Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center (COE)

"I think Good Samaritan is a highly rated hospital. They should have stuck to the rules on the number of visitors and visiting hours. I did not get any rest during my stay. The staff was great, but I would have liked them to kick out all of those who did not need to be there so those of us who needed to re-coup could have."

Alan Newhoff

"Dr Newhoff seems very nice. He is very informative and answers every question with great knowledge and detail. His office staff is also wonderful and helpful. His office is very prepared for large people. The furniture is big/heavy and roomy. He emphasizes aftercare as being very important and after surgery follow ups are no charge. He wants to see you and your success. I felt that I was given all of the information I needed to make my decision. He has done over 3000 of these surgeries and I have total confidence. He seems to really truly want to help all of the obese patients!! "

Carb Control

"I tried the 11 oz chocolate fudge flavor. 99% fat free with 15 grams of protein. 2 grams of carbs. It tastes similar to slim-fast chocolate fudge. Found at Wal-Mart by the pharmacy. "

Thomas Schimke

"Dr Schimke is a great listener and has a heart of gold. He, as well as his staff are very caring and supportive. "
About Me
Phoenix, AZ
Surgery Date
May 22, 2002
Member Since
