2 week post-op update

Jan 20, 2009

Highlights of the past 3 weeks:
pre-op diet - Grin and bear it, one meal at a time. I can only credit the grace of God, the prayers of sweet friends, and the encouraging voices in this forum for being able to get through this. I don't know where the willpower came from to live on protein shakes, broth, and 2 c. of veggies per day. This is not like me at all!

surgery day - no complaints! Everyone at the hospital was super. Two nurses couldn't dig a vein out for an IV to save their life, so they gave my poor wrists a rest and called in the big guns. The anesthesiologist numbed my forearm and got that baby in there in nothing flat. I was given all sorts of pre-op meds, perhaps that's why I didn't suffer at all afterwards. No nausea, reflux, tummy problems at all. Even the "gas" pain was bearable. Sip, walk, and breathe were my marching orders.

clear liquids - Isopure is...well let's just say my ladylike sensibilities prohibit me from expressing my feelings in print. Broth, jello, and crystal light, along with copious amounts of hot tea got me through. Unjury chicken broth is ok, but very salty. And foamy! Chicken broth should not be foamy!

full liquids - Singing the praises of Carnation Instant Breakfast drink (chocolate) mixed with skim milk. Hot chocolate! Weight watchers 1 point yogurt, sugar free jello, and strained soups made up my menu. Favorites: Knorr Leek Soup is yummy as is La Madeleine Tomato Basil (thinned way down w/ chicken broth). The last few days I started making my own cream soups by mixing instant potato flakes with broth and milk

post-op appointment - Oh joy! Dr. W. said mushies only for "2 or 3 days". Do you know what this means? It means that when my fellow writing teachers meet for dinner on Friday night for our conference outing, at my favorite steak house no less, I will be able to eat real food!  I plan on using these next 5 weeks to practice eating tiny bites and chewing carefully.
Other goals:
-journal what I eat each day
-start moving around. Exercise scares me but I think I can handle a walk around the block for starters!
-keep drinking my water
-limited sweets, breads, and carbs in general.

Dr. W. said any weight I lose during these 5 weeks is a bonus, but I plan to to "keep up the good work". Seventeen lbs. down so far!


About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Aug 07, 2008
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