After months and months of research of bariatric surgery and the different options, I have finally decided on the the VGS...the Sleeve.  I am 2 days away from my early Tuesday morning surgery.  Excited, nervous, scared, excited and keeping focused  on the prize.
I have always been a 'big' girl... and I am a truly 'healthy' fat girl; no blood sugar issues, heart disease, sleep apnea, reflex----just horrible joint issues. My parents are of normal weight and my brother has always fought to keep weight on...I truly eat healthy and enjoy exercising...but over the last 10-15 yrs I have lost the battle.  I put 60 lbs on with my first daughter 20 years ago and then another 60 lbs with my 2nd daughter 16 years ago.  My body loves to hold on to this 'fat'....and I hate to  be hungry.  LIke so many others, diets worked temporaryly, but I have lost the same 20 lbs about 50 times over the last 5 years.
But now,my knees hurt so bad and I have had knee surgery and will be looking at more  if I don't get this 120 lbs off.
It is time and the process of approval and finding great support groups and an awesome surgeon has been without any speed I know this is the next chapter I am going to be writing in my life....and it  starts Tuesday morning.

About Me
Georgetown, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 26, 2010
Member Since

Friends 12
