charanewme 21 years, 5 months ago

Scott congratulations on your wt. loss. Best wishes for a brighter future. Charlene

cat P. 21 years, 5 months ago

Congratulations, on your weight lose. God Bless . Cat Price

kylakae 21 years, 5 months ago

<table border="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15%"><center><IMG SRC="" width="175" height="268"></center></td><td width="85%" valign="middle"><b><font face="Lucida Sans" color="#9900CC">Happy re-Birthday to Scott Binkerd!&nbsp; Scott has lost over 147lbs this past year and become a new daddy!&nbsp; Scott, please stop by and tell us if you had a boy or a girl and let us know how you are doing!&nbsp; Congratulations on your awesome success and may this next year be your best ever!&nbsp; It will probably be your busiest with a new little one to keep you on your toes!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

Ellen H. 22 years, 4 months ago

Hi Scott. Congratulations on making it safely through your surgery. You sound like you are well on the road to recovery! I am very happy for you. Hope you are having fun making babies, you'll be a great dad, able to run and jump and laugh with your kids. Take care of yourself and keep us updated as to your progress.

Deanna T. 22 years, 4 months ago

<font color=orange> <font=bold> <font=georgia> <font size=4>YEA BABY~! SCOTT you DID IT...I am so EXCITED for you...just think of all of the AWESOME things that you have to look forward too...please always remember YOU DESRVE THIS new chance at living a HAPPY and HEALTHY life...Lots of Love, Deanna:) (((MUAH)))</font color=orange> </font=bold> </font=georgia> </font size=4>

DebPKansas 22 years, 4 months ago

~A~ Angel reporting in....Scott is home!!!!! Great news!!!! He's sore, and feeling hunger pains but otherwise doing well. Please help me in welcoming him home =) Best wishes Scott!!!! (((hugs)))) and smiles =)))

Leann B. 22 years, 4 months ago

12/18/01 - Scott is still in the hospital today. Although he has been doing very well, we did find out yesterday, that he has a stricture which is preventing him from taking any pain pills. His doctor stated that it is more than likely swelling that should be going down soon. Scott was happy to hear that he wouldn't have to take the leak test again!!! Hopefully, Scott will be able to go home tomorrow. This will be very good as he has been ready to go home since Sunday. He has been kicking butt with the walking around the hospital - even the nurses are saying that he is the model patient. I, of course, have to brag - he's my husband!!!!

kylakae 22 years, 5 months ago

Scott, congratulations on making a safe journey to the other side!

DebPKansas 22 years, 5 months ago

Happy ~A~ Angel!!!!! Just talked with Scott on the phone, he had surgery yesterday and is doing GREAT!!! He was really groggy but pleased everything went so well. Chief complaint..."It sucks to not get anything to drink until Monday!" We all remember that sooooo well =). Please send your congratulations to Scott on his page. Prayers have been answered! (((hugs))) and smiles =)))

Karen B. 22 years, 5 months ago

Scott, I hope everything goes well with your surgery and that you have an easy recovery. My surgery is in 3 days and a wake up!!!
About Me
Kansas City, MO
Surgery Date
Jun 14, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
This is not my highest weight. I was 402 at my heaviest,
