The New & Still Impr Robin

The BIG 4-0

Aug 10, 2007

40 years ago this very evening, I made my appearance in this world.  I can't believe that I would look forward to this day, but I did. A year ago, I truly believed that I would probably not live beyond the next 5 years. The DS has truly changed my life and has made me look forward to my future. I HAVE A FUTURE!!!!!! There are so many things that I have wanted to do, but have felt so ashamed of my size and felt that I could never achieve anything that I wanted to do. BUT ALL OF THAT IS OVER NOW!!!!! I feel such pride in the fact that I have now lost 144 pounds since surgery and 185 pounds total. My self confidence is soaring and I am starting to have the courage to do things that I never thought I would do. I have started getting out in the dating field some and testing the water there so to speak.  I think that I have so many opportunities now that I am not SMO to get out and HAVE FUN. And I owe it all to God, the miracle of the Duodenal Switch, and the brilliant hands of my wonderful Surgeon, Dr. Joao Marchesini.

A Little Late Updating *Month 9*

Aug 06, 2007

Well, it was an interesting Month 9, full of twists and turns with my emotions and other stuff. I am going through major financial issues along with my hormones going nuts. I went to my ob-gyn for my yearly fun visit and while I was there asked her if she would write me a prescription for Zoloft, which she of course agreed to (BLESS HER!!!) It seems to be starting to level my emotions off a bit, so I am a bit happier, even though I'm stressed about the finances. I talked to my church and they are going to help me pay for the Financial Peace University course so that I can go through it and learn how to get myself out of this hole I've dug for myself and learn how to stay out of debt forever.

But that's not really what you are wanting to know right now, is it?  For the real important stuff....I only lost 3 lbs for Month 9 (June 25-July 24). By the end of the month, I was down to 257.


It seems I have picked up steam in my weightloss starting in Month 10. I have already lost 11 lbs and am down to 246 lbs as of this morning and I'm only just about a week into the 10th month. I am thrilled beyond words. I have not been under 250 lbs in about 20 years. And my 40th birthday is coming up on Friday. This was my dream for my 40th birthday to have lost alot of weight at this point, but I have exceeded my expectations.

Anyway, I took some pics tonight to count as my 9 month pics since I haven't really done a month by month since Month 6. So here they are. I will show Month 1 and Month 9 to show how dramatic the change.

1MonthPost-op359lbs-Front.jpg image by rlee67  9MonthsPost-op245lbs-Front.jpg image by rlee67

1MonthPost-op359lbs-Side.jpg image by rlee67  9MonthsPost-op245lbs-Side.jpg image by rlee67

Not Having Too Much Fun Right Now

Jul 20, 2007

I knew that after having this surgery that it would not always be smooth sailing. Well, right now, I have not having fun. It seems I've run into a road block with my eating. For a while, I was starting to pick up the amount of food I could eat during the day and was doing really well on getting my protein in. But after I completed month 8, I hit a hole, so to speak. I am now struggling with foods that want to hit my stomach and not stay down. Nothing sounds good right now, and nothing really tastes good. It's so frustrating because, right now, it feels like a chore just to eat. I don't look forward to it. I dread it. I get hungry. But nothing sounds or looks good. Or if it sounds good, the moment I take a bite, it's "Ewwww", or "uh.....I don't think so".   This has got to change soon!

8 Months Ago Today

Jun 24, 2007

The time sure does fly when you're losing mega amounts of Eight months ago (10/24/06), I was in Brazil about to undergo my surgery. I can't believe it has been that long already. And I am just so overwhelmed at how much weight I have lost in that amount of time. As of this morning, I hit 260 lbs. That is a total loss since surgery of 126 lbs and a total loss so far of 167 lbs. I am just so completely in awe of how this weight is coming off pretty much effortlessly. Of course, I make sure to get in my protein, which btw, is still pretty difficult at times, even at 8 months out. I'm struggling somewhat with foods still not wanting to stay down. But for the most part things are really good. My 6 month bloodwork, which I actually had done at 7 1/2 months because of changing insurance and all that crap, came back pretty good. The only levels that were off were that my protein was a bit low, and my iron was a bit high. Although, I can't understand how either of these 2 were off like this, I will be working to try to regulate them for the next bloodwork in August.
Also, when my pcp mailed me the results to the bloodwork, she said to "up my protein and slow down my weight loss". Uh, I think it's gonna not be possible to slow down my weight loss if I up my protein. I mean, I have found that if I up my protein, it speeds up the weight loss and not the other way around. I know that I could probably add some more carbs to my day, but as it is now, I am still having a time just trying to fit the protein into the day. I guess I'm going to have to go back to using more protein shakes to help supp the protein.
Well, that's my update for now.
Highest Weight: 427 lbs
Surgery Weight (10/24/2006) 386 lbs (-41 lbs)
Current Weight (6/24/2007)   260 lbs (-126 lbs since surgery)
Total Weight loss: -167 lbs

Comparing 1 Month Post-op to 5 Months Post-op

Mar 24, 2007

1MonthPost-op359lbs-Front.jpg 5MonthsPost-op302lbs-Front.jpg
1MonthPost-op359lbs-Side.jpg 5MonthsPost-op302lbs-Side.jpg

Here are my comparison Pics from Months 1 & 5.  I can't believe that I have changed this much just since Month 1.

5 Months Ago Today

Mar 24, 2007

Wow! Has it been that long already?!?!?!?!? It seems like just yesterday that I went into the operating room in Brazil to have this life changing surgery. 5 Months.....simply amazing. Well, I feel fantastic other than some emotional things going on right now. I'm eating better everyday. Of course I still have days when I have to force myself to eat, because I am just not that hungry anymore. And I can't believe how the weight has just been falling off other than a few plateaus over the months, which included one that lasted about a week and a half during this last month. I almost started getting worried, but had to remind myself that this too would pass (pun intended).

Anyway, here are the totals for the month. I have lost 13 pounds this month. My total amount lost since surgery is 84 pounds and from my highest weight.... 125 pounds.  I have lost a complete person.  It's just amazing to me.  I look at that picture of me at my highest weight and I am just so blown over by how different I look and feel now.

This surgery has truly changed my life for the better so far and I know it's only going to get better as I continue to lose the remainder of my excess weight.

STILL LOVING MY DS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comparison 4 Months PO to 1 Month PO

Feb 26, 2007

I decided from now on to post comparisons with Month1 Post-op. I will show Month 1 and Month 4 in this post instead of showing all 4 months.
1MonthPost-op359lbs-Front.jpg  4MonthsPost-op310lbs-Front.jpg

4 Months Ago Today

Feb 24, 2007

It's hard to believe that four months ago today, I was in Brazil having surgery. I just cannot believe how much better I feel physically. My energy has gone up tremendously. I am able to do so much more now than I was able to 4 months ago. My eating is getting better. I still have times where I cannot eat certain foods, but I know that is normal at this stage of the game. I am just so thankful to God and Dr. M who I know was an instrument to bring me better health. I am losing pretty steady I guess for what I have lost so far. I haven't started exercising yet, other than walking as much as I can when I go places. Yes I know I need to walk every day, but I don't except around the house. I guess it helps, but I know I need to do more. 
Well anyway, just wanted to let  you all know that I am down 71 lbs since surgery as of this morning (13 lbs in Month 4). That makes it 112 lbs from my highest weight. I am so happy with this. Hopefully I will start the exerciise part this next month and be able to pick up the weight loss although I know 13 lbs in a month is not bad.

STILL LOVING MY DS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 Months Post-op

Jan 26, 2007

Well, it's been 3 months already.  I just can't believe that time has gone by so fast.  Sorry I didn't post sooner, but I wanted to wait until had taken the pics for 3 months post-op.  I am including the 3 months front views on this post to compare. They are place in order from Month 1 to Month 3 Post-op. I am hoping they will show up side by side. But anyway, here they are.

The Old Me

Jan 19, 2007

I saw this picture when I went to my Aunt and Uncle's Anniversary party and just had to have it. I finally got it this morning and scanned it onto my computer so that I could post it here.  This was taken 5 1/2 years ago when I was at my highest weight and my lowest point in life.

About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Oct 15, 2004
Member Since

Friends 100

Latest Blog 25
The BIG 4-0
A Little Late Updating *Month 9*
Not Having Too Much Fun Right Now
8 Months Ago Today
Comparing 1 Month Post-op to 5 Months Post-op
5 Months Ago Today
Comparison 4 Months PO to 1 Month PO
4 Months Ago Today
3 Months Post-op
The Old Me
