Half way mark soon

Jun 17, 2014

I am coming up to my half way point on my classes. we have gone over risks, portions, physical activity, have gone and got a lot of lab work done and of course i did my sleep study early and everything with that was fine. also my EKG was good. the only thing now that i have to work on is my A1C levels and get the under 8. if you are a diabetic you have to have them under an 8. My iron is really bad as well so i have to take 3 pills a day while making sure i don't conflict with any other vitamins i am taking now like my calcium and i got prescribed a super dose of vitamin D that i have to take 1 pill a week for the next 8 weeks. Other then that i am just attending the classes and trying to absorb what they are telling us in roughly 1 hour. i am trying to keep up with my walking schedule and other activities i do so i can lose some weight before the surgery, now they keep saying " it is not required to lose weight" but then in the class where we were being taught food calorie counting and the like she dr. said that we should lose 10% of our weight ... i am trying to any how but i can see that being conflicting for those who have been repeatedly told what i was/am being told. also we learned that they expect the women to be down to a 1200 calorie intake before the surgery so that way its not a shock when you begin to eat again. 

      its odd how fast and still slow everything seems to moving. the only thing i  cant get done right away that i would like to is you have to go to at least one support group meeting and get a paper signed saying you attended, well the only one in my area goes on the same time i am supposed to be at my options class, so i have to wait til the classes are over to go to one of them and the lady who was teaching stressed that its important to get it done and signed because sometimes that can cause a hang up in getting your surgery date. I am trying so hard to make sure i can get my surgery done before the end of the year even though that seems so far fetched...just the idea of getting such an evasive surgery in only 5 or so months. here's hoping though. 


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