Day 4

Jul 14, 2012

I felt really good today.  It's still pretty painful at times, but I got out of the house and did a little grocery shopping.  I'm still losing the water weight from all the IV's they pumped into me.  So the number on the scale is kinda messing with my head.  I just have to breath and realize that it's only the beginning.  
I've been able to meet my protein needs and that makes me happy.  My sons have been sooooo WONDERFUL this week.   I really want to take them to the beach or something just to say thank you.
My only worry is drinking enough water.  I'm worried that I'm not getting enough.  Before the surgery, I drank almost a gallon a day.  I'm trying very hard not to drink too much, but man am I thirsty.
Ok, that's all for tonight, I'm tired and need some shut eye.


About Me
Jul 13, 2012
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