Yearly Update, only 5 months late

Jul 21, 2011

Hard to believe, that I am 12 yrs post-op.  Time really does fly when you are having fun.   My new job is great, i have a total weight loss of 35 lbs, still haven't broken the plane of 200 lbs, but i will be there soon.   I know that i am going to have to be continually vigilant about what i put into my mouth.   My biggest downfall is diet I wish I had not picked up that first one post-op. 
I'm back down to a size 16 and I am comfortable there.  I feel good, blood pressure and all of my blood work continues to be in the normal range.  With the job change, my health plan changed and I had to change primary care physicians.   The new doctor says that I am his first "old timer" RNY patient, being 12 years post-op.  
I will be 58 years old in April, and without this surgery, i know I never would have seen this happen.  I knew that I was on a downward spiral, spinning out of control.   I am proud of my scar, my 37 stitches.    I took the wonderful that the surgery gave to me and have continued to work it.   I have seen many people that have taken the gift and did not continue to work their program and they are in some cases, larger than they were pre-surgery.   That is so sad, and thanks to many on this board, who shared their stores, so that I could be educated and uplifted when I needed help.


About Me
San Diego, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 04, 2000
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Christmas 2000 - 6 weeks preop, at my heaviest
Look at me now!!

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