Luis Reyes

"Hi! My name is Lisa Tucker and I am from Houston Texas. There was time 15 years ago I was 300 pounds. My son was 18 months old and I found it difficult to keep up with him phsically. I thought about a life I was going to put him through.So I obtained information on weight reduction.Being a nurse I already had an understanding of the procedure they would do.I met the requirements according to my insurance company,100lbs over idea body weight, I had 3 previous back surgery and high blood pressure,which only added to the need for this gastric bypass.So I had what I belived to be stapleing up the stomach and reattaching to the intestines.I drop 100 lbs in a year and things started looking up for me. Approxmally 20 months later I was at 180 pounds and started throwing up no nausea just an overwhelming feeling of my stomach being overfilled,like the feeling you have after you eat thanksgiving dinner.I was eating small amounts of food I would not even keep water down.I sought out help from the hospital emergency room but everytime I go in they just hidrated me and sent me on.It had been going on for 14 years to where I got down to 92 lbs.I did not want to let my family see me like this.One day one of my nieces came over then got the family involved.No one knew what to do.No one would help me I did not have any insurance and could only work two days a week Then my oldest sister just so happen to work in OR and got to talking to Dr. Luis Reyes and was able to get down to the valley and finally get some help.Dr. Luis Reyes did a Reversal on My so call Gastric bypass which turned out to be a gastric bypass plasty and lap band.If it was not for this Dr. Luis Reyes I think I would have just died. I had this reversal on Feb 13,2009,I weigh 92lbs.As of July 18,2009 I weigh 155 lbs. I still do eat small meals but I seem to be getting back to myself.You just do not know what this has done to me for 14 years thing I was going to die and This Dr,Luis Reyes saved my life.I understand I was his first reversal gastric bypass.I can not tell you I will ever be greatfull and never forget Dr. Luis Reyes.He is my guargian angel.You could not ask for a better surgeon anywhere than this Dr. "
About Me
McAllen, TX
May 14, 2009
Member Since
