Namir Katkhouda

"My first impression of Dr. Katkhouda was that he was a very knowledgable and kind man. My first impression of him was correct and has grown to a feeling of gratitude for his skills, thankfulness for being in such good hands and for having this surgery and most of all...respect for him wanting to help people...he truly cares about his patients. His sincerity and kindness are very endearing. I totally trust him and he has helped me postoperatively with his support in getting this weight off. When I had my surgery, I believe I was one of the first of his bariatric patients and Anna, his secretary was very helpful and kind as well. Of course I was nervous about having the surgery, but knew that he was a very skilled laparoscopic surgeon and was reknowned for his work. I am now almost 11 mos. PostOp and have to rate my experience with Dr. Katkhouda as the best ones I have had (in terms of having a medical procedure done). He truly cares about his patients. I have talked to many of his PostOp patients and they all have voiced to me that they just love him. I am happy to see that since he has started doing this particular surgery, the word has gotten out about him...his skills and his caring nature...and his office has been flooded with calls. I hope everyone's experience with Dr. Katkhouda's skill and his kindness, will be as good as mine has been. Yes, I adore my surgeon!! "
About Me
Long Beach, CA
Surgery Date
Nov 09, 2000
Member Since

Before & After
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