I don't know if I am starting my profile over again or what. It seems that when I go in to update, all my previous listings have disappeared. Well, I was fortunate to print it out on my last posting, so I will kinda start over. I went through my pre op work yesterday at Dr. Grant's office and at Durham Regional. I can honestly say that I have been thoroughly checked out. I have one week and six days until surgery. Holy cow. I am having trouble sleeping. Anxiety, I guess. Have I researched all I need to know? Dr. Grant went over all the wrong things that could happen and made sure I understood. Am I ready? Do I want this? Yes, I am ready and yes I want this. With the love and support of my family and the blessings from God, I am ready.
I will talk more later as I am filled w/emotions right now.
Darlene Jones is my angel. She is so sweet. I am looking forward to sharing this with her!
Okay, one week to go. Nerves are kicking in....lots of positive feedback from folks....thank you all! God bless.
Here I sit pondering. Thank goodness I got my period before the surgery. Just thought yall would like to know that. Anyway, only 5 more days to go. Wow. Wow. I am so ready. I am so blessed. I have got to get a picture up here. Random thoughts: do I have all current phone numbers? Did I leave anyone out? Why do I have to wait until the day before surgery to know what time? Can i somehow water down my diet sundrop so that I may still have a sip once and a while? What am I doing? How do I get rid of this huge pimple on my face (haha)? Okay, enough...I have to go now. I will be back later.
OMG!!! Only 2 more days. I love my family. I am so exicted!
Okay, only a few hours to go. I thought I was okay w/all this but the nerves have officially kicked in. I will be strong in my faith and I have people all over praying for me. Thank you Lord for good friends and loving family. Without You and them, I would be lost. I just got off the phone w/my brother listening to him pray and that peace that I have had all along has come back to me. I know that I am making the right decision and I thank you Lord for that peace. I know that YOU will be there w/me and will take over. Beverly Rose came to see me tonight. Dr. Grant did her surgery in May and she has already lost 100lbs!!! (smile) I look forward to sharing this w/her. She looks great! Darlene, my angel, came by also, but I had gone out to do a few last minute things and missed her. She called later to let me know that she was praying for me and she was gonna come to see me! Most of my family has called or emailed. I am going to print out my card and take w/me. My aunt called me to let me know that her college room mate works at Durham Regional and she will check on me. Okay, I am gonna go take a LONG HOT bath and relax. Thank all of you for everything.
Okay, its done. I am doing so well. I am just a little tired sometime, but other than that doing great. I am made of good stuff as my doctor said! I had my surgery Wednesday morning and was home by Friday night! I was so glad to leave the hospital. It was the most uncomfortable place I have ever been in. Well, I am gonna go for now. Will be back later.
Just wanted to do a quick update. I am really doing well. Did I have surgery? I have had no pain from the actual surgery but the anesthesia kicked my butt. My mom and dad told me it may take a week or two just to get over that. I have had some discomfort between my shoulders and lower back. I was told that that could be from the gas that they swell you up with. That has been the only real that has bothered me. I have not weighed and will not until my appt on the 18th. I do not like any of the protein drinks that I have tried. I must find one..I think I will email my friend tonight and get some suggestions from her. I am tolerating tea, water, crystal light, broth, and tomatoe soup pretty well. No nausea (only w/boost, carb solutions, isopure).
I know I need to do better in that area! Okay, well it is late.
Life continues w/God's grace. Thanks for listening. Be back later!
Happy Birthday Sarah! My daughter is 19 today! You know, I have been reading this web site so much that I am confused...My doctor sent me home w/a liquid only diet for 3 weeks and I am reading about all these people that have been eating since the get go. I don't understand. I guess it just comes down to the doctor. But couldn't the food in some way cause some kind of damage? I don't know. Too much time on my hands, I guess. Well, I am sticking to what my doctor has said. I did have a cracker yesterday...boy I sucked it down to nothing, but enjoyed it so much! Down 20lbs since 10/2/02. And so I shall continue!
Back from the Dr. on Friday. Very interesting!! We spoke to the Dietician and we had to fess up if we cheated. Okay, I was feeling pretty bad about eating a cracker but when I got in there and heard one guy had a hot dog at the state fair and sloppy joes the night before, one girl had spaghetti, oh well, my cracker theory flew out the door. Can I say that I adore Dr. Grant. He is really helpful. And I can officially say now that I have eaten afew things that I have had surgery. I feel a little tired after eating...maybe still getting used to the food. I don't know. But all in all, I am really satisfied. Okay, you guys have a great week. I am going back to work tomorrow. Pray for me!
Work is okay, had to come in late one morning due to my cheese toast not settling well w/me. I am trying different things, doing okay...just want to get past this stage. Eggs are SO good. I am sorely lacking in the protein department. I am going to make a conscience effort this weekend to work on that.
Since I am back at work, I don't have as much time. Okay, well, I am going to go now....No more complaining.
Okay, 4 weeks out...will weigh tonight and do measurements. Lets see how that goes. Overall, things are getting better...I am still learning how to eat...still working ont he protein thing. I am down 27lbs! Cool beans! Let me update my BMI thingie...See yall later.
Hello, I am back here tonight just checking out the sight. My eating is getting better. Still no luck w/any protein supplements. Oh well...I am still counting my blessings!
You know, I can't remember the last time that I actually got out on a Sunday afternoon and enjoyed myself. Used to lay around and watch Lifetime all day Saturday and Sunday...Today, me and my kids went to Smithfield and visited the outlets. I walked, did not get tired! To my amazement, I feel so much better w/only 30 lbs gone. I cannot imagine how I will feel in the months to come. I have come to the conclusion that I am only going to weigh and take my measurements every 4 weeks. I hope that will be a good decision. Maybe while I am still early on in my journey. Okay, well I am going to catch up on my email and do some other stuff. Have a good week and I will check in later.
Hello! I need to be back on the computer more. It has been so busy around here. Birthday party Friday night, Wedding shower on Sunday. Thanksgiving coming up Thursday and before you know it, Christmas!!! My favorite time of the year. I am thinking that I will be fine on Thanksgiving. I usually fix what everyone else wants anyway. I usually graze. I won't this year though.
I will fix me a small plate and enjoy w/everyone else. Gosh, I love the holidays! I am doing well on my eating. I have lost 35lbs since 10/2/02. Praise the Lord! I go to the doctor tomorrow for my 2 month checkup. I have a few questions for the doctor. I am burping so much...wanna find out what is up w/that. Okay. well, I am going to go now. Have to finish up some work.
Wow, time flies. I am feeling good! I haven't weighed again yet but I did check my measurements and I have lost quite a few inches! God is awesome! Thanksgiving went well. I am so looking forward to Christmas! I am going shopping this weekend and I hope I shop till I drop!! Talk to yall later.
I weighed Saturday and I have lost 8 more pounds. I am so thankful. Thank you Lord!
Today is my birthday! I am 43 today! I am feeling really good. I am thankful everyday for this surgery! Continued success to all who has had the surgery and for all considering it. It will change your life.
Back to work, yuck. Not much to do here...I am going to weigh again this weekend and update my bmi thingie. I have lost 43 lbs since 10/2/02 and I am very proud of myself. As for those people who say publicly and privately that we have taken the easy way out by having surgery, kiss my butt. There is nothing easy about it. But it is worth it. I am just so lucky to have the support system that I have. My husband is wonderful and my family is great. I love them all very much. Oh, since I lost this weight, I discovered a lump in my breast. Don't know how long it was there, maybe since some of my boobs are gone, I could feel it. I had a mammagram and ultrasound and it seems I have some of those cysts. I went to a surgeon who proceeded to come at me w/a needle to drain the cysts. OMG...i 'bout came off that table. I am still not over that! Oh well...I am gonna go now. I will talk more later. Happy Holidays!
Weight progress:
10/2/02 - 274lbs BMI - 51.8 - Height 5'1"
11/2/02 - 254lbs (-20lbs) BMI 48.0
12/2/02 - 231lbs (-43lbs) BMI - 43.6
12/30/02 - 219lbs (-55lbs)BMI - 41.4
01/16/03 - 217lbs (-57 lbs and 17 inches gone) BMI - 41.0 01/28/03 - 214lbs (-60lbs) BMI - 40.4
02/20/03 - 205lbs (-69 lbs) BMI 38.7
03/06/03 - 201lbs (-73lbs)BMI 38.1
03/12/03 - 199 1/2 lbs (-75 1/2 lbs and 42 inches gone)BMI - 37.6
03/25/03 - 194lbs (-80lbs) BMI 37.6
04/14/03 - 189lbs (-85lbs) BMI 35.7
04/29/03 - 186lbs (-88lbs) BMI 35.1
05/21/03 - 180lbs (-94lbs) BMI 34.0
06/04/03 - 176lbs (-98lbs) BMI 33.3
06/19/03 - 173lbs (-101lbs)BMI 32.7
07/01/03 - 170lbs (-104lbs)BMI 32.1
07/20/03 - 163lbs (-111lbs)BMI 30.8
08/19/03 - 161lbs (-113lbs)BMI 30.4
08/29/03 - 157lbs (-117lbs)BMI 29.7
09/24/03 - 154lbs (-120lbs)BMI 29.1
10/13/03 - 151lbs (-123lbs)BMI 28.5
11/07/03 - 150lbs (-124lbs)BMI 28.3
11/21/03 - 147lbs (-127lbs)BMI 27.8
12/10/03 - 145lbs (-129lbs)BMI 27.4
01/22/04 - 142lbs (-132lbs)BMI 26.8
03/05/04 - 141lbs (-133lbs)BMI 26.6
04/27/04 - 139lbs (-135lbs)BMI 26.3
05/27/04 - 137lbs (-137lbs)BMI 25.9 (1/2 the person I was!)
06/18/04 - 134lbs (-140lbs)BMI 25.3
12/17/04 - 134lbs MAINTAINING!!!!!!!
to be continued....
Hey yall...I try to come back here every week, but it just keeps getting harder and harder. It seems like I have something to do all the time now. I start my exercise class tonight and I am very excited about that. I hope I do okay. I am really feeling good. Yesterday though, some food smells bothered me. I had a baked potatoe last night w/salt and a little butter and 1/2 way through it the smell almost gagged me. I put it away and felt better. What was up w/that? I still have tried no sweets. I am honestly scared to. Anybody else feel that way? I went to Durham yesterday and walked around the Streets of Southpoint. I am so in love w/that mall. So much to see and do. I am beginning to lose my infatuation w/the Lifetime Channel on the weekend. My husband thought that would never happen. I am glad it has. I still sneak a peek once and a while. But my all time favorite is Trading Spaces. I am hooked. Okay, I am gonna go now and do some much needed work.
I am updating today. I feel so good. I am exercising 2 nights a week at my church and doing "Walk away the pounds" in between. I love that workout. No fancy movements or dance steps, just a good basic workout! I need to drink more water and up the protien but I am a work in progress and I will find a better way to get both in. Its good to be me!!
Water in, working on getting my protein through my food! I go back to Duke on Thursday. Need to ask a few questions about why am I so cold all the time and what is up w/the burping. I found out today that if I eat more for breakfast, I don't want to snack before lunch. Smart thinking girl. I ditched the sunflower seeds for now. Just too much salt. Cutting back on the sundrop also. I did not go through all this to go back to old habits.
Couldn't go to Duke yesterday. We had some snow here and I did not even go to work. Just a day to lay around and do nothing. I am leaving today to go visit my brother in Delaware. I am wondering if I should go due to weather here...but he assures me it is only deathly cold there. Thank goodness I found a coat at goodwill. I would be a popsicle right now if I had not of found it. Yall have a good weekend!
Doctor visit went well, she is very pleased w/my progress. So am I! I only have one goal right now. I am going to Hawaii in April of 2004 for my 25th wedding anniversary and I want to have a great time! I want to make it to the top of the volcano! Yall pray that all will go well!
Yucky day. I am very happy though. My WLS buddy is coming over tomorrow night and we are gonna start a support group in our area. I have pulled several names from this website and hope to be contacting them soon. There is such a need in this area as I am finding out! I am so looking forward to this!
Hey! I just got off the phone w/Beverly. Our first support meeting is Tuesday and we are stoked! I have heard from alot of people and I am so thankful for their responses. I hope they all show up so we can share our stories! I am still blessed in this surgery. I can't believe that I smile so much now. Where was that smile?
Meeting went great! I was so glad to see the folks that came. We are going to start meeting once a month. Next meeting will be at my house. It is so interesting to meet w/other people who have had the surgery and w/different doctors. I am hoping that this will be a success here in our area. I think I will weigh again next week! Best of luck to everyone!
I took the day off today to relax and do some shopping. Well, I did not find anything. I am going back to Smithfield tomorrow. Maybe I will have some luck there. I have been to Goodwill everyday this week and even went to the one in Wilson tody. No stinking luck....oh well....God continues to bless me. I have lost 4 more pounds. When I go back to see the doctor on the 26th, I will hopefully be under 200 pounds!
I have arrived at my 1st goal...to be under 200 lbs. A long time coming for me. It is good to be me right now. I have never been happier. Thank you Lord for the many blessings. Thank you Dr. Grant, Dr. McMahon and staff. Thank you family for your love and support. Thank you friends. Wow.
Got my B12 shot today..I hear that I will have a energy boost?! I hope so, I got lots to do at home. I am down 80lbs and was so pumped up by my doctor's office. I should be the poster child for wls...I am convinced!
We had our second support meeting. Met a new friend tonight. I hope our group grows!! I am doing good. I feel like I am at a standstill right now. I will weigh this week and see. I am looking forward to this summer. I am already in a size 18 bathingsuit compared to a 26 last year. Hopefully by the summer, it will be smaller. I continue to learn new things about myself and how my body reacts to some foods. Also, I don't know about yall,but I ain't taking punches like I used to...they hurt now. Me and My kids like to wrestle and play fight...um...it hurts! Oh well, I guess I will just have to get tougher. Okay, I will write more later....love to all!!!
I am loving the weekends! I got up early Saturday morning, went to some garage sales, went to Greenville to see a friend, drove around all day....having fun! I came into work this morning telling my friend about how much fun I had and just started crying...I love my new life...it will only get better. Praise God!
Once again, all I want to do is thank everyone for their support and love. I feel like a new person. I am so blessed. I guess the best way to take a compliment is to say thanks and smile.
How can this be? How crazy is this? There must be something wrong w/me! I FEEL GREAT!!! I love my life. I am HAPPY.
Only had one person at support group last night...gotta figure out a way to spice it up! Still, we sat and talked for an hour. It was a good time. I love talking to people about this surgery and how it can change your life...especially people who are just starting out...they have so much to look forward to. I am getting ready for a trip to Myrtle Beach. My 24th wedding anniversary. We are staying at the same hotel we were in way back then! I am so looking forward to it!
I am almost at my 2nd goal to lose 100lbs. I am only 6lbs away from it. I still cannot believe it. I am so greatful everyday for this blessing in my life. I am getting ready for my trip next week and for the first time in a long time, I am excited about going to the beach. When I get back, I am going to be more serious about exercise. I am surprised that my skin doesn't look quite as bad as I thought it would. Maybe w/some work and toning, I may not have to have ps. Although I would like to buy me some boobs. My co worker has some and so does my cousin...so why can't I? We will see. I would like to give my husband a 100lb weight loss for our anniversary...but I may be a little short...lets see how hard I can work in a week! Talk to yall later!!
Back from Myrtle..wish I were still there. Good times...good times! How can I describe how it felt to be at the beach almost 100lbs lighter? I don't float like I used to. I can get up from my chair w/o help, not be ashamed to actually walk on the beach, just be happy and comfortable.
Hey yall...my mom told me I was turning into a girl. I have painted my toe nails, had my nails done, finally starting moisturizing my face, and high lighted and low lighted my hair!Um, what is next? I just feel pretty,ya know? I still have about 50lbs to go to get to my goal. I know I will get there because I have the confidence and determination I need to use my wls tool.
It's official. 101lbs gone. I am speechless.
It's official, again, I hate my job. I hate sitting here, I hate listening to all that I listen to. I want to be out, I want to join the manual labor force. I don't want to sit here another day. Aside from my whining...I am thankful to have a job. I do alot of good where I am...I just want more. Maybe a part time job will satisfy me...let me look! Okay, done.
I just got back from the beach. Words cannot describe how happy I am right now. I got to spend a week w/my brother and his family. They are some of my favorite people. I am so content.
My weight loss is progressing. I have joined "fitness express" here in Rocky Mount and I am looking forward to spending some time there. I am sure it will help me. It still amazes me how much energy I have. I can't remember the last time I felt like this. Thank you God!
Haven't been here in a while. Staying busy. Okay, I am thinking that maybe Old Navy's sizes are wrong. I can wear a 12 from there. Does this seem possible? I don't know. All I do know is that I am thrilled. I...I don't know what to say. This weight loss surgery has changed my whole life. I am almost comfortable in my own skin now. This hasn't been such a good couple of weeks for me but I have managed to muttle through w/a smile and migraine. Not at the same time though. I am rambling right now so I am gonna go. I am just thankful and blessed.
I am going to my PCP today to have some bloodwork done. I have been a little lightheaded and I think my reflux is back. I can handle it...I have come this far...I am kinda dissapointed when I called my surgeon's office and could not talk to someone about the reflux. I understood that it would be eliminated w/the surgery. I was told to see my pcp. Now, I don't mind doing that, its just that I thought the surgeon's office would be more familiar w/this than my pcp. Well, I go in October anyway, I guess I can make it till then. I know that they are a busy bunch there...Okay, well, I will write more later.
OH HAPPY DAY!!! To reach my personal goal, I only have to lose 22 more lbs. To God be the glory. I literally thought I would never see this day come. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will be back later!!! I have to go celebrate!
Well, I have lost weight! Ya think? Okay, now I am knowing about wanting the plastic surgery thing. I am gonna work hard the next 6 months to firm up what I can and make an appt w/a PS in April of next year. That will be my 18th month after surgery. I bought my first new bra today...where did they go? They are puddled in the bottom of a much smaller bra. Poor babies. You know, I am so fortunate. I have had no real problems w/this surgery. I am so proud of myself for the discipline I have displayed in my eating. It has been a long time since I could say I was proud of my self for anything. But I make an honest effort and it is paying off. My year check up is in 3 weeks. I am looking forward to seeing my doctor and staff and thanking them in person for taking such good care of me. Until then guys...
One year ago today I was having my surgery. I cannot believe how quickly times flies by. I am a much healthier, happier person now. I am doing things that I could not do last year. Thank you Dr Grant and staff, family and friends, and most of all God. With Him, all things are possible.
All went well at dr appt. Hilliary said I should be "poster child" for this surgery. I think I have thought that before. All checked out well..I am pleased w/my results.
Do yall enjoy looking at the before/after pictures as much as I do? It inspires me so much! Even a year later, I come back here for guidance and support. I have officially been referred to a plastic surgeon. Wow. I am nervous about that. I am going to wait until the first of the year to make an appointment. It should be very interesting! The holidays are upon us again and it is my favorite time of the year! I have lots to do and will enjoy every minute of it! Peace yall!
I feel good today. Don't even mind coming to work. I am down 127lbs and feeling great! I have had a lot to deal with this year. My son, bless his heart, has totalled 2 cars, had one catch on fire, and one to be vandalized. All this in his 2nd year of driving and within months of each other. I work in insurance so I see this kind of stuff all the time, but, boy, did it have to happen to me? Insurance is high, ya know. Especially w/an inexperienced operator! My daughter is no longer sure what she wants to major to be (gasp) so she is wondering around, 20 years old, ticking me off. My oldest son, the one I thought for sure would give me the most trouble has married a good girl and has pretty much settled down. My husband, God bless him, is such a good man. Always has been, but this morning I just wanted to smother him with the electric blanket and tie him up w/the cord. But, I am managing things alot better now. I am not letting it bother me like I used to. THEY can take some responsibility...not dump it all on me anymore. Hey, I am rambling...what's up? Even after the morning I had, I am ok! Goodness gracious! Okay, well I will go...I guess I have to do some work. I am here now. I am going out tonight and buy me some boots....these boots are made for walking..and that's just what I'll do!! I am so excited!
What was that last post about? Bad month. Well, I have lost another 2lbs...everyone is asking me when am I going to stop...well, how do you really answer that question? I am still trying to figure out the response I want to give. Everyone says I need to stop now. I am perplexed. Let me think on this dilemma and will fill you in w/my response later...peace!
Happy New Year all. I have been really slack about coming here and updating my file. Haven't had much to say and have been busy w/the holidays and just life in general. I am 15 months post op and doing really well. I did discover that my breasts are full of cysts and last week my doctor discovered 2 complex cysts. I am having a guided aspiration on Thursday. Fun, fun. Having someone come at you w/a needle towards your breasts is painful. They are already tender enough. Oh well, I am optomistic. Probably just full of thick liquid. Have to check it out to make sure. My eating habits are much better although I do have an addiction to soft pretzels. Don't know where that came from (carb addict) but they keep me regular and full. I have a grilled chicken salad from Burger King almost everday for lunch. It is really good. For dinner, I just have whatever my family is having..just less. My only snacks are s/f edy's ice cream, diet soda (which I have no problem with), s/f butterscotch hard candy and Murray's s/f shortbread cookies. I have not had anything sweet (cake, candy, pie) since surgery.. don't plan to. If I do get a craving for sweets, I make sure the snack is sugar free. I refuse to fall back into the habits that made me obese in the first place. I have been tempted. I would be lying if I said that I haven't. But I will not give in to it. I am a very fortunate person. I love my life now. I am scheduled to see a p/s in May and I am very excited about that. Hopefully, that will work out for me. Since my weight loss, I have the loose skin but I dare not complain...it could be worse. I have had a constant rash in my belly button...and when I exercise, it can be painful, but i suck it up and persevere! If it is meant to happen, it will. If not, I will figure something out. Okay, enough for now. Will be back.
I have been reading the messageboards right much lately and I must say that it is really interesting. The melting pot of people on here is amazing. All the different theories and stories really interest me. Even the flames. Look, I am a simple girl who was given an extraordinary chance to have my life back. I also got some sense. I told someone the other day that you have to get it right in your head before you start this thing. YOU WILL HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE! You can't eat like you did before surgery. It will be a struggle everyday. You will have the same triggers after that you had before. It's how you deal w/those triggers and struggles that will determine the outcome. I try to stay positive and look at the big picture and not just the big pictures of me! Although they do remind me of how far I have come and how blessed I am. I try to not sweat the small stuff, keep a good sensible head on my shoulders and have faith. Besides, I have three grown kids, there ain't much more you can do to me! Yall take care and I will too!
I have leveled off at 142 and I satisfied with that, even though the bmi calculator says I am overweight. I have been real slack w/exercising lately. I used the fact that I have been really busy as my exercise thingy. Well, it can happen! We are not all perfect! I find myself looking forward to summer this year. Even w/my baggy skin! I will be able to do so much more! We bought a camper at Emerald Isle and I so look forward to going and relaxing on the beach. I am still addicted to soft pretzels and salads w/grilled chicken. That is about all I eat. Well, this isn't turning out to be such a great post. I am in a mood. Someone stole my wallet while I was shopping at Walmart. Another reason why I should stay away from there. I wasn't the only one. Do you ever think about how much of your life is in your wallet? Be careful yall.
I don't know if I have plateaus or not because of the way I weigh, and that may be a good thing. All I know is every time I get on the scale, it goes down some. I only lost 1 pound in about a month and a half but it was still a pound! I have not measured myself lately, maybe I should do that! I am still ever so thankful for my surgery. I saw Beverly at Target on Saturday and she looks great. She has been an inspiration to me. I don't keep up w/everyone like I should, but they are always in my thoughts. I am going a to have a busy next few months. My 25th wedding anniverary is coming up and we are going to renew our vows and I am going to be a grandma! Life is great!! I am so blessed to have this life and to be able to enjoy it! Okay, well, I better go now and do some more preparing.
A few weeks ago, I got a call from Beth at Dr. Grant's office about using my photo in a magazine. I gave my permission and yesterday she sent me a copy. Well, there I was, along w/3 other ladies on the COVER! There was an excellent article inside. I wish there was a way to get a copy on here..Anyway,I am proud to be a patient of Dr. Grant. His expertise in surgery, the knowledge and friendliness of his staff, my dedication to make this work and my faith in God has made this journey a successful one. Good luck to all!
I have lost 2 more pounds in a little over a month. I have been busy in the yard, planning my 25th anniversary and just plain life! I have appt w/Dr. Gunn (plastic surgeon) on Monday. I am very excited about that. Think positive thoughts!
I am a little hesitant about showing my body but I am sure she has seen some things in her time and it will not shock her! Once again, be positive! Have to go to work now. We continue this post when I get back from doctor!
Okay, this is an exciting weekend! Renewal vows then off to Florida for a week of riding roller coasters (w/o extender belt or worrying that I won't fit) walking, just having the best time I can. Plastic surgery appt went well. I am not looking for insurance to pay, but I haven't heard anything. We will see. No news is good news. Besides, I ain't got time to worry about it right now. Gotta jet! Will be back in a few weeks!
Back. Had the best time of my life. Everything went well. I want to live at the Hard Rock Hotel in Orlando. Who wouldn't? I don't think I could have had a better time anywhere else. I have solved the dilemma of sagging thigh skin at the beach. BOARD SHORTS! I am once again comfortable at the beach. I don't care if I look like a boy...or an old surfer...I am satisfied! My mom is going to try to have wls and will be going to seminar at Dr. Grant's office on Friday. I am going w/her. I hope that it goes well. Will be back later.
Hey, it has been awhile since I have posted. Haven't had much to say...been so busy. It has been a very busy year! Now I am trying to prepare for my grandchild's arrival! He will be here in October...along w/4 other birthdays! I have never been happier in my life. I am doing all I want to do...
Today is my son's 24th birthday and my grandson is here!!! Baby boy born 10/5/04, 8lbs, 5oz, 20 1/2 long, head full of hair, beautiful kid. Wow...I have heard it alot but now know it is true about how you feel about your grandchildren. I am so blessed. Everything continues to go well. All checkups are fine, weight is holding steady. I found out I am approved to TT and I am trying to schedule now. How much better can it get? In all this happiness, I am sad about my mom. She was diagnosed w/Pulomary Hypertension. It is not good for her. My dad is trying to be so brave, but it is hurting him along w/my family. All we can do is pray and support her and my dad. I tell you, it makes you look at your parents differently. I love them so much. On another note, Dr. Grant's office held a WLS reunion for his patients. It was AWESOME! I am still in awe of those folks. I thank God for them everyday. Okay, well, that is my update for now. May come back soon...love, peace, chicken grease.
I don't know what I can say to add to this profile. I am going to close it for now. I can only hope that all goes well for everyone that has WLS. Be tried and true in your dedication for success. Work hard, change your lifestyle and pray. My life is normal and wonderful.
Just thought I would pop in and update my profile. Still holding my weight between 134-140. I continued to be disciplined in my eating and make good decisions. Still no sweets! I believe that has helped me more than anything. Of course everyone is different. Find your niche and stick w/it. I am loving being a grandma and my 2nd grandchild will be here in 3 weeks. Another baby boy (Bradley). We are ecstatic! I am thankful for everyday!

About Me
Rocky Mount, NC
Surgery Date
Mar 18, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
This pic represents the last 20 years of my life..how sad.
May 2004 - 25th wedding anniversary renewal ceremony
