Christina Richards

"There have been TONS of complications with my surgery! All of which was NEVER mentioned by anyone in the office. I am still suffering from complications 4 months out there is so much more to tell she has gave up trying to figure out what SHE DID! I was not sick prior to this, and now I am pretty much bed bound, throwing up everything been in the hospital admitted 3 times for over a month, been in the ER to many times to count. Everytime I see her she just tells me my body will eventually even itself out, Four months out I am still really sick, I throw up, I pass out, I have been dehydrated more times then I can count. I can not keep food or water down 90% of the time. Richards sees me and says you can get ANOTHER feeding tube. I am tired of feeding tubes I have had more then one! I am tired of being sick, I am tired of her lousy answers. She has done nothing to figure this out.My regular doc says it is her that needs to help figure this out. I also got a knick in my bowl after the first of 4 surgeries she has done that almost killed me! She did that during the first surgery and at first didnt want to admit she did till the nurses got on her. She then took me back for emergency surgery, less then a month later I was admitted again and she did another emergency surgery without ANY tests at all. All she found was scar tissue The next day again she did another emergency surgery for fear that she knicked the bowel again only to find nothing BUT a simple test would have showed her and I would not have had to have the last 2 surgeries. I am letting you know so you can make a informed decision! I would NOT recommend this surgery with this dr for NOTHING. For those that pick her good luck and I wish you the best."
About Me
Nov 11, 2015
Member Since
