Gregory Walton

"<font face="pegasus"color="purple"size="4"> <center><img src=""><center> I have decided to go with Dr. Gregory Walton here in Enid. I have not yet met with him personally, but in talking to his office staff, I am very impressed. He may not have done very many surgeries as compared to other surgeons, but the fact that they are more personal and will work with you and your insurance is very important to me. I will try to keep updating this page to add new information as I have my appointments with him. <br> <center><img src=""><center> June 18, 2002: Consultation; I absolutely like him! He is very nice, and compassionate and seems very empathetic and caring about my situation. He may not have very many surgeries under his belt, but he sure knows what he is doing. Apparently, he has been through some trauma (I was told a severe fire), because his face is quite severely scarred. However, this does not keep him from doing what he needs to do and I was able to look past it and listen to what he had to say. He was very informative with all the questions I had and was honest and told me if he didn't know the answer, but told me he would find out (as in such things as insurance and finances). The office staff was very pleasant and told me exactly what I needed to know and assured me that everything that need to get done would be taken care of. I am really glad I chose him! <br> <center><img src=""><center> June 30, 2002: An article was written about Dr. Walton and one of his patients in the local newspaper. Here is the link: <a href="" target="new">Enid News and Eagle Newspaper Article</a> <br> <center><img src=""><center> August 6, 2002: I called Robin this morning and made sure that she had recieved the letter from Dr. Fast and that everything was in order to send in my predetermination. She said that mine was about three down from what she was currently working on and that it would be turned in today. About and hour later, I got a call saying I AM APPROVED!!!! Robin has been awesome in letting me know when things happen and I really thank God for her and all she is doing because I know she is really busy! <br> <center><img src=""><center> August 22, 2002: I went a paid my part of the bill to Robin and them today. I paid them $250 and then I went a paid the hospital $1,000. That's all I am going to have to pay and it is really nice! <br> <center><img src=""><center> September 1, 2002: Well, Dr. Walton was great. I was very impressed. He came in about once a day to check on me after surgery and seemed very interested in what I had to say. In talking with my family, he was very caring and called every hour during surgery (and with it taking 6 hours, I know that was well-appreciated). Then after surgery, he fully explained everything that happened to my family when I was in recovery. Dr. Abernathy, his assistant, was also really good. Dr. Walton had to go out of town on Wednesday after surgery and Dr. Abernathy took over. He was really good and listened to what I had to say. I think I was most impressed and appreciative of Freda, Dr. Walton's assistant. She was absolutely fabulous! I saw her about a week before surgery amd asked her a few things including if she could save my gall-stones. :-) Freda was about the last person I remember seeing while going under anesthesia and was there all throughout my hospital stay. She came in just to talk and would come often... almost every day. I always enjoyed seeing her face. And ya know what? She remembered to dave my gall-stone! Robyn (forgive my spelling on all other posts) was there throughout also. She came to visit me almost every day and was there to offer help and to see if I had any questions. I know that I was well-cared for. Dr. Walton and especially his staff was wonderful and obviously cared about my outcome and I wasn't just another of their patients. Overall, I was really impressed and am really looking forward to working with him now that I am post-op. <br> <center><img src=""><center> April 3, 2003: I am so very glad I chose Dr. Walton as my surgeon. I go in to weight in the office about once every 2 weeks. I have become friends with Robyn and Freda and Linda. I see Dr. Walton in there every once in a while and he always says how good I look and how good I am doing. That makes me feel really well. They have developed a wonderful support and informational program with pre-op forums and support groups for pre and post-op patients. I missed last month's support group and I really felt a void! I am so glad to have a team of people here for me as I go through this. Lord knows it has been worth it, but it also has not been easy at times. To any who might be reading this who are deciding about this surgery, feel free to contact me. I love talking to people about my experiences and remember what it was like trying to find the answers to all my questions. I can't say I can answer them all, but I can at least give you my story. <br> <center><img src=""><center> June 30, 2003: I am still wonderfully impressed with Dr. Walton, Robyn, Freda, Linda, and everyone else. I had my 9 month check up earlier this month and everything was still going great! I am trying to get more and more involved in the bariatric program with his office. We put on a special support group party this month. We had a pool party which I planned and had a ball doing so! I am trying to get them to agree to a bi-monthly support group meeting, but will update later on that progreess. I am so thankful for them giving me this "tool" for me to have a better life and be so much more healthy and happy. I was more or less happy before, but never in my wildest dreams did I ever think things could be this good!<br> <center><img src=""><center>"

St. Mary's Regional Medical Center

"I was really impressed overall. There were some things that got on my nerves. I liked the nurses... they were great and really seemed to care about my being there. As I was released, my head nurse wheeled me out and gave me a hug to see me off. I had one nurse that never failed to remind me to smile and that made me feel good. I believe her name was Debbie. I don't remember many nurse's names, but all the RNs and CNAs were very nice. I thought they could use a little improvement in getting things to me. I sort of had to remind them about my meals and water and even medicine sometimes. Some were better than others. I got a little tired of asking for things and getting them 45 minutes later. The other thing is that WLS is VERY NEW to St. Mary's. I knew that from the get-go. So it didn't come to a surprise that I really had to remind them of a lot. I think it was the first day they gave me regular 7-up for my meal and that was a big no-no. The nurse apologized and didn't do it again. Other things were about crushing pills and such. I think there was only one nurse I didn' care for, don't remember her name, but she would always comment on the dainty little meals I have to have and how she couldn't ever imagine doing such a thing. It just sort of got annoying. Overall, I really enjoyed my stay and was impressed with my care."

Gary Fast

"Dr. Fast was really good at explaining everything and he trule seemed like he was interested in helping me make sure I am ready for my surgery. He was very kind and was very understanding. "

David Matousek

"Dr. Matousek was very caring and understanding. I have never gone to a doctor about my weight before because I was vervous about talking to them about it. He made it very easy and put my mind at ease that I was doing the right thing. He wasn't the one who had originally told me about the surgery, but he knows about it and was able to give me enough information for me to make a good decision about things."
About Me
Hood River, OR
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
This photo was taken of my husband and I in January of 2002; just learning about surgery.
This photo was taken in April of 2003. I am 7 months post-op and have lost 124 pounds.
