May 07, 2014

WOW!!! I has been quite sometime that I have been on here. I have had some bumps along my journey, I initially was suppose to get my RNY surgery 2 yrs ago. Some things didn't go as planned and I did not get it .  The good news is that I managed to lose 70lbs, and I am very happy to announce that my new surgery date is 5/27/2014. I have been through a tough journey but my book just begins. I have seen reviews on here and am truly inspired by all of you who are going through this journey as well. I am here with open ears and a positive attitude if anyone wants to talk, I know I can use some friends. 


WLS Journey

Jun 05, 2012

It's still a working progress for me so far, I have 2 more months to go and then I schedule my appointment for my surgery. "YAY" I am so excited and nervous at the same time. I have lost around 17LBS and eating right and incorperating more exercise into my life. Going to the monthly support groups has helped me a lot. All the people their are all angels who give their life experience and I do truely take it to the heart. Well until next time

WLS Journey

Apr 20, 2012

    I know I have not given an update in awhile, it's just been crazy this month. I have had all my pre-op appointments this month and that is what has kept me so busy. Well I am almost done with them and just need to keep on focusing losing some weight before the surgery. I have been trying so hard this month and I think I have done good on not cheating, but I feel I have not gone very far, but I will see when I weigh in for my Dr. appointment. I have been fitting walking in daily, I have been parking farther when I go to the stores and I have been taking the stairs instead of the elevator most of the time. I am also proud to say that I have joined CURVES and will be starting next week. Now that I am going through this and with all the Dr. appointments so many things in my health have been all popping up and it's scary and a relief at the same time scary because I my health is worse than I thought and a relief because if I was not going through this I would have never found out of my other health issues. So now that all this is happening to me I am so truly taking my life seriously, and that is what gives me the motivation to keep going. I tell myself I don't want to die every time I want to give up.  


WLS Journey

Mar 26, 2012

     Today I met with Dr. Goergescu, I was so excited and nervous at the same time. Well first of all my BMI is 56.6 and I need to bring it down to 49 for him to do the surgery which I am fully committed to doing. But we are looking around September for surgery hopefully sooner. I have my nutrition appointment on 4/25/2012 @ 10:30am. So I am very excited about that and I am also waiting for the Dr. to call me so I can go do my sleep study. I also go in the morning to get my labs so the cardiologist can see me and that gives a chance to talk with my PCP to see if she can fax a letter saying how long she has tracked my weight for and why she is concerned. Got my picture taken today and I know I looked horrible but other than I am very happy to get my journey started. Thank you god

My WLS Journey

Mar 09, 2012


       I just wanted to start off by saying that I completed my first step to my WLS journey yesterday. I went to the WLS seminar with my best friend and learned so much more and I still know that there is plenty more that I  need learn more about. I actually shook (praying and praying that he will be) my surgeon Dr. Georgescu. I got kinda of bummed when he said that he limits his patients who have medicaid as their insurance to 2-3 patients per month. But when I seen my PCP today she said that it is not so bad after all I so many things to do before. Well after my visit with my PCP, I went ahead and called Dr. Georgescu's office to see if I can schedule an appointment and YAY I was my first appointment with him will be on 3/26/2012. Of course I am very excited, the seminar also mentioned that it is very important to start making life style changes right away, which means proper diet and exercise. It is so that we also get our bodies used to the new change and believe me I am ready for change. So as of tomorrow I am starting to make better choices of what I eat and include 30 minutes of exercise, I am also going to give up on pop even though I only drink diet pop I still need to eliminate it. Well I will keep posting my journey and pray that all will go well.


My Journey Begins :)

Mar 07, 2012

        Today is the start of a new beginning for me. I am super excited because it happens to be my first seminar of the WLS. I can not even begin to tell you how I am so ready for the change. Well I am so ready to learn everything about it, I have done lots and lots of research, but not nearly enough of what is to come. My seminar is at 6pm @ North Suburban in Thornton Colorado. I decided to blog about it since it is my first actual appointment learning about WLS. I  will continue to post on any updates and upcoming appointments. Again I am new to this so if their are any comments or anything you want to share please do. I would love to meet new people and I am a good listener.

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 05, 2012
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