Six days Post- Surgery and 3rd day Home!!!!

May 23, 2010

Hello All, Its Sunday and I've been home 3 days now. Had my surgery on Monday and came home late on Thursday night, Not alot of pain, walked alot in the hospital. After getting home is where the hard part started, getting use to drinking a sip of Blue Poweraid, or Isopure CONSTANTLY throughout the day, and putting stuff in your G_Tube everyhour and trying to eat a little bit of pureed foods, measuring everything,   Huggggggggh!! However It is going to be worth it in the end!!      Right???  It is REALLY a life changing Surgery, If anyone has any questions Please don't hesitate to ask..........

18 days and counting!!

Apr 30, 2010

The scope went good yesterday, Dr Mitchell said it looked great. Me and the sedation meds had a knock down-drag out fight and they won!!! Doing better today, so now its 18 days and counting!! There's no turning back now.



Apr 28, 2010

It is Three weeks til the surgery and the nervousness is riding on my back like a monkey. I thought it would be a little easier since my wife had the surgery over a year ago, but NO I'm like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs!!!!!!:-(

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Apr 28, 2010
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