The final stretch!

Jun 10, 2009

Wow, I can't believe it's been 10 months already!! Things are going well... I've surpassed my original weight loss goal and have set a new goal for a total of 100 pounds. I'm hoping to do this by my 1 year anniversary. Whooda Thunk that would have even been possible? Certainly not me!!!

For the first time in my life, I wear a size 10!!  I thought that I was "done" at size 12, so finally went and bought a new wardrobe and now they are too big!!! I guess it'll be back to the thrift shop until I know for certain I am going to stop shrinking. LOL,  did I really just type that?? There's another problem I would have NEVER dreamed possible!! 

I can pretty much eat anything that I want... I'm not sure if I'm one of the lucky ones in that respect or not ~ but thank God, I can still enjoy bread!!!  My eyes ofcourse are still much larger than my belly, so while I might like to think I could eat a whole sandwich... I can't!  It's amazing to me how much I was able to eat before WLS.   $5.00 Footlong?? You betcha... I can eat it for 4 meals in a row and I still have to throw some away.

All my comorbitities are a thing of the past... I feel 15 years younger than I did this time last year and am looking forward to a summer in the swimming pool!

I am so thankful that I was able to have WLS and can honestly say (now) that given the chance to do it over... I would still make the decision to do it!  Even with the complications and need for a revision... it was worth it! After years of dieting.. starving... gorging... dieting... starving...  It's nice to know that cycle has ended forever!  I am a "normal person" now... what a concept, huh? 

For those of you contemplating WLS and those who have recently had the surgery... You are going to have your doubts, second guesses and days you say "what the hell did I do"?  Know in the end as your body, health and outlook changes, you too will be happy with your decision!  Best of Luck to you all.


About Me
Spokane, WA
Surgery Date
Apr 15, 2008
Member Since

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Absess, Infections and holes... oh my
Week 2
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