I was never the shy fat girl in the corner, I have always had a large loud personality and full of life. I have always had a lot of friends and very social. I have never had any qualms about being in a bathing suit. I decided to do Gastric bypass in 2002 to focus on my health for one. I originally had my Gastric bypass in March of 2003 after graduating from The Ohio State University. I was 21 years old when I had the surgery, just shy of my 22nd birthday. Encouraged by my success and enthusiasm for the change I had made, my parents both decided to take the step too. My mother had Gastric Bypass in October of 2003 and my father in November of 2003. My Mother has done very well with her procedure and has lost 100+ lbs that have stayed off. My father passed away two weeks after his surgery from a pulmonary embolism. His procedure went well and there was no reason to suspect that would happen. I say this not to scare others or have people feel sorry for me but to illustrate that my father's weight of almost 600 lbs could have had the same result whether or not he had the surgery. I am so proud of my Dad for trying to make a positive change in his life and our families life, but I will always miss him and the memories we wont get to have in the future. His passing really hit me hard and I went back to my old habits and began to mask my grief for our family's loss through non-compliance. In March of 2004, my family experienced another blow with the sudden passing of my aunt (non obesity related) at the age of 38. A blessing did come out of that experience and I met my now husband Matt. Life began to take a change for the better- I had purchased my first home, was dating, engaged and married to Matt. I went to and graduated from grad school, loved my job and was doing very well at work. I still had the great friends I have had through it all and had begun to make some new friends as well. I was a Delta Gold Medallion member, that's a lot of flying for a large person!! But while I enjoyed my life to the fullest, my weight slowly creaped back on and I either ignored it or did not notice. I had several bouts with Weight Watchers and other diets but nothing gave me the final boost to make it successful. Matt and I have been married three years now and kids are in our future. I have had several friends who I would consider fit and active be considered higher risk pregnancies due to their weight. That again got my focused on doing what is right for myself and our future family. I have begun the process of having a gastric bypass revision with my surgeon- who knows my family history and is an awesome support!

More to come!

About Me
Columbus, OH
Surgery Date
Mar 01, 2002
Member Since

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