10/20/06 I had surgery 6 months ago.  I have lost 75 lbs. That means I have lost 20 lbs in the past 3 months.  Not so good in my mind. I know it's better than I would be doing if I didn't have the surgery but I need to step it up.  I joined a gym this past week. Hopefully this will speed up my metabolism.  I am really starting to see a difference in my clothes.  I was able to go through my clothes and get rid of quite a bit just because they were ridiculously big.  I was just looking at some pictures of me 75 lbs ago, so even thought I am not where I want to be, I know I have already come a long way.

7/14/06 I had my 3 month check up today. I have lost 54 lbs as of today. They said the average person will lose 20-25% of their expected weight loss by now. I am at 28%. So I am above average. I know I should be happy about this, but to be honest I am not. I still have so far to go. I know I am already healthier but this is not just about being healthier to me. I want to be thin. I don't me bikini or anything but I want to be at a weight that someone who doesn't know me would never know I was obese. Everyone is saying how good I look. Yeah I do look better, but compared to what! It's not like I had a far way to go to look better. My weight loss is slowing down and I am scared I won't ever be thin. I see so many people who had this surgery who are at their goal and that goal still leaves them overweight. That is not good enough to me. I know I am looking too far ahead but sometimes you just can't help it. On a brighter note my protein level is good. That's good. I don't want to lose my hair. I no longer have high cholesterol which is excellent. I still have diabetes and high blood pressure but I am sure I will lose enough weight to get rid of them at some point. The only thing wrong with my blood work is my B12 is low. So I guess I am doing ok medically whichis important. BMI 47.8.

5/18/06 I had my 6 week check up today. I have lost 37 lbs. The doctor says that is good. I am slightly disappointed. I want it to come off even quicker. I know I am being impatient so I will try not to dwell on it. People are already noticing a difference in my appearance which makes me feel good. I only see a minimal difference but I feel so much better. I feel healthier. People are starting to bug me asking me what I can eat or being surprised or even disgusted if I tell them for example that I had roast beef for breakfast. You know people just want to know if you are losing, so why not just ask me that and nothing else? I guess I shouldn't bitch & just keep in mind that I am doing well and yeah some people are being nosey but others geniunally care. BMI 50.8 (I'm almost extremely obese (BMI 50) instead of super obese .... lol)

4/20/06 Had 2 week check up today. I lost 27 lbs. I got "in trouble" for eating foods too earlier. I should have been on liquids a week longer & I haven't been pureeing my foods. Dietician told me I don't have to change now since I haven't been having problems but I am lucky I didn't have any. The doctor wasn't too happy but was happy with my weight loss. I just have to be more cautious. I am not as healed as I think I am on the inside. I got the ok to go back to work Monday which I am looking forward too. I am bored. I have been out of work 3 weeks already & I have had enough "me" time. Oh yeah I only have to take half a pill for diabetes now once a day, probably for a month longer & I am stopping my asthma medicine as of next week. The only thing I will have left to get rid of is my blood pressure medicine, which I will probably be on for a few more months. BMI 52.6

4/10/06 I can move about 85% as good as before. I have trouble bending and twisting, and can't move quickly. Overall I am feeling great. Pain is minimal. I'm not taking anything for it. I have to remind myself to drink. I can't sit still for long periods of time because I feel like I am bouncing off the walls. I can't remember the last time I had energy. It is great. I won't lie, I already miss food. I am afraid I may be in for a long battle with my mind.

4/7/06 I am home. I am sore but mainly from gas that I can't get rid of. Yeah, I know I must walk, walk, walk & it will eventually go away. I am doing so much better than I thought I would be. Yesterday was bad for me, but today is much better. Right now I am going to focus on walking, coughing and drinking my fluids. I hate all of these things right now, but I guess that is how life is, you have to do some things you dislike to get what you want. The final goal will be worth it. I think after my soreness goes away in the next couple of weeks I'll feel more positive and might even enjoy doing some of these things. Right now I am just glad the surgery is done.

4/3/06 Well, I have surgery tomorrow. I am confident everything will go well. However if by some slim chance there are complications, I want all my loved ones to know I don't regret making this decision, just that I didn't do it sooner. I couldn't do it on my own. I've exhausted all other possibilities and I would not have taken this step if I didn't feel I had no other choice. I want to be around for many years to come as a healthy, happy person who can actually enjoy life without a lot of pain and discomfort both physically and mentally.

3/30/06 I had my pre admission testing done yesterday. I have to use my c-pap machine (sleep apnea) religiously, use an inhaler (asthma) and practice with a breathing tube to boost my breathing for after surgery for the next 5 days until surgery. I had an ultra sound & don't have gall stones so they won't be removing that at this time, probably in a year or so so I am told anyway when a person loses a large amount of weight quickly. So everything appears to be ok for surgery. I guess it's time to start getting nervous. I have a lot to get ready in the next few days since I will be in the hospital for a few days, so I guess being busy will keep my mind off of it.

3/24/06 I am having surgery April 4th. I am so EXCITED and nervous. I can't wait. I am just hoping my sugar level A1C is where it needs to be when I go for my PAT. I have been trying harder than ever. I just hope it has worked.

3/17/06 Approved by insurance waiting for surgery date. Can't wait!

3/10/06 I am hoping to have surgery in April 2006. Waiting to hear from insurance. I was approved a year ago but approval expired. I had to wait for surgery until I got my A1C level down. I finally did it. It was hard & too be honest I wasn't working on it as I should have been. I finally got my act together holiday time and now the doctor has approved me for surgery. I should have my date hopefully late next week. I was told surgerys are not that far out at Barix, so my thoughts are April. BMI 57.4

About Me
Warminster, PA
Surgery Date
Dec 21, 2002
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excercise ugh!
