Jennie L. 15 years, 9 months ago

Hey Mr. How's things going with?? I'm down 41 lbs. Sure hope things are good for you!! Keep in touch!!

Jennie L. 15 years, 10 months ago

Glad to see that you're pumping right on along. I'm not sure how much I've lost since last Monday, but I figure at least a few more lbs. I went out dancing last night and strained my abs. NOT cool. Woke up sore and by an hour later, I couldn't hardly breath because it was hurting so bad! Had to break into the left over pain meds. So be careful if you want to go out, NO dancing. lol

Jennie L. 15 years, 11 months ago

How's things going with you? GREAT I hope. How you enjoying the liquid diet? I'm a bit tired of it myself. I have one more week to go, then its on to the Soft diet. So bring on the overly done pasta's and fall apart meat. :-)

Jennifer K. 15 years, 11 months ago

Hey! I hope this finds you well. I pray that everything went well with your surgery and you are recovering well and speedily. Take care and God bless! ~Jennifer~

Jennie L. 15 years, 11 months ago

Luckily I am home. Everything went great. Hope yours is going awesome too. Keep me posted.
About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 29, 2008
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Latest Blog 16
8 weeks post-op
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