The Newest Leg of My Journey and My Fight to Walk

Oct 19, 2009

This is the newest part of my weight loss journey and my fight to walk. I was lucky enough to meet Dr. Charles Hughes III from Indianapolis at St Francis Hospital. He did hernia repair, reconstructed my abdominal wall and removed excess fat and tissue. If you look at the before and after picture of this you will see why he has become another Hero of mine. I had surgery the 27th of August. It was 5 hours long. My expectations were to have a little smaller abdomen and not be so off balance. When I woke enough to speak I looked down and heard my husband say"That is all bandages Baber." I was shocked, happy , surprised and felt a million other emotions. When I could stand I looked down and all I saw was the floor.. I cried .. with joy, relief and utter amazement at what Dr. Hughes had done. He is an AMAZING AMAZING surgeon and his nurse Shea is ALSO AMAZING! What a team! I cannot say enough nor find the words to express my happiness and gratitude. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
 I can get up by myself and so much easier. Yes, I am sore..yes it is an ongoing healing process..yes at times it hurt terribly. Would I do it all over? YES! I have a flat new muscles work fantastic. I can walk much more. It takes a long time to heal and the swelling seems to last forever but I know one day it will be gone. My being allergic to tape and the plastic drain material caused some problems but were addressed promptly and I am doing great.
 I can hardly wait until I am all healed and Dr. Hughes does my breast reduction. Being top heavy keeps me off balance. Once it is done I believe with my whole heart I will be able to walk with my walker and eventually a cane. I also realise it is no cure for Post Polio Syndrome but at least it gives me a fighting chance to feel normal to a great degree. I am so so so so happy! I wear a size 5 underwear now and have a WAIST! Yay!


Panniculectomy and Abnoplasty!! I am soooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!

Jul 26, 2009

I have had an appeal in to get my panniculectomy.. I have been approved for the abnoplasty but not the panni.. My hubby and I discussed it and we will pay the difference. WOW> I have waited so long to feel this good!  I can use my walker some but the excess in the front throws me off balance. My energy level is sky high and I am pulling weeds and doing yard work..riding my new atv hubby got me and fishing! WOW I am so so happy!!!!!!!! A big thank you to all of you on Obesity Help who have been there for me and don't even know it. Each and every post from all of you has been some kind of inspiration.. whether it be an inspiration to avoid something or to try something. We all have one goal.. to be healthy and enjoy our life. I am LOVING mine and hope all of you are or will soon. As soon as I have my surgery date I will post it. Also I will post my before pics and during my healing.  6 months after my panniculectomy and abnoplasty I get my breast reduction !!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooooooooo happy! Love to Each and every one of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry to be away so long.. and my abnoplasty approved

May 22, 2009

I wanted to let everyone know I am doing well.. down to 160 and abnoplasty just approved.. I should have my surgery date soon. 6 Months after the abnoplasty I get my breast reduction! WOW! Life is AMAZING! I am down 215 lbs from highest ever weight of 375.  Dr Charles Hughes III is doing my abnoplasty in Indianapolis. I am very excited and not scared at all! 
   Love to all of you!

At long last an update

Jun 21, 2007

At last I am feeling well enough to post. I want to say from the first this surgery is the best decision I have ever made. I have been having problems eating and have twice had to have the opening in my "teeny tummy" stretched. Now I have ulcers as well as stricture again.  I can eat very little and sometimes I cannot even drink water. Even so, I am so very happy to be losing weght. from my heaviest at 331 to 246. I can even walk some now with my walker. My sizes have changed from a size 28- 32 pants to a size 14-16 and from a 5x top to an XL. that to me is miraculous. 
 I want to thank all of my OH brothers and sisters for thiking of me and all the loving support. A special thanks to my dear friend Shelley J. Love you lots! 
  I wil try and update more often.

Night Before My Surgery

Jan 31, 2007

WOW! I am just so excited! I will join many of you tomorrow on the losers bench! FOllowed closely by some dear friends on here. I would like to express my sincere appreciation for this site and all of you. The best of all life has to offer to each and every one of you!

About Me
Martinsville, IL
Surgery Date
Oct 31, 2006
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Before & After
rollover to see after photo

Friends 17

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At long last an update
Night Before My Surgery
