9 months

May 04, 2010

Its been 9 months since my RNY surgery and life is great! I have lost 87 lbs and am only 3 pounds away from my goal! Weight loss has seriously stalled so the pounds aren't melting away like they used to. Ever since I hit 160 lbs the weight loss has slowed dramatically. I've been teetering between 5 lbs for weeks (even months) and I really have to make the effort to see the pounds drop. I'm at a comfortable and healthy weight though, so my body is probably where it needs to be. I'd still like to lose these 3 pounds and get to 150! :D

I went to a wedding 2 weeks ago and was so excited to go dress shopping! I bought a beautiful spring dress...in a size 8!!!!! I couldn't believe that it zippered up, fit nicely and looked great on me! I felt awesome in that dressing room! What a great feeling!

I ran my first 5K race a week ago and have never been so proud of myself! I honestly didn't think that I could run the whole thing, but I did! I ran it from start to finish and it felt great! I would definitely do another one and try to improve my time :D
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6 months post-op

Jan 26, 2010

I can't believe its been 6 months since my surgery! Holy Cow...time really does go by fast! I can clearly remember when I made the decision to have this surgery done. It wasn't an easy decision but it was something I knew deep down that I wanted to do....and boy am I ever glad I did this! I've NEVER once regretted having this surgery! Its such a wonderful thing and has helped me become this person I am today.

As of this morning I've lost 81 lbs total and weigh 160.5 lbs! I'm almost in the 150's! I've been exercising and have taken up running although I've been lazy for the past week and a half! This laziness thing will always be a thorn in my side and its a battle for me to overcome it, but I gotta keep working at it. I've registered for a 5K at the end of April so that's giving me a goal to work towards, I just gotta get my butt back into the gym!

My weight loss has slowed somewhat. Some weeks I'll lose one pound, some weeks a pound a half. This last week I lost 3 pounds and I didn't even exercise at all last week...go figure! I'm in a size 12 pants and am loving it. I went shopping last week to NY & Co to buy a pant suit and it felt absolutely wonderful to walk into the store and pick out what I wanted. When I was trying the pants on and they rose over my hips and buttoned without a problem that was a surreal moment for me! I'd like to get down into a size 10 pants. That's my goal and I know I can do it! I'm almost there!

I hope the next 6 months will be as promising as these first 6 months have been!
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3 months post-op - Doing Great!

Oct 28, 2009

Its been 3 months since my RNY surgery and I'm doing and feeling so great! I'm down 57 pounds as of this morning and I'm very excited! I set a goal for myself a few weeks ago that I wanted to hit a 60 pound weight loss by Thanksgiving and with only 3 pounds to go I think I'm gonna do it!

I gave in and bought some new clothes. Most of them were from a consignment shop so it made me feel better that I didn't spend full price on them. It feels so good to buy smaller clothes. I can fit into large size shirts and a size 16 jeans! So exciting! I look forward to all the shopping that's in my future! I'm also loving the fact that I can actually sit with my legs crossed (comfortably) for a period of time. I've never been able to cross my legs and I can do that now so I find myself sitting with my legs crossed often, just becasue I can. Once I lose the rest of my weight and can really cross my legs all the way I won't ever want to uncross them!

I also set a long term goal for myself of running a 5K next year in the spring. With the right training I think I can do that. Its kind of scary but exciting to think about doing that. I've never run before and don't know how to start but I have lots of time to work towards it. I know I can do it!


2 months and under 200

Sep 22, 2009

I am so psyched this morning! Its been 2 months since my surgery and I am down 42 lbs and under 200 lbs for the first time since high school! I gasped when I saw the number on the scale this morning! It was such a great feeling! Everything is going really well for me. I'm eating very well and not having any problems with foods at all. I'm eating a large variety of food and when I try something new I make sure to take my time and really chew and this has worked for me so far. I've noticed such a huge difference in my clothes! All my jeans are so big on me...I mean really big! My mom is donating some jeans to me so I don't have to go out and buy any because I can't keep wearing my old clothes. They don't fit right and I feel like I look so sloppy cause they're so big. Having big clothes like that is actually a great feeling! I've never had clothes that didn't fit cause they were too big so its kind of funny and flattering! I will thoroughly enjoy going out to buy all new clothes when the time comes!

For now I am loving life and loving this journey I'm on! This surgery really is a great thing and its working so well for me! I'm looking good and I'm feeling even better about myself...and this is only the start :D

1 month

Aug 21, 2009

Its been one month since my RNY surgery and I am doing and feeling great! I remember thinking to myself during that first week post-op that I couldn't wait to feel like myself again...to feel normal again. Well, I feel like myself again and I'm so very grateful for that! I really do give thanks everyday that I've had such a positive experience with this (so far). I haven't had any issues, not one. I haven't had any problems with food...everything I've eaten has gone down without a problem and stayed down. I haven't been nauseous or vomited once! I still can't believe that. I don't know if its luck, good food choices or just the way I am but I'm very fortunate. I don't have any problem getting in my protein either. I get at least 70 grams of protein daily. I make sure to get my protein supplements in, which really help. I thought I might be eating too much during my third week, but I called the nutritionist and she gave me pointers on the portions and measurements I should be eating. That also helped me out a lot. My one struggle though is drinking all the water. I find it impossible to get in 64 ounces of fluid a day. There just doesn't seem to be enough time, especially with having to squeeze in those supplements, plus having to wait to drink after meals. Its hard for me to get the fluids in but I do try.

Exercise has been working its way into my life too. I've been going to the gym at least 3 times a week (I'm trying to go 5 times this week) and power walking on the treadmill. I have every opportunity to do it too, so there are no excuses!

Although I'm doing really well my weight loss seems to be slower than most of the experiences I've read on this site. In the month since my surgery I've lost 17.5 lbs (23.5 lbs since my pre-op diet). I've decided to use the number since my pre-op diet since that was starting at my highest weight. 23.5 lbs is still great and I'm not going to compare myself to others. I will lose the weight and it doesn't matter how long it takes!

Time Flies!

Jul 17, 2009

Its only 5 days away! I just can't believe it! I remember when this whole process started almost a year ago and here I am anxiously awaiting that call from the surgical staging area to tell me what time to report for my surgery! Its gone by so fast! I'm nervous, but ready! I'm anxious, but ready! I've armed myself with so much knowledge and information these past several months, and especially these past few weeks. I've read books, I've read blogs and forums and websites. I've purchased protein powder, a blender ball, made changes to my diet...all in preparation for this life-altering surgery. I feel I've done what I can to prepare myself and set myself up for success. The surgery is literally around the corner...the rest is up to me and I'M READY!
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Surgery Date
Jun 04, 2009
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