
Sep 01, 2013

7 days down on opti fast and have lost 8 pounds!! pretty excited about that!! but today I cheated and ate a deviled egg!! i was at a cookout and one of my kids handed it to me and I just took it?! The past few days I have been staring my addiction to food and stress eating right in the face and I have to say Im shocked! I guess I was fooling myself into thinking I was fat by choice or  genetics. I know now that is not the case. I have already learned so much about myself on this journey and I am only 8 pounds lost. What will I know 20 pounds down, then 50, and finally 100?! I cant wait! im so ready for my new chapter to begin. Surgery is 8 days and I am so ready! (and a little scared lol)



Aug 01, 2013

becoming obsessed with this site and all things weight loss surgery related...lol. I must have looked at every before and after pic on this site at least twice and read every story once already!! Trying to focus on the end results and not worry too much on the drama and trauma of all the the stuff inbetween! one more day closer to the new me!


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Me Today...

Jul 30, 2013

surgery order in the mail today along with all my pre-op instructions!! Count down to my big day has begun! 40 days to go.... Let the nerves and jitters begin! lol :)


About Me
Jul 30, 2013
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