From extreme obese to obese!!

Sep 20, 2012

Hooray for me lol. I now have a BMI of 39. I am now "obese". If you have never been extremely obese you can not relate to this blog. I consider this a great milestone for me. I will never forget the day several years ago when my doctor said to me, "Rhonda you are extremely obese". I left his office that day in tears. Yes, I am now obese but on my way to my next milestone to be "overweight".



Sep 13, 2012

I remember weighing 138lbs. I was in 6th grade and chubby.  Most of my friends weighed about 100lbs. I envied the style of clothes they were able to wear. Not just the sizes but from where they shopped. My parents were divorced and my mom was trying to raise 4 kids on a waitress' salary. Our clothing stores were Kmart, Ames, and even second hand stores. I never complained to my mom because I knew she was doing the best she could. Being the oldest makes you understand these things. I always felt fat my whole life. I would turn to food for comfort. Any money given to me for babysitting, birthdays, holidays, etc. went to food. I would treat my friends and siblings to Mcdonald's, or even the corner store for sodas and candy. Sometimes I would treat my sister to the corner cafe for a hot chocolate and piece of pie. I was only 11 or 12 but felt so much more mature. I even left a tip, lol.

When I got married at age 18 I weighed 150lbs. I tried all the diets prior to my wedding but only failed.....miserably.

Aug 14 2012

Sep 13, 2012

Today I had  my surgery. Weighing in at 278lbs. I arrived at the hospital at 6:00 am. I was wheeled into the OR at 8:30am. When I woke up I was not in any real pain......I think the IV of morphine helped with that lol. My family was there from he moment I arrived at the hospital until 8:00pm that night. My local hospital does not perform this surgery so I had to go to Portsmouth, which is only 23 miles away.
Later that day my surgeon and the whole operating team came to see me. I was very impressed about that. My nurses were all wonderful and very caring. I was due to go home on Thursday, but developed a serious complication. VRE!!! That was a huge set back and I had to stay 10 days.

About Me
Rochester, NH
Surgery Date
Nov 15, 2006
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