Dr. Appointment booked

Nov 02, 2009

Well today I called and booked an appointment for Thursday afternoon to see my family Dr.  I will talk to him about the RNY and have him fill out and send off the OHIP forms.  Hopefully he gets it all done right since it seems there are a lot of people that have them sent back for filling them out wrong.

I also have a job interview that day before so I am kind of torn.  On one hand I would love a better job but the job I have now is flexible and would allow me the appointments and also I have 4 weeks of vacation next year with my current employer which would help out with surgery recovery time.

We will see.  I don't even know if I am fully qualified for the position as it is way different than the one I hold now.


About Me
London, XX
Surgery Date
Jun 27, 2009
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