Change of Meeting Location

May 26, 2013

I  have moved to Yuba City and we will be meeting at First Baptist Church of Olivehurst. Please email me for information thank you, Sandi


Support Group Meetings

Oct 13, 2011

We are now meeting on the folowing dates at the Church of the Cross.

Time 7pm

4465 Hst Sacramento, CA 95822

October 21           Nov 4 and 18th          Dec 2nd and 16th

Exploring new weight loss and low calorie recipes

Feb 06, 2011

I have decided to explore the wide variety of  healthy recipes. If you would like to try any of these I will scan the page for you to try.

I started with The Slenda Recipes Cookbook  (Note I am only going to use a few of them for now)

My 1ST Night, I made Creamy Coleslaw, Caribbean Chicken and served pineapple chunks with it. This was very easy to make and tasted great. Needless to say I will be adding them to my favorites list.

The 2ND Night ( I know I skipped the last 3 splenda recipes but crab sounded good)
I tried a crab cakes recipe form the Recipes For Life After Weight - Loss Surgery cook book

This was easy to mix, hard to form patties, and definitely did not look like the ones in the picture. Needless to say it didn't taste all that great either. I don't think I will try this again. I paired this with the Creamy Coleslaw (coleslaw was the best part of this dish LOL).

The 3RD Night (Back to SplendaRecipes Cook book)I made Simple South West Salmon and served creamy coleslaw with this as well, Yummy full of flavor..

Tonight is cold crab and shrimp with crackers ( no real recipe for this, just pre cooked crab/shrimp and I love wassa crakers ( low calorie, fat, and has 2 grams protein can't beat that

This week: Made carrot and rasin salad very yummy (my twist oin the creamy coleslaw from above)

Birthday Breakfast for my boyfriend  Today I made Breakfast Turkey Sausage from Recipes for Life After Weight Loss Surgerycook book, cheese egg omlet (my own recipe), Cheesy Jalapeno Cornbread from the Slenda Cook Book , home style potatoes (my recioe), and strawberries dipped in dark sugar free chocolate (agaiin my own recipe). "I peronally just ate a small patty and a small portion of potaoes and a strawberry dipped in sugar free dark chocolate."
The Turkey sausage was a little too spicy for me, but other wise it had a great flavour and was easy to make. Cheesy Jalopeno Cornbread was easy to make, his only comment was he wished I would have put more jalapenos in the recipe. Strawberries are a sinch and can be done in advance. egg omlet was very easy too.

Tuesday Night... Pizza NIght: Whole Wheet Hawaian Pizza: I made my Gramps old favorite pizza dough recipe adn made it half whole wheet and rolled it very thin, I grated mozarella and cheddar cheese, used tomatoe sauce (very little) canadian ham, and pineapple. This was great when served hot, it had a cracker like crust and very tasty.

Birthday lunch for my boyfriend: Fried chicken tendars  (his recipe) Splenda's creamy coleslow from above " a must have in my house lately" and some more of his Cornbread from above. I personally will not be having lunch as I had a Protein coffee Shake fro Breakfast and ate brunch..

Sunday I made a taco lazona dish and changed it up some, turned out yummy.

Tuesday Morning I made whole wheet oatmeal with raisins, cinammon protien powder and walnuts... This was very good and filling.


About Me
Sacramento, CA
Feb 01, 2011
Member Since

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