Mid-point Fitness Eval

Jun 18, 2015

Last week the exercise physiologist from my program called and said it was time for my mid-point fitness evaluation.

Huh?  Did you just make that up so I have to pay for something else?

Nope, it turns out it's something my insurance requires.  So, earlier this week I had my 3 month check.

Now, if I had been smart, I would have taken it easy when I did the original fitness eval, but when you can hardly do anything at all, it's hard to actually hold back. I'm sure I wanted to do as much as I could.  So to see a difference 3 months later? I was pretty skeptical, and maybe slightly nervous that I'd do less of something.

I ended up doing fine, a little better at each of the tests. And I lost about an inch from all around, and about 5" from my hips (which confirmed why that's the only place I maybe notice a difference so far).  Overall, I was pretty happy, and it was motivating to see some progress.

I don't feel stronger or have more endurance yet, but maybe I'll start to notice/feel those differences when I do it again in 3 months.



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