j-bird333 21 years, 7 months ago

Hi, Michelle! I received an email today regarding your recent complications. I'm so sorry to hear about that. I will say a little prayer for you today. I'm glad to hear you're getting better. Please let us know how you're doing when you feel up to it. Take care...

Kim S. 22 years ago

*^*^*^*^*^* WE MADE IT!!! *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ ANGEL FLYING IN SUPER FAST AND 5 POUNDS LIGHTER!!! Michelle and I had our surgery on Monday the 3rd and I am home, she is not... She had some minor complications with her stoma swelling up. She was told by one of the nurses at the hospital to drink that crappy blue dye to do the leak test. She drank it in one shot, basically slamming it down. She got sick and vomitted. She had gone for an upper GI, results were unfounded, too swollen to see if there was any reason to go back in Surgically. They told her to wait it out and see what happens. So for the past 2 days she was resting, was able to take a shower, felt better and this morning, she woke up with out vommittin' on her spit. She could swallow without pain, and without having to spit up her own spit!! WHOOO HOOO, so. we are thinking she will be home probably Saturday or Sunday. When I was sent my walking papers today from the hospital, I went to see my sweet friend and she was eating ice chips!! It was so good seeing her little face smile. I can't wait till you get home girl. No more IV pole racing for us!!!!! Please send her an email with your thoughts!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo CaliforniaKimmy

charanewme 22 years ago

Congratulation you are starting a new chapter in your life to a healthier and thinner you. You are in my thougths and prayer's for a safe and speedy recovery.

Cathy W. 22 years ago

I wanted to say that I hope your surgery went well and you have a speedy recovery. You are still in my thoughts and prayers. Cathy Whitmer

Karlene E. 22 years ago

Michelle, you will be in my thoughts and prayers!

Julie G. 22 years ago

hi michelle- good luck on your surgery i hope you have a speedy recovery-you are in my prayers -hugs to you-julie gregg

~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 22 years ago

Just a quick note to wish you a swift surgery and a quick recovery. May the angels be watching over you.

~~Stacie~~ 22 years ago

The road may not be easy but it is well worth the trouble- this is an incredible journey you are embarking on! Best of Luck for an uneventful trip!!!

karenrose 22 years ago

God bless you with a safe surgery and a speedy recovery!

Dana L. 22 years ago

Michelle, I want to wish you well and give you a virtual hug. I hope that all goes well and that you will be reaping the benefits of this surgery sooner than later. Take care and stay positive. God bless
About Me
Morgan Hill, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 06, 2002
Member Since
