
Jan 24, 2009

I've made it to 267 lbs...that's a 217 lb weight loss so far to date! Happy dance. Well I finally have a job. Yes I'm woking. Nothing but a stock girl but between walking from warehouse to store floor I walk about 4.5 - 5.5 miles/day. That's about 18-20+miles per week I work.  I'm happy its paying the bills and I'm getting a work out all day long.

I can finally wear Gene's clothes now!! I just love his t shirts and boxers. very comfy.
I have changed my goal from 200lbs to 175. Not to far to go now. Just can't believe it. I never thought I would ever get to this weight never the less to 175lbs. I remember when I was in my phsy consult the dr. asked me where do I see myself getting down to? At that time I said just under 300 lb mark. LOL. I'd never thought I out it my own thought!  I'm really happy with life now. I feel great getting up every morning and every night I look forward to another blessed day. Sure its been very hard over this past year. Trying to understand how to eat, what to eat, everything from seeing my self shrink before my eyes. But that part came over night. For the longest I kept seeing myself at the 400-500 mark, not seeing the true me. Then it happened all at once....I was walking the in mall and glanced at myself in a store window. and all the sudden...WOW it that really me. I cried! For all my life I have always been the one who stuck out because I was soo FAT....now I stick out because of me.

Gene and I are now trying for our first baby!  Wish us Luck!!

Love you all,
1 comment

1 Yr Post-op!!!!

Dec 04, 2008

 Happy 1 yr Rebirth for me!!!

Well Yesterday was my 1 yr mark of post-op for the RNY Gastric bypass. My starting weight was 484 lbs.....1 yr later 284 lbs. That's 200 lbs gone forever in the 1st year. This past year I have laughed, cried, bitten nails, and over all learned that this surgery was Yes life changing, and yet It's a tool! I'm happy that I'm able to walk, shop for regular clothes, heck...Even have that personal time with my Loving Husband Gene!  He has been my rock during these trying times, but If I were given the choice to do this all over again.......Yes I would do it in a heart beat!
Surprise....I applied at a State Prison (Private operated) and was given an interview. Well I'm still waiting to hear the news of yes or no. I think I might have it because when I talked to the HR Dept today, I was told that they are running a backgrounds check on me. In my mind, I think I got the Job as a Correctional Officer. Because why would a company spend money on a back grounds check and never hire you??? Point made I guess.

I want to thank everyone was is in my life that has given me support over this past year. If it wasn't for all of you, life would had been harder than it should had been. I love you all!
Roxanna Hogue

288 lbs only 4 away from 200 gone

Nov 13, 2008

Today I'm 288lbs....that's 196 lbs since surgery in 12/08 . I know I will make it over 200 gone by my 1 yr annv. can't wait. Now I can walk over 2miles in 1 stretch.

under 300 marker

Oct 11, 2008

Well 10 mths post op and I went from 484 to 299! yea!! 185 lbs gone and only 74 to my goal of 225! I went from wearing 38 or 40W to wearing size 28/30W and bras....from 58/60 D to 50C. very happy now. I don't even use a wheel chair while shopping, or even park in the handicapp parking.

6 mth POST-OP

Jun 03, 2008

6 mth post op and the weight is......339 lbs...that's 145 pounds loss! So happy here and feeling great! Went from Size 5-6X to wearing 3x. Wow! Such a big difference. Roxanna

5 MTh Post-OP

May 09, 2008

Well I'm finally 5 mth post-op and down 132 pounds! YeaH!!!! Let's do the happy dance  .  I finally found a GYN and he put me on YAZ. Not to happy with having to wait to have baby but If it takes waiting to be healthy then I will. We got our house put up on the market to sell. We're moving from Waycross to Atlanta area so we  can go to school. I'll start classes first then Gene. Me...Mortuary Science, Gene...Nut Dr. (LOL) what a pair, huh? Oh well. I am finally getting myself to remember to eat. I just don't feel hungery but the force is working. Well til next time. 

Aunt Flow

Apr 11, 2008

Well, this is a first for me. The first time in my life without the help of meds, I'm having a visit from aunt flow! Let's just say it was a great shock to me this morning. I was so scared that I called the Dr.'s office to talk to my nurse. She said that after a 115pound weight loss that is normal. Well in my mind I'm not quite understanding normal yet. Maybe someday soon I might be able too understand. LOL  Now I know I should be able to have babies in the future.

I feel so sorry for Gene. I was sooooo mooody all of last week...Well I guess we know why now.

Disney world @ 4 mth post-op

Apr 08, 2008

Well as a celerbration for my 4 mth post-op and my 32 birthday..Gene took me to Disney world. What a great time I had being 115 pounds down in weight. I was able to outlast 4 kids. LOL not mine...but maybe soon. I've posted some new pics. Hope you all like!

what's up

Mar 25, 2008

100 pounds GONE!!

Mar 01, 2008

My first 100 pounds are gone!!!

384 is the number!! I feel so good. It's funny how much better you feel not only as a person but overall after 100 pounds are gone. I have started working in my yard and getting ready to plant my very own garden. Yummm fresh veggies.  I've notices my engery level & sex drive is back and going very well! 

I'm still working very hard everyday to get my proteins and vitamins in, but to be honest I do forget. It's when I feel like crap is when I remember. I know not a good thing but I am trying. Its so hard to remember not to fall back into old & bad habbits.  

I can't wait til the weather warms up enough so my pool water is ready to dip into. Exercise central when that happens. So for right now, I just putter around the yard or go the mall and walk around. Don't have the money for anything since Dr. Bills is getting it all, but the walking and looking keeps me busy.

Gene is back to work and still at my side during this whole journy. I love him so. He even goes to my support group meetings with me. Big encourager!! He's my hero!
Well later to all. Stand strong and be strong. love you all. Roxie

About Me
waycross, GA
Surgery Date
Oct 27, 2007
Member Since

Friends 24

Latest Blog 21
1 Yr Post-op!!!!
288 lbs only 4 away from 200 gone
under 300 marker
6 mth POST-OP
5 MTh Post-OP
Aunt Flow
Disney world @ 4 mth post-op
what's up
100 pounds GONE!!
