. I know I will be able to exercise with no problem after recovery time and taking the required vitamins is fine. But nutrition is my weakness and I want to make sure I know more about it than anything else. It is one of the major keys in this change. The surgery is just a tool to use. Without all the proper "parts", you can't build what is to be built with just the tool. I am looking at this as though I'm building a new stronger, improved, and healthier life. This life doesn't just affect me personally, but my children as well. I am counting down the days now. Spending alot of time with the kids, getting the house in order, tying up loose ends, and making sure everything is as "finished" as possible. When I come home from the hospital I will be starting a new path in life and I want to start as fresh and clean as possible. Little steps...little steps!">>

8/5/05 Well, went to the nutrition class and learned SO much. Southcrest really has a GREAT program for those having the surgery. They told us exactly what to expect before, during, and after the surgery and what to do nutrition wise afterwards. Dr. Gorospe and Dr. Kirk and their staff have put together a wonderful program for this surgery. I say program because they just don't perform the surgery, they have so many things in place to ensure your success. They make sure you are physically and mentally ready and able to have the surgery. If there is something impeding your way, they will work to fix it so you can continue on your journey. As the nurse put it, they are very VERY protective of their patients. That makes me feel wonderful about my choice in surgeons. I have a pulmonologist appt for clearance on Wednesday, my EGD and gallbladder U/S are scheduled, and I have a final appointment with Dr Gorospe before the surgery and my pre-admit to the hospital scheduled. It's all coming together now and the prep time is very time consuming, but I want to make sure everything is in it's place before I start my new path. If anyone would like information on my surgeon's office or any other info you feel would benefit you, please feel free to email me at anytime. In the subject line, please put Gastric Bypass or something to that extent so I won't overlook it. Will post more later! Little steps...little steps!!">>

08/12/05 Well, got my pulmonologist clearance this week. I'm now 19 days from surgery. I'm getting really excited and of course the nervousness is there as with any life changing event. I am going down the night before surgery and getting the final few things I need. Like comfortable pants to wear home, some socks/slippers, lip balm, lotion, and any other little thing I can think of before hand. I have made a list of everything I might need for the surgery and right afterwards. I just keep checking them off as I go. This makes me feel better I have a little bit of control in this big hectic world. ;) Little steps...little steps!">>

08/16/05 Okay, I've been getting really excited about my surgery coming up. I wrote a song (yes, I have too much time on my hands somedays) about post-op. It is to the tune of The 12 Days of Christmas. It's long, yes, but very funny. Hope you enjoy it!!
The 12 Days After Surgery
By Pamela Spears

On the 1st day after surgery my family gave to me…a case of Aquafina for me.

On the 2nd day after surgery my family gave to me…Sugar free Jell-o and a case of Aquafina for me.

On the 3rd day after surgery my family gave to me…Beef bullion cubes, sugar free Jell-o, and a case of Aquafina for me.

On the 4th day after surgery my family gave to me…sugar free popsicles, beef bullion cubes, sugar free Jell-o, and a case of Aquafina for me.

On the 5th day after surgery my family gave to me…THE PROTEIN LECTURE!!! Sugar free popsicles, beef bullion cubes, sugar free Jell-o, and a case of Aquafina for me.

On the 6th day after surgery my family gave to me…chicken soup (no noodles), THE PROTEIN LECTURE!!! Sugar free popsicles, beef bullion cubes, sugar free Jell-o, and a case of Aquafina for me.

On the 7th day after surgery my family gave to me…crystal light to go packs, chicken soup (no noodles), THE PROTEIN LECTURE!!! Sugar free popsicles, beef bullion cubes, sugar free Jell-o, and a case of Aquafina for me.

On the 8th day after surgery my family gave to me…a protein drink with skim milk, crystal light to go packs, chicken soup (no noodles), THE PROTEIN LECTURE!!! Sugar free popsicles, beef bullion cubes, sugar free Jell-o, and a case of Aquafina for me.

On the 9th day after surgery my family gave to me…Kool-aid made w/ splenda, a protein drink with skim milk, crystal light to go packs, chicken soup (no noodles), THE PROTEIN LECTURE!!! Sugar free popsicles, beef bullion cubes, sugar free Jell-o, and a case of Aquafina for me.

On the 10th day after surgery my family gave to me…sugar free natural juice bars, Kool-aid made w/ splenda, a protein drink with skim milk, crystal light to go packs, chicken soup (no noodles), THE PROTEIN LECTURE!!! Sugar free popsicles, beef bullion cubes, sugar free Jell-o, and a case of Aquafina for me.

On the 11th day after surgery my family gave to me…more Flintstones chewables, sugar free natural juice bars, Kool-aid made w/ splenda, a protein drink with skim milk, crystal light to go packs, chicken soup (no noodles), THE PROTEIN LECTURE!!! Sugar free popsicles, beef bullion cubes, sugar free Jell-o, and a case of Aquafina for me.

On the 12th day after surgery my family gave to me…a baby spoon for soft foods, more Flintstones chewables, sugar free natural juice bars, Kool-aid made w/ splenda, a protein drink with skim milk, crystal light to go packs, chicken soup (no noodles), THE PROTEIN LECTURE!!! Sugar free popsicles, beef bullion cubes, sugar free Jell-o, and a case of Aquafina for me.">>

08/19/05 It's a little after midnight here and was having trouble getting to sleep. I'm getting excited (really excited) about my big day! August 31st is approaching fast and I'm READY to start my new journey. My kids start school today, so they will be up in about 6 hours. I'm kinda glad I'll have this done while school is in session. That way during my recovery they will be in school and I can rest if need be and get in my walking without worries. The only thing I'm worried about is work. I am a single parent and my job is our life. I am approved for 4 weeks at full pay then it goes to 60% pay. I think at my 2 week checkup I am going to ask to go back part time. That will use 2 fulltime weeks then the 2 remaining weeks will be divided into 4 part time weeks and I'll receive full pay for up to 6 weeks. By my 6 week checkup I'm sure I'll get to go to full time again. Got my protein powder in today and started drinking it twice a day until surgery. It's champion pure whey, banana scream flavor---IT"S AWESOME!! Well I better go back to bed and try to go to sleep now. Will update more later!">>

08/21/05 10 more days! These will probably be the longest 10 days I've gone through so far. I had a bad day ho-hum day yesterday and Friday night all the fears and questions hit me hard. It was a cryfest 2005 and then the dreaded headache afterwards LOL. I'm feeling MUCH better today though. Fears and worries still in the back of my mind, but not affecting me. I think it's normal to have fears and worries--this is major life changing surgery. If there wasn't a small amout of fear, then something is wrong. I have my pre-admit on Tuesday for the hospital and then I have my gall bladder ultrasound right after it. Friday is my EGD and final appt with my surgeon before surgery. It's real, it's final, and it's about to happen!! Little steps...Little steps!!">>

8/25/05 HI all!! Well my prescreen, ultrasound, and preadmit is all done...tomorrow is my EGD and last appt until surgery. I am sooooo stoked!! I am officially off work now, I took Monday and Tuesday as vacation to spend time with friends and family and do the last few things before surgery (pack a bag, grab a few more groceries, etc...) I want to thank EVERYONE who has shown support to me through this process. I will be so excited to start posting my post-op info. It has been a long journey, but I've taken it little steps at a time and it's so close to being here now!! WOOHOO!! Will post again before surgery...take care all!! Remember: Little steps...little steps!!!">>

8/27/05 Well my surgeon required 2 days preop as liquid only...I am starting my liquid diet today. The reason behind this, I am sooooo scared that they will have to change to an open procedure. If the liver is at all bigger than normal and blocking the surgeons way, they will go to open. I want to make sure that this does not happen. Lots of protein drinks, water, and popsicles, got me some bullion the other day and will use that if I feel "hungry". It's more mind over matter now than anything. My EDG was yesterday and I was a nervous wreck...not sure why it scared me so much, but the nursing staff really made me feel better and I don't remember any of it, or the rest of the day LOL. I found out that I will not have to go straight to ICU after surgery due to my asthma. I have been practicing deep breathing at home and haven't had to use my inhaler in over a month. It's now just a waiting game and the excitement makes me feel like I'm going to explode sometimes. Will post more later...probably too much before surgery, but just gotta do something LOL!">>

8/29/05 Liquid diet isn't so bad after you get through the first 2 days. But the first 2 days are rough. I have found after having lots of water, sf popsicles, sf jello, and crystal light that if I had some Chicken or Beef bullion (something hot) it made me feel like I had actually eaten a meal. It was nice, so when I get that grumble in my tummy around dinner time, I just heat me up some water and throw in a bullion cube. Fixes me right up. 36 hours until surgery. Have my bag almost packed, just need to buy a pair of sweats to wear home and put that in there. Got me some crossword puzzles, CD player and CD's, cards, hand held games, and paper to write down feelings if need be. I know I probably won't use most of this, but I'd rather have a choice of something to do than just be stuck with one thing. Going to bed now, but wanted to post something to look back on later when I ask myself, why oh why did I do this! LOL">>

8/30/05 Today is my last day before surgery. I am kinda numb on emotions right now, just getting through the day. I'm not normall a quiet type of person, but today for some reason, I've been very quite, laid back, reserved, and just here. I know it's kinda normal, and I'm enjoying my quiet time. I guess this is kind of like the nesting period before childbirth. I just want to stay home and just be. My next post will be as a post-op and that is exciting to me! Just keep me in your prayers and hope everyone has a great day!">>

9/4/05 Home from surgery. Had some complications and will explain more later, but still I'm home and happy to be here!! Will write another entry in a day or so when I can sit up longer! Little steps...Little steps!!">>

9/5/05 Well, what a difference a day makes. I still have some pain, but I feel much better. Being home does make it easier to heal. More of a relaxed atmosphere and more sleep! Well as I said, I did have some complications. My hemoglobin and potassium were at critical levels (8.7 and 3.3 respectively) I ended up with 4 units of blood transfused over 2 days and them horsepills of potassium to take. I did end up with pneumonia too, but they treated that aggressively with 2 kinds of antibiotics. I feel so much better and I will go tomorrow to get an updated blood work. I did end up having to go to my local ER cause I was having hot flashes and was shaky, come to find out my blood sugar was 68 and the only thing I can do to bring it up is drink protein drinks made with milk. Thank goodness milk doesn't bother me! I'm feeling good now and still feel like I made the right decision! Will keep everyone updated!! Little steps...little steps!!

9/5/05 Just noting that my starting BMI is 51.1 and my starting weight is 327. This way I can keep track of it all somehow LOL.">>

09/11/05  Not quite 2 weeks post op.  I will be starting my soft foods diet on Wednesday.  Looking forward to that because I am unable to get the protein in I need and am feeling so very lethargic.  I was able to wear normal clothes today.  Jeans and a t-shirt kinda gal here so was very happy to see myself in normal clothes instead of sweatpants.  Only able to walk about 1/8 of a mile so far because I get so very tired and so quickly, but still walking.  It will get better!!  3 out of 7 incisions have healed quite nicely.  The other 4 are almost there.  I have 2 though that have some of the stitches from inside poking out so Friday at my 2 week appt I will have the doc trim them back because they are still a bit painful to touch right now.  I noticed today that bobbisox spruced up my profile and what a TERRIFIC JOB!!  Thanks so much bobbisox!!  Made my day!  Take care all, will post more later!">>

09/18/05  I have been so down lately.  I'm questioning if the decision was the right one for me.  I did this for my health and seems like my health is worse now than when I went in.  Granted the weight is coming off, but at what price.  I've been in the ER twice since my release from the hospital.  I can't maintain my potassium level and that causes chest pains if it gets too low.  I can't get in the protein I am so desperately needing...I've tried so many kinds and different ways to introduce it into my system.  Each time it comes back up or doesn't even go down.  I'm just frustrated and trying not to loose hope.  I hate to have such a negative update, but I am really feeling down.  I do get to go back to work tomorrow, so maybe being out of the house and working some will make me feel better emotionally as well as physically.  We will see how the week goes.">>

09/25/05  I have only been able to go 1/2 days at work, so I work until lunch then go home.  I'm getting better at getting in 3 meals a day.  Still not getting in enough protein, but more than before.  I was doing great with my water intake, but over the last 2 days it's slowed down for some reason.  I'm trying and trying, but it seems like I just can't do it.  I know I will get back on the right track soon.  Just have to go one day at a time.  If I think ahead, I get so upset.  I start regular foods this week.  Kind of afraid of that.  Not sure what will be wrong and what will be okay.  I tried some tuna yesterday, put some FF miracle whip and dill relish in and ate about 1/3 of a cup of that.  Had no problems, and it tasted really good to my surprise.  Most everything I liked before I don't now...but I did like my tuna!  I can tell you it takes ALOT longer to eat "solid" food than it does soft and pureed stuff.  Took me almost 45 minutes to eat that 1/3 of a cup.  Chew, chew, chew...I'm now a steam train LOL.  Well off to bed, gonna try to get a little more water in before I go to sleep.  Will post more later!">>

09/28/05  Well what a difference a weekend can make sometimes.  Not sure what it was that changed, but my body just seemed to start working better.  I still tire easy, but all of a sudden, I feel much better.  I think things are started to even out.  I started regular foods this week (today is my official 4 week mark).  So far, I've eaten tuna with FF miracle whip and dill relish--no problems and it tasted sooo good!!  I've had beef jerky--now THAT is a treat and ohhh the protein!  I haven't been brave enough to try much more, but want to try a small salad to see if I can handle it.  I LOVED salads before surgery.  The only delimma is finding a good dressing that isn't too bad for me.  It's amazing what a day or two can do to a persons mental and physical well being.  Little steps...little steps!!">>

10/07/05  I am a little over 5 weeks out now.  I tried on a shirt that was 3 sizes smaller and it fit, jeans are only 1 size smaller though.  Things are "rearranging" themselves on my body so things fit differently.  I could probably wear jeans that are 2 sizes smaller, but I'm scared that it would be too tight and would cause problems so I'll just go a little bit at a time.  I have an appt on the 19th for my next post-op checkup.  I haven't weighed since my 2 week checkup so I hope that I will be truly amazed.  I really haven't been able to see the change, but of course others can and they do comment on it.  I'm so afraid of failing and not using this tool properly.  I haven't officially dumped, but I have had a couple of rough patches were air was trapped in my pouch and I almost couldn't get it out.  It feels like I'm about to die, but once I burp a few times, I feel so much better.  Getting in my protein daily, but still having problems getting in 64oz of liquid.  I think I'm going to start drinking through a straw--seems like I drink more if I have a drink with a straw in it.  I drank a glass of milk with a straw in it tonight and believe it or not, I got less air in my tummy than without a straw.  I also couldn't believe how fast it went down.  Normally an 8 ounce glass of milk takes me almost an hour to get down.  It was gone in 30 minutes or so, and NO AIR or problems.  Will try it with my water in the morning!  Off to bed now. 

Want to send some prayers and well wishes to my good friend Reva Hayes.  Her surgery was yesterday and I can't wait to hear from her.  She also has a brand new grandbaby.  He was born Wednesday and his name is Jace.  Everyone, please send a prayer out to Reva and her family.">>

10/09/05  Okay, I can't believe how wonderful I've been feeling lately.  My optimism is back, my energy level is back (maybe a bit better).  I actually feel the need to walk everyday and do so when I find a quick 15-20 minutes to steal.  I have had a few problems with trapped air bubbles in my pouch, that is so painful, but as long as I walk around and change positions frequently I can get rid of it, but ohhhh it can be a downer LOL.  I tried a salad the other day and it tasted sooo great, going to have one for lunch tomorrow at work.  Found a carb control ranch dressing that looks great to go with my dietary needs.  Got it at walmart.  Had ordered stuff from and received it this week too.  The racquet chips are awesome!!  Just 6 of those and 2 oz of tuna and it's a full meal with great numbers dietarily speaking.  Well off to go make my daughter finish her homework.  Will post more later!">>

10/19/05  Went in for my 6 wk checkup today.  I have lost a total of 42 pounds in 7 weeks.  I'm so psyched.  I've gone down 3-4 shirt sizes and 1-2 pant sizes (depending on how it's all made of course).  I am cleared for some more types of exercising so my weight loss should pick up from here.  Averaging 6 pounds per week.  Labs looked great so no worries there for now.  Feeling good and living life!  Little steps...little steps!!">>

10/23/05  I'm sitting here at my computer thinking about how life has changed over the past 2 months.  After all the cleaning and stuff I did today, it just dawned on me that 2 months ago I couldn't do it.  I have done laundry all day, 2 loads of dishes, cleaned 2 bedrooms out, cleaned one of the bathrooms, and still had time to sit and watch movies with the kids.  Before surgery I couldn't load or unload the dishwasher because bending like that hurt really bad, I could load the washer and maybe transfer it to the dryer, but one load was it and I couldn't even put it up, I couldn't clean a room myself because I couldn't bend to pick up stuff...and forget the vacuum--now that was back pain for 2 days.  I've lost about 50 pounds and the difference it makes is just astonishing.  My kids noticed the difference too and that makes me so happy.  One of the little things that really got me:  I had to buy a spacer for my mothers ring!  I bought this ring 3 years ago and now it falls off my finger.  My shoes are starting to try and fall off when I walk too.  Astonishing. Just a few WOW moments in my day today.  Little steps...little steps!">>

10/30/05 I can't believe that Thanksgiving is almost here!!  It is my favorite holiday!  All the family together, relaxing, eating, laughing!!  I can't wait...I get to try a taste of everything and that's it.  Before I would eat so much and gain so much, now I have the control and can do it!!  I am getting in more fluid now because I am drinking caffeine free lipton with splenda, and for a change and a treat, FLAT Diet Rite pure zero.  I can buy a 2 litre of it and it will last me 2 weeks or more.  I just shake it up and release the pressure a few times, then set it in the fridge with the lid off and the next morning, it's good to go.  I drink a couple of sips and it's such a great treat!  No calories, no carbonation, no caffeine, no sodium, no carbs.  Between my milk, water, and caffeine free tea, getting in 64 oz of fluid is a breeze.  Still not able to drink the crystal light--guess my taste in that will just not allow me to drink it.  Too sweet tasting for me and the flavor is too strong.  I've tried to dilute it, but just too sweet.  Well, off to bed!">>

11/08/05 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MARIE!! My sister turned 31 today and I'm still giving her a hard time about it ;)

I'm doing well on my journey.  Loosing weight, dropping clothes sizes, even had to move my car seat up one that felt nice.  My shoes are even trying to fall off my feet--didn't quite expect that one, but I'll take it.  For anyone that reads this, I would like to ask for all the prayers you can offer.  My 14 year old daughter is going through a very diffiult time and has experienced something nobody should ever experience.  She's in need of alot of prayer and support right now, the whole family is really.  Off to bed to try and get a little sleep now.">>

11/30/05 Christmas is almost here!  The winding down of another year.  I had a great Thanksgiving.  Was able to taste everything I wanted to taste.  Ate some really good turkey...and had 3 bites of a delicious lemon cake!  It was pure heaven!!  I'm looking forward to Christmas for my girls.  They have been through so much this year and have been really supportive of their dear ole (not quite as fat as I used to be) mom.  Went to the cardiologist yesterday and he said we will monitor my heart and have 6 month checkups, but it looks like it is finally "recovered" from the trauma of surgery.  Still have a few problems with it once in a while, but nothing that is life threatening.  PCP said I was doing great and did some more bloodwork.  He added a B12 Complex-100 to my vitamin regimen...we will see how that makes me feel.  I still tire easily and it worries him some.  But hey, I'm used to being a pincushion ;)

Will update more, but before I go I just want to say hi to Reva who has had a "not so nice" recovery.  I love ya girl and will keep you and your family in my prayers!!">>

12/09/05  Well Christmas is almost here and like always I haven't shopped yet LOL.  Going this weekend to do my shopping and start wrapping them all up.  My girls are so excited...we are also putting up the tree this weekend.  I'm doing really good and I think my plateau is over.  I feel like I've lost some weight this week, but will not step on the scale yet.  I will check this weekend.  I'm 3 1/2 months out and am still feeling pretty good about my decision to have this surgery.  The only "problem" I'm having is extreme fatigue.  My PCP wants me to add a bcomplex vitamin to my regimen, but the one he gave me says it's released over time so I have to clear it with surgeon.  Will post more later!!">>

12/26/05 This is my last update this year.  This year has gone by so fast.  I have had a wonderful Christmas.  Again got to eat a little bit of everything I wanted and had a couple bites of my step dad's YUMMY cake.  Plateau is over and pants are once again falling down LOL.  I stepped on the scale today and it said 245!!  My scale is not accurate, but it is close and my goal was to be at 250 or below before the beginning of the year!!  WOOHOO!!  My next appt with my surgeon is on Jan 5th and I will get the "official" weight.  Doubled up on my multivitamin and am feeling awesome now.  Yes I'm 4 months out and I do have hair loss, but not going bald (crossing fingers it slows down though).  My dear dear friend Reva had been having some problems and she is doing MUCH better now.  I am so proud of her...she is getting skinny skinny skinny!  Will update again next year!!  Happy New Year to everyone! May this upcoming year be the best one yet!">>

05/16/06 WOW, time flies when you are busy, having fun, and living life!!  I'm 8 1/2 months out and weigh in at 221.  I'm down an amazing 106 pounds and boy what a difference it makes.  Last weekend I went to the zoo with my sister and all of our kids and I kept up with the kids and my sisters who are younger and still a bit smaller than me couldn't.  They were both worried I was going to get smaller than them and were amazed that I kept up with the kids and they didn't!  I was loving it!!  I am changing jobs due to a problem at work that after a year has not been resolved.  I will actually be working in the same city I live in so it will be a huge savings in gas and my pay is a bit higher so it seems to me to be a win/win situation all around.  Time will tell!

I do have to say I am on a major plateau and I've been there for a while.  This one is actually bothering me too.  Since I'm a few months shy of a year I'm wondering if this is my final weight.  If it is...that bothers me alot. My surgeons goal weight is 155, my personal goal weight is 175ish.  I am 46 pounds away from personal goal weight.  Now while I realize some weight will be skin left over (which I have plenty of LOL), I know that 175 is realistic for my height and build.  PLEASE do not let this be a final weight for me.  I will just try harder to focus on protein and get in more exercise.  I need to remind myself of my saying. Little steps...little steps!">>

06/04/06 Well I'm 2 days away from my 34th birthday.  I was hoping to be under 200 by then, but I'm not too far away.  My plateau has finally broken!!  I am at 213 and going down again!  I know I won't be under 200 by my birthday, but compared to my weight last year this time, I am doing really well.

Went to some yard sales with my kids yesterday (they love those things!) and broke down and bought myself a bike.  I haven't ridden a bike in so long that I don't remember when the last time was.  I know I tried to ride my daughter's 10 speed last year and couldn't.  That was the final blow that pushed me into action.  I remember that day well.  I tried, I failed, and I cried.  My kids felt so bad for me they just hugged me.  But it's all better now and me and the kids can ride together!!  I am excited about that.

I remember when I was just a couple months post op I kept wondering if I would ever eat "normal" again.  I didn't even know what eating normal was.  I have recently realized that how I eat now is actually normal.  I don't have huge portions anymore that could feed an actual family, I eat meat (which I didn't before) and lots of protein foods, I stop when I'm full, and I feel satisfied without feeling miserable!  For those of you that wonder if you will ever have a full meal again---yes!!  6-8oz of food is a full meal for us!  Just because we can't scarf down a 12oz serving of nacho's and 2 hot dogs with a couple of beers doesn't mean we are being left out...just means we are eating right and don't need all that.  Do I miss food?  NO.  Do I miss certain foods?  Sometimes, then I look at the label and I don't miss it anymore!  There are some tastes that I remember that I miss...but when I try doesn't taste the same.  Well I've rambled enough...the laundry won't do itself LOL.  Until next time: Little steps...little steps!">>

06/11/06  I've had a rough week, not a bad one, just rough.  I'm going through a bad patch dealing with being lethargic constantly.  I have added back my sublingual bcomplex liquid and hopefully that will give me the boost I need.  Gonna have to double up on vitamins for a week or two.  I know the guys don't want to hear it, but ladies...does it bother you during your "monthly"?  I mean, it just completely zaps me almost to the point of not being able to function.  I have PCOS and so I'm never regular so I can't plan ahead.  I guess I'll have to go to the endocrinologist and see what he has to say. Maybe he can give me something to help.  I just don't want to add a pill to my daily regimen.  Been medication free since surgery and I like it like that.  Oh well, enough of my pity party.  Just gotta go to bed and start the day fresh.  TTFN.">>

06/17/06 Well of course last week I gained 3 pounds during my visit with Aunt Flo.  BUT ALAS, I lost those 3 and 3 more right after!!  I am so excited!  I thought I was screwing everything up because I was eating 1200-1400 calories and it actually seems to be helping.  I just have to get the carbs down.  How do I do that? Almost everything you eat has carbs in it!  I have a chewable calcium citrate and it even has carbs in it.  I'm thinking about joining the South Beach Diet online because there are a lot of their products that I can eat and they taste really good.  It's $65.00 every 3 months so it's not too bad of a price.  I am going to try searching for information on good carbs vs bad carbs first and see if I can do this on my own.  I'm averaging 80g of protein per day which I never thought I'd be able to do, but I actually find it very easy!  I LOVE profect!  One tube is 25 grams of protein and it's less than 3 ounces so I can drink it in 2 - 3 drinks and it helps curb the cravings for carbs!  Well off to go see if I remember how to ride a bike =)  Little steps...little steps!!">>

07/02/06  2 more days until my youngest daughters 13th birthday.  WOW I feel so old.  My baby is a teenager!  Oh well, not like there is anything I can do about it LOL.  I will just mope and cry like everyone else =)
Been having a very hard time with snacking and stuff.  My body keeps telling me I'm starving and me thinking oh I must really be hungry has been eating, but eating the wrong foods.  The last 2 days I have been trying to "cleanse" myself of old bad habits again.  Got rid of all the bad snack foods and any sweets around. (Yes I kept a bag of bite size snickers around, gave them to all the kids around me to get rid of them). So for my sweet tooth I have 1/2 of a frozen banana with Cool Whip Free.  For my crunchy tooth I grab me a handful of carrots (but I have to be careful with them...the first attempt to eat them caused a dumping episode which I think was because I didn't chew them well enough).  Those are usually the 2 things that get me the most.  I either want something sweet or something crunchy.  So stocking up on good snacks to take to work because that is the worst time.  Around 2 or 3 it hits me hard.  Getting back to the little steps...little steps!!">>

07/22/06 Well, I'm at 205 and am so wanting to get to onederland!  I'm excited and anxious.  I haven't been under 200 since I was 18 years old!  Just sitting here I realized I am 30 pounds from my personal goal.  WOW! I didn't even think about it.  My docs goal is 155 or 165 somewhere in that range...but I am thinking I wouldn't look very good at that size.  I remember 175 and I looked 140ish when I was that size.  I'm considering plastics in a few months so I guess I should start getting in some good ab workouts to try and tighten up those muscles.  I don't think I want a total body lift type, but I know I want the apron gone and there is a section right below my breasts that "rolls" over.  I think if the doc could remove that section, the small area on each side of me around my back will be gone too.  Maybe not, but I guess I should consider consulting plastics.  I guess I need to start thinking hard about it all.  The good insurance runs out at the end of the year LOL.  Oh well...if it's meant to happen it will!">>

08/10/06 Well I am 3 weeks away from my anniversary.  I am at 205 and I hope to be at or below 199 by then.  Last time I was in onederland I was 18 years old!  I've been going up and down between 203 and 210 for a while now.  I'm actually a little concerned.  I need to make an appointment for some bloodwork, been having that feeling I had when I needed a transfusion.  Family said I look pale again, but hey I'm always a bit pale...always have been.  Bruising really easy again and sooooo tired.  Guess I'll make an appointment.  Yes, I hate going to the doctor, but better do it. (This is me talking myself into it LOL)  Until next time, Little Steps...little steps!">>

09/07/06  Well I'm past my 1 year surgiversay and I didn't make it below 200.  I am exactly 204.  I've been yo-yoing between 203 and 207 for 2 months now.  I'm thinking I may be stuck until I have plastics.  I don't know where I would loose it if I lost anymore.  I have so much excess skin it's embarassing.  There is some fat in the hanging skin, but my doc said I probably wouldn't be able to loose all that.  I am just going to have to make an appointment for a plastics consult and see what the doc has to say.  I am now in a 14 - 16 in jeans and in an XL shirt.  This is down from a 30/32 in jeans and shirts.  I am extremely happy I had this surgery, my life has changed alot, but the things that didn't change just got better.  For those considering the surgery, know ALL your options 1st; get all the information on which surgery you decide to have; get yourself mentally prepared way before surgery (give up caffeine slowly, but give it up...start reading labels now so you have an idea of what to look for later...increase your protein and decrease your lots of protein samples now and don't try them until after surgery cause your likes/dislikes change afterwards); never look back and never give up!  Remember, little steps...little steps!!">>

09/28/06 Stopped weighing myself about a week ago.  I'm getting so bummed.  I got to 202 and am not budging.  My appetite seems so voracious now.  I find myself feeling absolutely starved every 2-3 hours.  I've been trying to do good and taking cheese sticks and protein bars to work with me.  That vending machine calls my name quite frequently, but over the last week I've only given in to it getting better.  Started using my fitday account again.  Hopefully I can get the scale moving back down again.  My pouch has really been feeling yucky lately.  Not sure what is causing it, but unless I starve myself, it just seems to say, hey I can't take this.  I'll have to start a food/feeling journal.  Feeling meaning, how my pouch reacts so maybe I can figure out why I'm always nauseous.  Other than the "gripey gut" (as I call it), I've actually been feeling great!  My labs came back good.  All the normal stuff was good or excellent.  My prealbumin was .3 from normal so doc put me on the "2 eggs a day" thing.  I don't like eggs, but I can stomach them scrambled once in a while so I've been trying to focus on higher protein content foods to see if I can get it to normal.  Well off to bed.  I think I might weigh next Monday or so and see if I'm back on track.  Until next time: Little steps...little steps!!">>

10/08/06 Well, budged from 202, now I'm 201 LOL.  Hey any movement down is good.  Looking back since July it shows me only loosing 4 pounds, I started feeling really bad and actually was crying.  But I remembered, I've lost a total of 126 pounds! That's more than my 13 year old weighs.  I shouldn't be weighing right now.  Aunt Flo is visiting and boy am I bloated beyond recognition this time.  Thinking I might need to go see my least favorite doctor.  Seems like there may be something going on and I need to breakdown and make sure it's nothing big.  I, like most women, hate those yearly visits...but I hate having to go in before it's time for those yearly visits.  OHHHH, can we say CROCK POTS RULE? Oh yes we can!  I had one pre-op, but the glass bowl inside cracked.  Well I replaced it a few months ago and man I remember why I loved them so much.  Got an excellent recipe for chili and pot roast.  Cooking homemade beef stew right now.  1st time for it and I'm excited to see how it tastes.  Wasn't a real big meat eater before surgery, now that my body expects it and craves it, I am wondering why I never ate it before LOL.  Well until next time, Little steps...little steps!!">>

11/15/06 Well I am finally in onederland!  My weight this morning is 199.4 lbs and I'm doin the happy dance!  I probably won't be posting much more since they are changing the pages.  This really makes me mad because I love my page with pooh and friends.  Bobbisox did an awesome job and now it's going to be gone.  Really does piss me off!  Oh well, I'll just have to quit coming to the site and start over somewhere else.  So, hope everyone is doing well and continues to do well!  Good bye OH family.">>

Future Update">>

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DateWeightPounds LostTotal Pounds LostBMI















How to make a Pamela

3 parts intelligence

3 parts self-sufficiency

5 parts empathy
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of emotion

Username:">Username: name="uname">

Personality">">Personality cocktail
From go-quiz.com">>
" border="0" alt="pure">
Congrats! Your a Pure Angel! Angels, as far as most
of them go, are all compatabile creatures, but
Pure ones simply are symbols of God. Pure
Angels always appear when a child is born, when
a rainbow is seen, or when someone shares their
first kiss. They never grow old, an can appear
in the shape of a naked woman with white, bold
wings. Pure angels are the carriers of god, and
show their love to everyone in the world.!/"> What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures!
brought to you by quizilla">Quizilla>

WLS RESOURCES" target=_blank>My Surgeon's Website" target=_blank>"> border="1" cellpadding="5">How tall are you?feet,inches.
(Note: don't put " or ' marks in the spaces above.)
How much do you weigh?pounds

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About Me
Claremore, OK
Surgery Date
Sep 12, 2004
Member Since
