
Jan 05, 2009

Ok, truth be told i have been avoiding this site like the plague! I guess in my mind i thought it would magically disappear.  My bff reminded me earlier that i hadn't been on and i'm still in fattie status, lol. 

Last time i wrote i was determined to get off my big ass and do something and i did! I had starting going to the gym and i dramatically changed my diet.  I even lost 9 pounds!

Lol, then came the hoildays.  Hopefully i didn't gain my 9 lbs back.  No worries though cause i'm back on track this week.  Also, the last time i checked in i met someone.  Hopefully this time it's the real thing. Now, i never had a problem having someone love my personality, but i was always skeptical about my appearance.  This particular person looks at me everytime he sees me and tells me i'm beautiful.  He actually tells me that i become more beautiful every time he sees me.  I've seen pictures of a couple of his ex girlfriends and of course they're petite and small. So what, im not!  He  thinks i'm beautiful, extra curves and all! I'm starting to believe it myself.

But, don't think that just because he's lovin my curves that i still don't wanna loose a few cause i do, i need to!  It's just amazing to me that someone is able to look past it.  Dammit, i've made myself cry, lol. Well, i'll keep you updated on everything as it unfolds either way....

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Dec 06, 2008
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