My Journey

Jan 21, 2011

So, here goes...
I am now 41, will be 42 in April. I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter who I can hardly keep up with. My BMI is 36 and change.
Like most, I have tried pretty much everything throughout my life to lose weight...and have lost weight; only to watch the numbers increase again each time...and usually add a few more pounds.
About a year and a half ago my husband moved into the guest room due to my "horrendous snoring." Apparently he can hearing me out in the hall through the door with my "rain and thunderstorm" cd playing. I don't sleep...through the night. I wake up frequently and often times with a start or a slightly panicked feeling.
I participated in a research trial for a procedure called "POSE" which is "Primary obesity surgery endoscopy." It was an endolumenal procedure done down the esophagus with no insicions that, essentially, pulls the fundus of the stomach down into folds and then shoots a cuff-link-like suture anchor through the folds to create restriction. I had some restriction for a couple of months and then....none. The weight I lost returned.
This morning I met with my surgeon to discuss removing the suture anchors and having a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. He will do both in the same procedure so I only have to go under general anesthesia one time.
I was going to go with a different surgeon who is inside my hospital system (I'm a nurse) but he was not familiar with the research procedure so he wanted me to go and have the first surgeon remove the anchors and then wait to heal before going back to him for bypass. I was wanting bypass for about 5 minutes. I had originally wanted the sleeve and now have settled back on it.
My friend also had the POSE and is also wanting the sleeve....we actually saw the surgeon together this morning! Dr Voellinger is really great.
So...I just have to see the psych and then we submit to insurance. If I am not approved, I will then go for a sleep study in the hopes that it will show that I do indeed have sleep apnea.
So, once I get to the next step, I will update and try to do so regularly. This is a great outlet for me as well as info for others going through the same process.

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About Me
Waxhaw, NC
Surgery Date
Nov 06, 2008
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