Another Weigh In

Aug 25, 2008

I go tomorrow ,Tuesday for another weigh in, I can't wiat to be saying it is my last one.  I have 2 more after this one, before they will submit to my insurance and then to wait however long it takes to get approved.
I want to get a surgery date so I can get this behind me and move on with my life.  Pray for me any one who reads this and believes, say a prayer for me.  Off to San Antonio tomorrow to Dr. Patel's office.

Walking again....

Aug 07, 2008

I have started walking the last 2 mornings, hope to get a routine going.  I am pretty good about sticking with it once I start it is just getting started.  My hips and the bottom of my feet are sore, so I hope that goes away soon.  I am going to add weights after I get the walking routine in place.  I have access to the school gym and I plan on using it.  I am trying to be patience, but it is so hard to do.  The waiting must be one of the hardest parts.  The not knowing???  I am going to invite other people to walk with me, but I usually don't have any success getting others up early enough, so if not, I will be out there by myself......Keeping on Keeping on!!!!!

I find myself wanting to talk about what is in the future for me, but my family members do not seem interested in even talking about it.  They have heard it all before so they just figure it is just another one of my fad diets, etc.  I wish they would show some encouraging signs toward me.  I know if it were reversed, I would be there for them......:0)

3rd Weigh In

Jul 31, 2008

I went for my 3rd weigh in and I am at 204.  I am going to start going to some classes once a month in San Antonio to help me before and after the surgery.  I hope to have everything done and be approved for surgery on my Thanksgiving break, if not, shortly thereafter.  It is so hard waiting and wondering if I will have to fight the insurance company for this surgery.  Pray it will just go through.

weigh in good and bad

Jul 11, 2008

I went to the weigh in and I had lost 1.5 lbs, but I went again this week and I gained it back plus 1/2 lb.  I hate weight watchers, I don't know why I thought I could do it this time.  It did not work before; however, I will continue to try.  I have to.  It is a life or death thing for me.  I don't want to die young.  I want to see my grand children grow up and I want to spend time with my children when I am older sitting out on my porch in my swing.  My mother loves doing this and I want to do it someday.  Pray for me everyone!

2nd weigh in

Jun 30, 2008

I went for my 2nd weigh in so I have 4 more to go.  I had gained a lb.  I will be so glad to have my surgery.  I need it so bad.  I feel like I will finally be able to have some control over what happens to my body.  I am walking and working on the weight watchers, I go to weigh there tomorrow so I hope I have improved so they won't give up on me too!

About Me
Surgery Date
May 20, 2008
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 35
