I am a woman of great conviction, you may be offended. I am learning what it means to be a "grownup". I have a Gypsy soul.I cant help but to be judgmental. I have a general ♥ for people. Writing is how I express alot of feelings. Many people bore me half to death. I ♥ Redding, if you don’t like it, please leave. It is just as exciting as you make it out to be. I ♥ food. I have double standards. I hate being annoyed, especially by people. People who constantly make themselves into victims need to get over themselves and take responsibility for there actions. Sometimes I wish I were black or Mexican... or just a guy so I can sing in a barbershop quartet. I am paranoid and edgy. Jesus is my homeboy.I hate girls that take advantage of good guys. ♥I love being in love.♥ If I don't like you, you will be notified. Midnight swims are better than ice cream. I take many things for granted. My family is gigantic and I love all of them.I can't stand unpolished toe nails.I give out brownie points.Yes, I cowgirl up. I am neither a Democrat or Republican, I am a Pirate... end of story... All girls are beautiful...Don’t use excuses with me. I keep my life pretty simple.I don't like cherry flavored anything, except cola. A warm afternoon spent laying in the grass, blowing bubbles and cloud watching is my heaven. I don't really like perfumes. I am a walking party foul. My brother Jacob is going to be a famous trumpet player. I prefer Pepsi over Coke, which is a sin in my family...email me to ask me why. I secretly strive for perfection. I hate religion. I feel sorry for ugly people. I will go out of my way for you. Money does make the world go round. My sister Katie is my "mini me". I could eat a whole box of Oreos. I have no sympathy for people who complain about their job, be thankful God gave you a job. Most people know me as "Zach's little sister" even though I am the oldest. Yes I do screen my calls, do not leave me a message, just call again in a bit... I might answer. . Teachers are not appreciated enough. Real Gangsters are lame. I have no regrets.I cry when I get stressed. People who know nothing about their political or religious beliefs, yet push those beliefs on others, make me sick. Burly trucks are hecka hot.I’m outspoken if I don’t like you, I am shy if I don’t want to make myself look like a idiot... most of the time. I love my job. I sleep on my days off, so don’t expect me to call you back, unless I like you... alot. I have a disabled persons parking permit. I mosh.I’m the pickiest person you will ever meet. I love makeup. I’m not easily offended because I do not care. People do not try hard enough. I want people to like me, unless I hate you, then I want you to be afraid of me.Remember I probably don’t like you, unless I have told you otherwise. I like to watch people. If I had T-Mobile, Jesus would be in my fav 5. I am just like my dad. Don’t judge me, you know nothing about me.

About Me
Redding, CA
Feb 19, 2010
Member Since

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