Michael Adolph

"The original date of my initial consult was April 28th, 2002. I arrived at the office just a few minutes before I was due there. I had taken the afternoon off, as had my sister, who accompanied me. We waited for about 45 minutes to an hour, before we were told that Dr. Adolph had been called away on an emergency. My sister was quite upset, but my attitude was "If I were the emergency I would want him to do the same thing." The receptionist told us that I would have to re-contact the head office in Ypsilanti, Michigan to set up another appointment. I was prepared to do that, but figured I would have to wait at least another month for another appointment. At 7:00 the following morning, Dr. Adolph, himself, called me to apopogize, and to set up another appointment for the following week. He had my attention, as well as my respect, from then on. I went back the following week and he sold me on the surgery. I waited seven months and one day for my surgery. I know that may seem like a while but BTC is very thorough with pre-testing. I had complications following the surgery, but I do not feel that any of them were directly related to the surgery. I was in a lot poorer health than I realized, plus I fell six days before my surgery and hurt my ribs, and did not tell him. I now realize what a stupid move that was! I can truly say tht Dr. Adolph was there for me every step of the way. I spent 12 days at BTC, before he made arrangements to have me transferred to another hospital. He would have done it sooner, but I kept asking him not to transfer me. He finally made the arrangements and then came and told me what he had done, and why he had decided to do it. He explained that they did not have the staff and technology there to address my problems and that I needed to be in a hospital where they would be able to address my problems. He promised tht he would continue to take an active part in my care at the other hospital. I have to say that he came in there every day that he was on duty to check on me. This was AFTER his regular day at BTC. With each passing day my impression of Dr. Adolph only got better. I can honestly say that he is the MOST caring doctor that I have ever come in contact with. I will tell you that between BTC and the regular hospital, I spent a total of seven weeks in the hospital. It wasn't fun, but it was necessary. I continue to see Dr. Adolph regularly...more often than the average patient. He is truly concerned about me and how I am progressing since he released me from the hospital. He sees me every one to two months and has called me on several occasions to see how I am doing. He is the GREATEST!!! Even though I had complications, I was aware of the risks the very first time I met with him. He explained that is was a major surgery, and that as with any major surgery, there are risks. He also explained in great detail the surgical procedure, which I was really thankful for. He answered any questions that my sister and I had, and the asked if I thought that it would be something I would be interested in. Even with all the complications I had, I would do it again in a heartbeat! His followup is absolutely great. He makes one feel like the whole process is a team effort. I think that I have said this before, but I will say it again, I think Dr. Michael D. Adolph is the greatest doctor in the world. I absolutely adore him!!! He is extremely intelligent and well trained in the Roux EN Y procedure, but I would feel confident letting him do any kind of general surgery on me. Not only is he an excellent doctor, but he has a very caring bedside manner...AND he is easy on the eyes, as well as funny and sweet. I love him to death, and if you decide to use him, I hope you will find him as wonderful as I did. He is certainly a great one to have on your side!!! I would also like to say that the office and hospital staff at BTC are the greatest. Sone of the most compassionate people in the world work at the Bariatric Care Center in Groveport, Ohio. The nurses as well as the assistants were wonderful. The people from the lab and the ones in x-ray were also very nice and considerate. The food service workers and the cleaning staff are alsoexceptional. My experience at BTC in Groveport was a very positive one. I really do not have anything bac to say about any of it, other than I hate needles, and they were always coming in to take blood or put in a new IV. But that is a personal problem. By the way, my surgery date was December 6th, 2002."
About Me
Newark, Oh
Apr 26, 2004
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Winter 2002
Late spring 2004/October 2004
