
Jul 08, 2010

So, over the past few days, I've had to deal with myself about stuff! I havent been seeing the pre-surgery weight go down, down, down, like it has been over the past few weeks.  I KNOW i have PMS and when I do, I usually weigh between 10 to 13 pounds more. I already KNOW THIS, so why am I obsessing about what the scale says? I realize I have to be all in this in order to be successful, "that's just how I roll" but, man,  I have been creating some unessary drama in my head over the past few days!

Fortunately, I realize that when I put this whole thing in proper perspective, I realize that it is a good thing that this is an issue for me...there was a time when I wouldnt even get on the scale unless i was in a doctor's office! I didnt want to hear about anyone's "weight loss success", I was totally down on myself and felt like a failure.  I felt like no-one respected me because I was fat...I didnt respect MYSELF.  Everyone always said...Paula doesnt eat much, I dont know why she's fat.....but I HAD TO FACE THE REALITY OF WHY PAULA IS FAT...Paula is a binge eater.

Paula eats more when no one is around; when she's sad, lonely, feeling inadequate, feeling less than, all those things and more. After facing this reality, I feel much better about myself and I feel empowered! Only I can control this... I'm not talkng about not recognizing God's total control of the universe, but I mean, I control what I do. 

I feel like I can take this knowledge and be successful in my weight loss. I dont feel like going to the gym much of the time, but if I dont go, who else will take my body there? Sounds kinda silly, but I'm dealing with ME.  I feel good about this and I am excited...yet just a itty bitty bit apprehensive...but not enough to stop me!

I meet with the surgeon on the 28th of this month to schedule my surgery date and I am GOING ALL THE WAY BABY!

Life Happens

Jul 01, 2010

Today I am still psyched about everything. Unfortunately, I have some very personal stuff going on; the good thing is, I am not eating my troubles away, nor am I retreating to my bed.  I am planning to go to the gym again tonight and continue making good choices about things which will positively impact my well being.

I went to the gym last night and worked out 75 minutes, straight cardio! The eliptical for 55 minutes and the boring bike for 20 minutes.  I feel great and cant wait to go again tonite.  I am feeling so encouraged by my weight loss and I want to continue what I am doing before reaching the inevitable plateau.  I meet with nutritionist and surgeon again this month and hope to have a surgery date after the meeting!

So psyched, but a little nervous as well. My weight problem has consumed me my entire life. Wonder what I'll do with my fears about it when it's gone...looking forward to that!

Feeling Good Today

Jun 30, 2010

Today I feel good.  I went to the gym again last night, worked out for 70 straight minutes, doing cardio! I feel really good about this because I have always belonged to some gym or another, but have not consistently used my membership for several years.... I have been going to the Bariactrics program regularly and have been losing weight at a very good pace (better than when I was a young person).  Lost six pounds this week, and I havent even had surgery yet; just goes to show what committment will do for you.  I am very psyched about this and although I have some trepidation about the procedure, I feel even more anxiety about not having the surgery and being stuck in this body which is rapidly developing life threatening chronic illnesses.

I feel like I am finally ready! I have never been so ready before....I am at peace with my decision and I am truly facing some hard truths about myself.  Although a life long member of the fat group, I have never, ever wanted this affiliation; I realize this comes from self loathing.  In any event, I feel so good about myself today and I cant wait to get to the next support group meeting so that I may sit and be among my peeps! Now, that is a graduation!

When a person is at peace with themselves, the world looks different. It's all about perspective, I think.  I have been reading other people's blogs and have truly been inspired.  I have so many questions and I realize I have so much more to learn... about my self! This is food for my soul.

Sunday, June 27, 2010 Me Time

Jun 27, 2010

Today I am spending time alone.  I got up this morning, showered, went to the gym and worked out... I know I should have eaten something prior, but I took my medicine and suppliments, drank water and went to the gym.  As I was working on the eliptical, I really pushed myself (intervals) more than usual.  I felt I needed to challenge myself and it felt good.  When I found that it was a little to much, I finished my program, stretched again and walked around the track before leaving. It gave me time to think about things.  I am excited about changing my life; I really like to challenge myself annd I view this journey as a challenge; a challenge that I am willing to take on! I cant wait to see what happens!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 26, 2010
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