DAY 74

Jun 10, 2010's been a while since my last post, so here's my latest updates:

Weight loss to date is 51 lbs and my energy level is increasing everyday.  I have been going to the beach, walking and doing more exercises with my Wii but have to admit up until a few weeks ago I was very weak and dizzy.  Once I hit my week 5 and began eating mushy solid foods, I began to feel better and now I feel like the world is my oyster.

I am more active than ever and I am doing more and more outside activities than I have ever before.  I am losing about 1/2 lb per day without exercises and I'm slowly increasing my activitity level so I am anticipating that the weight will began to fall off more with exercise.

I have gone from a size 20 pair of jeans to a juniors 14 which is AWESOME unfortunately I'm losing more inches and clothing doesn't fit for more than two weeks before I have to purchase something else.  I know this is a good thing but getting increasingly expensive when I have to buy jeans or tops every few weeks....sighs

Well, that's about it for now........hope all is well for everyone!!


DAY 10 - woohooo

Apr 10, 2010

Ok, so I had my post-op appt on Thursday, April 8th, things went off GREAT!  Dr said I was doing well, no leaks and they removed my drain (yeahhh) and my staples.  First AH-HA moment for me was having normal blood pressure reading in almost 7 years.  I was excited and so happy to hear that I'm no longer having hypertension....wohooo

Next was getting on the scale {drum roll pls}; from pre-op I have lost a total of 18 lbs!!  I am amazed and I honestly I am almost hardly ever hungry unless I smell aromas from something cooking that is just too delicious.....but that's expected since I'm still on the FULL LIQUID diet and I haven't strayed off it much.  I did make a meatless chili and it seems to be keeping me from craving MEAT.  I have to drink lots of water (as most of you know) but I'm finally falling victim to it and sometimes feel lost without my water bottle with me.  LOL  I don't crave Dr. Pepper as much as I used to but I know in order to be healthy and live a better life it is necessary to have it gone.

I'm excited because I only have a little over 2 weeks before I can ride my Harley and get back out in the world. 

So far, I have to say for me this experience has been eye opening.  When I go to the grocery store, I find myself reading labels and I wonder WHY in the HECK didn't I do this all could have prevented me from being so heavy {{sighs}} but now I feel better knowing that I am armed with education about eating and weight loss in general.  So it will be my savior in the upcoming months once I can begin eating solid foods again!  I long for meat and even eggs....I know I know...but protein meats would still be yummie if cooked properly....LOL

Well that's my update for now; I'm hoping once the drain hole and stitches are all healed that I can begin doing more physical activitiies....including walking, swimming and maybe that pole dancing class I've been wanting to do for so long....tehehehe

until next time....

Day 5

Apr 02, 2010

Day 5 ~ I'm sore but everything is going well.  The worst part so far has been the drain; but only 6 days till it comes out!!  {{yeah}}  Still have Not found myself very hungry yet but have begun my Full Liquid diet and picked up some Unjury protein supplements today along with my multivitatmins and B12 I'm on my way!

Just wish I could figure out how to resolve the issues with my left shoulder tingue that occurs occassionally.  Dr. Jawad mentioned it might occur but didn't give any resolve to the pain besides the pain meds and that just makes me sleepy or feel no pain and I tend to over-do things.  So I try and only take the pain meds at night to help me sleep and rest.  {{sighs}}

Well...that's my update for today......ttys!


About Me
Winter Springs, FL
Mar 31, 2010
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